I Saw You: V.2.0

To the squid with the dreadlocks at Bovaird/Van Kirk, if it takes you 3 lanes to do a u turn and you still run off onto the shoulder I think you need to invest in a few cones and some parking lot practice also putting it up on one wheel off every light doesn't impress anyone. Enjoy the 172, keep riding like that and it will catch up with you soon.
this morning 10:30ish Ridge Rd and Park above Grimsby...

15-20 various sport bikes, hope you had a good ride
Today around 12:30 @ Guelph Line and Hwy 7. 2 or 3 sport bikes pulled off the side of the road and a cruiser type bike 20 feet in the ditch standing straight up in the bushes. Maybe trying to keep up and took the curve a little hot???? Hope everyone made it out safe. Good thing it wasn't the curve 200' before or you would have been swimming.
3 riders headed east on 401.

Two r1s and a zx 14, 1 female, 2 dudes.

I was on the CBR 600 that tagged along for the ride. I'm pretty sure I then spotted you guys at Kennedy commons a little while after that.

See you guys around.
Today around 12:30 @ Guelph Line and Hwy 7. 2 or 3 sport bikes pulled off the side of the road and a cruiser type bike 20 feet in the ditch standing straight up in the bushes. Maybe trying to keep up and took the curve a little hot???? Hope everyone made it out safe. Good thing it wasn't the curve 200' before or you would have been swimming.

I saw these guys too! Hope everyone was ok.
Followed behind a bagger with a pillon on Taunton from Pickering onward. Too dark for me to see if you were a Goldwing or a Harley, sorry, as most of my attention later was focused on these two complete loser vehicles doing some sort of road rage/game of chicken on Taunton. Very bizarre, they were taking turns cutting each other off in front (including by driving into oncoming lane) and then brake checking their opponent. Incredibly dangerous for everyone including other cars. I got the license plate of one, blue car BRZM 924. Didn't get the license plate of the silver SUV. Pulled off in Whitby, so that the crazies could kill each other in isolation.
Some sort of older Red Ducati supersport bike on 410N last night around 3AM. I thought it was a 748. Anyone on here?

Dude can ride.
Ridng to Muzik Beach on Lakeshore and saw5 bikes and a car pulled over by Ontario Place with 3 cruisers in attendance around 6 pm. Friend told me afterwards at Muzik that they were all being towed.
...on the orange and black SS who thought it would be a great idea to pass me on the left, within my own lane (the left lane on the EB 401, just getting into Scarborough), then wobble ridiculously in between a few cars, right before cutting off a semi posts here?

Right bike - but definitely not me! Happy hunting Will :)
Sunday August 11, 2013 18:30 - 19:30

Hockley Road and Tim Horton's Orangeville

You: CBR 600 F4i (red) and Yamaha FZ6(?) (silver)
Me: Buell Lightning XB9SX

It was very nice to meet and speak with you guys at Tim's. :cool:

I'll have to check out the weekly meets.
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Right bike - but definitely not me! Happy hunting Will :)

I can confirm it was definitely a guy - an incompetent one, LOL! Like he was trying to be "badass" but the skill or awareness clearly wasn't there.

Not that I'm the greatest rider or anything, but if he was trying to impress me, it sure didn't work! Unless he was trying to impress me with how dumb he could be.
A tiny girl with long black hair and looks of Cher wearing black helmet and Icon gear on a beautiful black Buell Lightning with Thunderstorm engine at Queensway and Islington this past Saturday around 3 pm.
How the hell do you manage to ride in high heels?? :confused:
Dude on the red R6 eb QEW this morning around 7:15. 160ish riding solo in the hov lane in a duck footed full tuck. Pulling that **** during rush hour is a great way to have your bike taken away.
Saw: Honda 500 Interceptor
Highlight: Dick Honda CRZ sped up in merging lane and cut biker off.
Me: In my 944

Yup, that would have been me. What a knob that guy was. Trying to outrun a bike in a CRZ... riiiight. Thank god I had the MSC so I was in the left tire track.
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