I Saw You: V.2.0

Some biker on Mavis heading south (behind me) after my visit to the forks on Monday, crazy Asian in an Acura trying to cut me off so I give him the 'no you just didn't maneuver'
He just pulls off and turns left quickly.... not sure what that was about...
To the guy who rode with me a bit today around 5pm-ish. I was on the white/black cbr125, you was on a dark grey v-strom. We spoke for a bit and you asked me where I was headed. I told you and we rode to north to Lawrence where you said we'd split cuz I was headed to Brimley. (I believe we met on Warden). It was nice talking to you and I saw your "see ya" when you pulled ahead. =) Shoulda told you to head to KC later so we could talk more.
Saw what I believe to be a new rider on a Harley Sportster riding east on 16th, HD stickers on the skullcap, 2 bandanas, HD leather vest, rolled up denim. You almost dropped your bike at the light fumbling for your smoke and lighter, then almost hit the Caddilac in the next lane when you got off to a shaky start
1130am Downsview Drivetest center. You were on Blue Ninja 500 about to take your test just as it started to pour. I was on Blue R6. Hope it went well.
Saw what I believe to be a new rider on a Harley Sportster riding east on 16th, HD stickers on the skullcap, 2 bandanas, HD leather vest, rolled up denim. You almost dropped your bike at the light fumbling for your smoke and lighter, then almost hit the Caddilac in the next lane when you got off to a shaky start

I don't smoke, but I seriously have no idea how anyone would even smoke on a bike at speeds over like, 30. Seems like a great way to embarrass yourself.
I don't smoke, but I seriously have no idea how anyone would even smoke on a bike at speeds over like, 30. Seems like a great way to embarrass yourself.

Stop and go traffic and he still almost embarassed himself
See a gaggle of bikers each day at Tims Hurontario and Mayfield, is it just me or is it a fairly closed group of folks. No one says hello acknowledges your there. I am a new rider so not sure of the protocol when getting a coffee!
Saw what I believe to be a new rider on a Harley Sportster riding east on 16th, HD stickers on the skullcap, 2 bandanas, HD leather vest, rolled up denim. You almost dropped your bike at the light fumbling for your smoke and lighter, then almost hit the Caddilac in the next lane when you got off to a shaky start

Actually, I'm trying to imagine what wearing 2 bandanas at the same time even looks like.

One over the other? Facing different directions? One tied around the neck?

Please tell me, I can't stand not knowing.
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Actually, I'm trying to imagine what wearing 2 bandanas at the same time even looks like.

One over the over? Facing different directions? One tied around the neck?

Please tell me, I can't stand not knowing.

One around the head that was poking out from under the helmet, one around the neck (maybe to be pulled over the mouth/nose?)
See a gaggle of bikers each day at Tims Hurontario and Mayfield, is it just me or is it a fairly closed group of folks. No one says hello acknowledges your there. I am a new rider so not sure of the protocol when getting a coffee!

Most will acknowledge you, at least that's been my experience. If I don't know them, I usually just give a nod. Sometimes they'll converse.
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