I Saw You: V.2.0

You: Black Harley Davidson V-Rod
Me: Ducati Monster Diesel
Where: Higher Ground Coffee Co., Belfountain

Shared a chat with you while drinking coffee sitting down on outside in the parking lot

Good chatting with you brother... I plan on heading out there more often, maybe we'll cross paths again.

Saw you both...I was on my red Ninja 300, same parking lot.
Was in my cage driving up the DVP yesterday around 5:30pm. Some guy weaving in an out of traffic and cut me off with maybe a foot to spare from my front bumper. If that wasn't idiotic enough, he turned out to be a lead and his friend was playing catch up... did the same thing by cutting me off. But the friend playing catch up had a poor squid girl clinging onto him for dear life. Both guys weaving/lane splitting had more gear than the girl wearing only tank top and shorts... going at least 120 in the rush hour traffic, couldn't even see what bike they had).
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At Dundas Square now. :)
Why aren't you guys riding :(

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Mina had a track crash. I decided I didn't like how my new gsxr looked so I wrote it off

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
Mina had a track crash. I decided I didn't like how my new gsxr looked so I wrote it off

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Ouch =( I didn't even know you had a GSXR though!
To the old lady driving the SUV who wouldn't give me the pedestrian right-of-way as I walked across the street in Port Hope while wearing a hi-viz vest..

The cop behind you saw you!!

Ha! Ha!
3 months old. Hurt to see after but I'll be back on one soon

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Would it be poor taste to ask wtf happened?
油井緋色;2054241 said:
Would it be poor taste to ask wtf happened?

Speed wobble that was an instant tank slapper at 90kmh. Couldn't get out of it and down I went.

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
Speed wobble that was an instant tank slapper at 90kmh. Couldn't get out of it and down I went.

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Exiting a corner or something corner related?

If you're typing that means you're not hurt too bad right? =D lol
On a straight. Cop said uneven pavement and I'm typing one handed on my phone. Left palm is relatively non existent right now

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
On a straight. Cop said uneven pavement and I'm typing one handed on my phone. Left palm is relatively non existent right now

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Wtf, that's crap. Hope your recovery is speedy. Still gotta meet you and Mina irl some day :D
Saw 4 Asshats on supersports southbound on Hwy 10 on Monday evening. Great job lane splitting and speeding. Very safe in cottage country traffic.
Just saw Dollymix in Whitby with a cbr?

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