I Saw You: V.2.0

Yup, that would have been me. What a knob that guy was. Trying to outrun a bike in a CRZ... riiiight. Thank god I had the MSC so I was in the left tire track.

do they even make CRZs in adult sizes? or is it just sold in toy-r-us in the same isle as the smart car lol
Whole bunch of people at CTMP, this past weekend. I'd have seen more of you but I spent most of the weekend with a camera glued to my eye, over the fence.
Yup, that would have been me. What a knob that guy was. Trying to outrun a bike in a CRZ... riiiight. Thank god I had the MSC so I was in the left tire track.

SUCCESS!!!!! I Got a Reply!

LOL he was just a mad person, giving me the eye every time I looked at him (side-by-side with him around 3 times)

"why yes sir, my 944 is red and doesn't sound like a blender"

Black new-gen ninja 250 in Hamilton a few days ago.had a small chat at a red light. That pull-down tinted-visor thing inside the helmet looks pretty sweet.
You: White/Pink GSXR 600 heading east on eglinton near warden.
Me: Black ninja 650 beside you at the red light
When: Around 2pm
Looked like you could barely touch the ground :P
I wish that was me. Haven't been down on Lakeshore since coming back from GP Bikes on Saturday. That place is insane!
Just on my way to Richmond hill today I saw 3 beautiful bikes today!

1st: At 1:30 on Leslie right near the Starbucks approaching Mulock in Newmarket, you were riding a green ZX-6R and by golly I thought you were going to die. you were close behind a car coming up to the intersection and right when the light turned yellow the car ahead of you stopped and you had to quick weave between 2 cars to avoid smashing into his back bumper. Glad you made it out ok!

2nd: At Leslie and Wellington where the Walmart superstore is in Aurora, it was around 1:35ish and you were driving what appreared to be a black SS, maybe a CBR600RR? anyways I wanted to catch up and wave but you turned right onto wellington and I didnt get the chance.

3rd: Right in front of the Richmond Green complex (highschool/skatepark/everything else) at around 1:50, you were driving what looked like a green ZX-6R and you had a yellow duffle bag bungee corded to the back.

Nice seeing you all, definitely made the ride a lot more interesting for me!
Ducati Monster northbound on 8th line around 5:30 in Oakville. I'm not sure if it's by design or what, but your tail light was off (brake light and signals still worked).
at about 5:25 girl on a matte black Katana (I think) with a Suomy lid at Bayview/High Tech we nodded.

Hai! Sorry I was on a Bluetooth call, didn't mean to seem rude.
Who is this guy?

You must feel like a dumbass, lowsiding your bike after pulling that ridiculous stunt
What did he do?

He couldn't wait in stop and go traffic on college st., decided it was time to filter in the bike lane, used too much throttle, over corrected his mistake, low sided after he target fixated on a left hand turner (who did not move forward) that spooked him because his field of vision was blocked by two live lanes, after all that his bike slid into the rear of a stopped vehicle.
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