I Saw You: V.2.0

You - Dark skinned, Red and black jacket and a black backpack.

Where - Mcdonalds on Davis/Leslie at around 10:40-11:00ish

Me- The 15 year old kid that works there that stands and stares at every motorcycle he sees come by.

I would like to personally thank you for parking where you did, It gave me something to look at/think about for a good 10-15 minutes while I should have been working.

This was your bike - IMG-20130728-00885.jpg
To the rider who got rear-ended at North Service and Burloak, hope everything works out and that you and your bike weren't too banged up (I didn't see any noticeable damage).
Blue older model R6 (I think). East side of Peel on 401 EB. Green nylon jacket. Your HIDs installed in regular housing were annoying as hell behind me.

Then a group of about 5 guys on different types of bikes going the other way all had them too. Ungh.

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weirdest thing, i was left lane waiting for left turn signal to make a u turn but twice the left turn light didnt go on for me...
LOL ya, get used to that, bikes arent heavy enough to trigger the sensors. Happens to me too often

Weight has nothing to do with it.

Back on topic, i saw some motorcycles today.
the rider that went down on Lawrence E./Warden around 330, didnt see you until i passed by the bus and car blocking the road sorry I didn't stop and help but I hope you and your bike weren't to badly hurt
Green Ninja (looked like 250) going north on guelph line from dundas and turned into the gas station on 15th side. I was the red street-fought bike following behind you. Sorry if I creeped you out or anything. I was planning on ripping it up guelph but decided to stay behind you for a bit and found it rather relaxing going the speed limit so I stayed. That white car behind you was pretty close to your tail also.

Blue cruiser on the QEW in burlington. I wasn't trying to follow you or anything I just had to hop off the stop and go onto city streets so my bike wouldn't overheat and we happened to head the same way until I turned back onto the QEW.
The way the bike is parked? Taking up extra space and being less visible, also no kickstand pad if its a really hot day

A message to the owner: You are risking having someone park into your bike. It's literally invisible to a parallel parking car becuase it in its blind spot. Park perpendicular to the curb.
what does the kickstand pad do?


I suggest getting one as during that very hot week one day i forgot to put it and ended up catching my bike a few hours later as it sunk a few inches into the asphalt. My old bike fell over once because i didnt have a pad
Pft, who needs a kickstand puck? I just put my bike on the center-stand if I"ll be gone for awhile.
those will still sink in on the right side. ask me how i know

I haven't had problems before. Maybe the fact that my rear wheel is almost touching the ground on the stand anyways has something to do with it.
I haven't had problems before. Maybe the fact that my rear wheel is almost touching the ground on the stand anyways has something to do with it.

Generally only a problem on new asphalt but I've come back to find my bike's rear tire actually on the ground, rather than nearly, and the centre stand sunk in.
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