I Saw You: V.2.0

Heading up Birchmount around 9:00 this morning. Me, red & black N1K with a top box. You, black CBR250 with a black backpack with blue & green trim.

You're a noob, so I get that you wanted to race me on the open straights after I passed you, but somehow you still kept falling behind when there was traffic, oh well. But coming up fast behind me, then sitting in my blind spot when you can see I'll need to change lanes to avoid a jeep stopped to turn is really just bad form. You're lucky I've got convex mirrors & was able to see you. For both our sakes, please learn to ride safe.
This morning westbound on the 401 at Meadowvale(??) was it you that hit him or he hit you? I thought you were two hitchhikers till I saw you bike parked on the shoulder.

Couldn't you have convinced the cager to move his vehicle out of the live lane to the shoulder also? I guess he thought Gil Grissom and the team were going to show up to let the evidence do the talking.
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8:40 last night, S1000RR on the 401 WB just outside of Cambridge. First one I've seen on the road.

I was EB on my fatty VFR8.
Yesterday 6pm'ish 401 EB, you joined me, Blue R6 at Dixon/401, you black CBR I think :) I like the band aid sticker and your yellow and white head lights. : ) It's always nice to have company on the way home, we chatted in traffic briefly. Thank you for keeping it tight, cagers always want to come over to our lane. Until we ride again...Ride safe rider : )
1976 (I believe that's the year you said) Laverda at Dorval and N. Service gas station. You later caught up to me near the end of N. Service near bronte last night.

Beautiful bike, sounds really nice also! I would of followed you a bit longer but I was headed to petro park for some fishing.

Lovin' the use of hand signals btw
Today around 1:30pm at the Shell on Hy10 south of 89.

Black Cruiser; Rider with Lost Boyz vest, and Blue/white GSXR; Rider with Prospect vest.

Nice sounding bikes. That cruiser is LOUD! lol.
Today at 10:50ish AM at the Mcdonald's on Leslie and Davis

You were just getting your black jacket/vest on (didn't look close enough at it) and you had a black helmet on your bike

You were driving a blue/white GSXR and you were parked in the same spot as a black cruiser

I was walking into work with a black team canada T-shirt, Blue New York Rangers hat, Grey shorts and a red key chain hanging out of my pocket.

I have seen you there more than once and you have a beautiful bike.

Note: This is really weird but I think the person I saw this morning is the exact same person slowbird saw :tongue9:
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Orange bike in Hamilton king st. Had body armor and a go pro on the back

Also a bunch of bikers at hess timmies tonight
You: Yellow sport bike .. Female rider in shorts with tats showing riding up Lower Simcoe
Me: eating lunch at the corner..
U turned quite a few heads there.
You: Yellow sport bike .. Female rider in shorts with tats showing riding up Lower Simcoe
Me: eating lunch at the corner..
U turned quite a few heads there.

Sounds like Lilsushi:)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Sounds like Lilsushi:)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Or her

If she ever joins these forums, she's either gonna feel flattered or stalked.
To the old couple out for a ride at Bathurst and Wellington, it's nice to see people out having fun together.

That being said, if the guy keeps pulling lefts on very stale yellows and forcing his wife to make quick decisions (which she isn't good at) they won't be riding together much longer. She entered the intersection to go left as the other direction turned green.
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