ME! :smile:
LOL, I've never lied about age either.....even when the chick was 19 and I was 28 I told her the truth, and as for the "I love you" thing.....I explained that in a previous post.
ME! :smile:
I think your perception on things are quite screwed up. Im sure MANY people have not lied about their age. Not everyone has to lie about their age to get tail. Regardless... THISSS is too soon for "love". I swear my little sister is more mature... And she's still in high school... Lol
LOL. Dude knows how to pick em.She has a daughter who is 16 and pregnant....
My person opinion: you can't call it love until you find something to hate about the person. Because until you can find something you hate (there ALWAYS is; nobody is ever perfect for anybody) you're still infatuated and in the "crushing" stage. Once you can find something to dislike about the person, if you still want to be with them forever; then you can call it love.
Lol sent that one to my wife.. She wholeheartedly agrees.. Thank God she doesn't know the combination to my safe or I might become living-challenged![]()
The last (and only girl) I said "I love you" too was after she said it to me and I knew that's what she REALLY wanted to hear. This was after dating about 6-8 months. Yep, I said it without meaning it. Later when I broke up with her I really felt like a piece of ****. It really destroyed her and she even said to me "Never do the same thing to anyone else that you did to me" I never did. I've never used the L word since.
My current GF said "I love you" to me about 2-3 weeks ago. I didn't say it back, she cried for about 2-3 hours....I'm 100% serious. BUT **** IT, she'll get over it and I get to sleep at night knowing I didn't lie.
I've never said it and meant it cause I've honestly NEVER been in love with a non-family member (no incest) and that's the honest truth.
Lets hope the CFO doesn't know about that
Here's a better question does it matter who says it first? I kind of think the guy should say it first.
The last (and only girl) I said "I love you" too was after she said it to me and I knew that's what she REALLY wanted to hear. This was after dating about 6-8 months. Yep, I said it without meaning it. Later when I broke up with her I really felt like a piece of ****. It really destroyed her and she even said to me "Never do the same thing to anyone else that you did to me" I never did. I've never used the L word since.
I've never said it and meant it cause I've honestly NEVER been in love with a non-family member (no incest) and that's the honest truth.
Someones physical sex has no determination on their position in a relationship. It's their mentality that determines who does what.Here's a better question does it matter who says it first? I kind of think the guy should say it first.
IMO: The submissive/less dominant/follower would say it first. It's already implied by their position in the relationship.
This is interesting. So not saying it even if you feel it could be indicative of a power struggle in the relationship dynamic. This would also imply that if you've never said it first you were always the dominant one in the relationship? Hmmm.