How much do you pay for insurance?

FJR 1300. $500 deductible on collision & comp, $1m liability.

Switched back after TD jacked me to $1200/yr.
How did you get that online quote? Desjardinsgeneralinsurance tells me to phone in. And Desjardinsagents doesn't do online quotes either.
I called, they emailed me the quote while on the call, I signed.
I should call them. My VFR went up to almost $1,300/year
Live in Toronto,
40+ male
2015 Kawasaki sport-tourer 600cc
"G" licence since 1989
"M" licence since 2006
No accidents, no tickets, no claims
$1,182/yr or $98/month
INTACT Insurance

I'm overpaying, I'm going to start looking elsewhere and bail out. It used to be another insurance company and they were bought by Intact, the worse day of my life, the fee has constantly gone up from day 1, from $550 to now double. $50 every year for the last 10 years.

A friend recommended Wawanesa Ins.
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G license means nothing towards motorcycle insurance. Also don’t expect huge discounts at 25. Shop around and good luck.

What bike?

I pay ~$100/m for a 650 in Toronto in my 40s. Sh*t isn’t cheap these days

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That's exactly what I'm paying, with same stats, in my 40's and in Toronto, clean record. So I might as well stay with my current insurer then? Is this the normal rate for guys like us?
Live in Toronto,
40+ male
2015 Kawasaki sport-tourer 600cc
"G" licence since 1989
"M" licence since 2006
No accidents, no tickets, no claims
$1,182/yr or $98/month
INTACT Insurance

I'm overpaying, I'm going to start looking elsewhere and bail out. It used to be another insurance company and they were bought by Intact, the worse day of my life, the fee has constantly gone up from day 1, from $550 to now double. $50 every year for the last 10 years.

A friend recommended Wawanesa Ins.
your rate seems fine, imo. My grom is half that, similar stats, 7 years experience.
(y) That's the only reason you are with Wawa, they would not touch you otherwise.
Wrong. I just got referred there by a 30-year-old crazy dude with a Supersports. He is paying only $1600/yr (cheap for a Supersports I suppose).
Way too much! I cancelled my bike insurance when it came in for renewal. I'm sick and tired of being screwed over by the insurance industry in this Province. It's been fun for the past 40+ years of riding, but there comes a time when you just have to say enough. I'm still deciding whether to sell the bike.

Just for comparison, my rate for this year on my '97 ST1100 was just shy of $900 for the year with no collision or fire and theft coverage. Age 65 with over 40 years riding experience. One minor ticket last fall and it gives these thieves an excuse to jack the rate by an additional 10%.

I've checked with most of the companies mentioned in this thread and have received quotes ranging from $900 to $1200 per year for the same coverage. One of these "motorcycle specific" companies even had the nerve to say anything around $1 / cc is a good quote. With friends like this in the industry, we're screwed. I'm done!
Malks. Settle down. We're the same age, similar circumstances.
I'm paying extra insurance for a 10kph over.
My debt to society was $42.
My FINES to insurance, (over the three years they somehow get away with) are ~$1500 car & bike combined.
BUT, there's another 15% - 20% hit you're going to have to suck up if / when you can't stand being on the sidelines any longer. They call it "lapse in coverage".
"No bike covered in the last 6 months? That'll cost ya $300/yr extra. I'm presently dealing with both issues, since Iwas unable to ride from '16 to '20.

Matthew from the ins forum got me ok rates (bundled).
Bike went from $1700+ (allstate) to under a grand.
Malks. Settle down. We're the same age, similar circumstances.
I'm paying extra insurance for a 10kph over.
My debt to society was $42.
My FINES to insurance, (over the three years they somehow get away with) are ~$1500 car & bike combined.
BUT, there's another 15% - 20% hit you're going to have to suck up if / when you can't stand being on the sidelines any longer. They call it "lapse in coverage".
"No bike covered in the last 6 months? That'll cost ya $300/yr extra. I'm presently dealing with both issues, since Iwas unable to ride from '16 to '20.

Matthew from the ins forum got me ok rates (bundled).
Bike went from $1700+ (allstate) to under a grand.
10 over? guess all the crime was solved that day, sheesh.
Malks. Settle down. We're the same age, similar circumstances.
I'm paying extra insurance for a 10kph over.
My debt to society was $42.
My FINES to insurance, (over the three years they somehow get away with) are ~$1500 car & bike combined.
BUT, there's another 15% - 20% hit you're going to have to suck up if / when you can't stand being on the sidelines any longer. They call it "lapse in coverage".
"No bike covered in the last 6 months? That'll cost ya $300/yr extra. I'm presently dealing with both issues, since Iwas unable to ride from '16 to '20.

Matthew from the ins forum got me ok rates (bundled).
Bike went from $1700+ (allstate) to under a grand.
I'm not expecting 2021 to be much better than 2020. There were no trips to NY, PA or VT last summer and none likely this year. Last season I was able to get out for a few solo day rides, about 3000 km in total for the season. Anything else was being seriously discouraged by closed restaurants and washroom facilities and locals who were banning outsiders from visiting. This year looks to be a repeat, yet there are no discounts mentioned by the insurance industry to the motorcycle segment, similar to those offered to car drivers who were driving less due to the pandemic.

I am so angry with the insurance industry in Ontario that I don't care to provide them with any more of my cash. If I decide to get back on a street bike in the future, I think the savings for my years of not paying would cover any additional charges for my "lapse in coverage", (yet another thing that they somehow can get away with).

Right now I'm trying to figure out if anyone would want a 1997 Honda ST1100 with 180K km and how much I could get for it.
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