How much do you pay for insurance?

$1609. Allstate. Renewal came this morning.
'19 FJR 1300.
65y/o. No claims. Last ticket is >3y/o.
My daily (up ~$200) and house ins with them.
I'm going shopping.

They tried jacking my rates. I called my agent and said ‘Nope, try again’. They lowered my rates. Problem solved....for now.
$1609. Allstate. Renewal came this morning.
'19 FJR 1300.
65y/o. No claims. Last ticket is >3y/o.
My daily (up ~$200) and house ins with them.
I'm going shopping.
Where are you located? I paid $1300 last spring. Waiting for my renewal. Should arrive within the next 2 weeks.
For auto and home try economical insurance. I used to have car and home with RBC and paid 2300 for my car. I called around and found that economical insurance had a great deal. They quoted me 1200 for the car if I also included my home insurance as well.

My renewal paper came for my bike not too long ago from riderplus through echelon and it went up a few bucks. I shopped around but my renewal was still better. My friend owns the same bike and he pays 350 and lives in Grimsby while I am paying 463 in Hamilton.

Btw I tried to get a quote with your bike and it came back at 1300 through riderplus, 39 yo no ticket.
$799 for a 2015 FZ07...female, 53, M since 2014, Milton, totaled my FZ6R in 2016, one ticket for speeding (reduced but I can't remember to what) from 2018 and one for not fully stopping at a stop sign from 2019...2 bikes (mine & hubby's), 2 vehicles (mine & hubby's) plus house with TDMM...down from $960 last few years...only rode about 4,000 km last year...
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$799 for a 2015 FZ07...female, 53, M2 since 2014, Milton, totaled my FZ6R in 2016, one ticket for speeding (reduced but I can't remember to what) from 2018 and one for not fully stopping at a stop sign from 2019...2 bikes (mine & hubby's), 2 vehicles (mine & hubby's) plus house with TDMM...down from $960 last few years...only rode about 4,000 km last year...
2 tickets and that rate? lol. blessed.
$799 for a 2015 FZ07...female, 53, M2 since 2014, Milton, totaled my FZ6R in 2016, one ticket for speeding (reduced but I can't remember to what) from 2018 and one for not fully stopping at a stop sign from 2019...2 bikes (mine & hubby's), 2 vehicles (mine & hubby's) plus house with TDMM...down from $960 last few years...only rode about 4,000 km last year...
M2 since 2014?
Doesn't the M2 expire after 5yrs?
$1609. Allstate. Renewal came this morning.
'19 FJR 1300.
65y/o. No claims. Last ticket is >3y/o.
My daily (up ~$200) and house ins with them.
I'm going shopping.
Yikes! Most FJR riders I’ve met are sub $1000
2 tickets and that rate? lol. blessed.
TDMM runs abstracts every few years. They can be very nasty when they find a “material change in risk”. I’ve seen them double rates and cancel policies for 3 ticket drivers.

If they find a criminal driving conviction, licence suspension or too many demerits they might cancel policies for everyone they insure listed at your address.
31, Male, Single, 1st year with my M2
Scarborough, near the Bluffs
2019 Husky Svartpilen 401
2 prior speeding tickets, 15 over
$2800ish with Desjardins (which I had to pay upfront :/ )

But I actually just moved to West Hill area and they're sending me a bit of a refund. Almost $200.
Want lower rates, no problem they can just jack up the deductible.
Nobody is mentioning what their deductible is.
Want lower rates, no problem they can just jack up the deductible.
Nobody is mentioning what their deductible is.
So much more than that missing from some of these (myself included):

Motorcycle year, make, and model
Any customizations
Motorcycle value
Usage (commuting or pleasure)
Commuting distance
Annual mileage
M/M2/M1 licensed since when
Marital status
Traffic ticket history
Claims history
Collision deductible
Comprehensive deductible
Liability coverage (Ontario minimum is only $200,000)
Separate umbrella liability policy?
Discount for motorcycle course?
Discount for bundling with home/auto/other?
Discount for professional associations or employee benefits?
Insurance cancellation?
Insurance fraud?
Update to this:

27, male, M2 2018, M 2020.

2015 CB300FA
1300/yr in Toronto

Policy renews soon so I need to shop around.
I know if I bundle it with my car it'll be around the $850/yr mark
Update to this, now paying $815/yr with TD. Best rate by far because I bundled with my car. Even without bundling it looked like a pretty decent rate.
26, male, got M1 2 years ago(March), M2(2 years ago July).
2019 CB300R,
Riders Plus - Echelon. Paid ~$1900 for a year. Renewal is coming up soon. Hopefully will drop a bit because I am also planning to take a M before renewal.

I am also casually thinking of upgrading to XSR700 or Bolt but insurance will go up to $3000-3500 with M.
26, male, got M1 2 years ago(March), M2(2 years ago July).
2019 CB300R,
Riders Plus - Echelon. Paid ~$1900 for a year. Renewal is coming up soon. Hopefully will drop a bit because I am also planning to take a M before renewal.

I am also casually thinking of upgrading to XSR700 or Bolt but insurance will go up to $3000-3500 with M.
yeah you wont see any savings with M even with a course (if you did it for M2)
Want lower rates, no problem they can just jack up the deductible.
Nobody is mentioning what their deductible is.
I've played that game and I haven't seen real savings there. You can end up pay $500 more for deducible for something like $25 off ?‍♂️ ?‍♂️, not worth it.
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