Horrible things you`ve done.

Durring a nasty breakup with a guy who owed me money I cut the lock off our storage unit, removed his hockey card collection, stereo system and everything else of value then played dumb when he called to say we'd been robbed. Even took my own valuables to make it look good.

Sugared the gas tank of same individual when I found him at the local motel with one of his other women.

Transfered an annoying customer to Pizza Pizza's phone line when they asked for a Manager.

Lied and said I love you.

First three are golden... I'm guilty of the last one, but now I just change the subject, that L word just does something to the crazy girls, so I avoid it at all costs lol.
I agree, that last one is killer.
I'm quite the goody two shoes, so this is all I could think of: Hit and killed a deer last week with my car played hookie from school in grade 3 and ended up on the cover of the newpaper for skiing Went out with the guy my best friend had a crazy crush on and was convinced she loved him, even though they went out once awkwardly. Still dating him That's pretty much all I've got...
What a funny thread...1. I used to steal flowers from front lawns on my drunken walks home as a teenager and give the bouquets to my mom. Who never believed I "bought them" for her.2. During a drunken party. (Teenage years) I tied my friends wrists and ankles behind his back and set him on the coffee table as an "ornament". We laughed our a$$es off for hours. Later some sympathetic girl eventually had pity on him and set him free. (Years later he became the best man at my wedding).3. My wife came home from the salon with an up do for a christmas party. I could not stop laughing at her beehive hair do. I was in hysterics with sore ribs and tears rolling from my eyes. My laughter got worse everytime I looked at her. I laughed for over an hour. Eventually my sister came over to tame the bees. 27 years later I still chuckle when I look at that photo.(My bad).
This is it? Can't be. Dead thread? No way.

Ok. One from college. Me and two buddies go drinking. One of which picks up a nice young lady and takes her back to a condo we rented. The living room and master bed room are joined by a glass enclosed common balcony. We give our buddy a little time and then head over ourselves. Buddy and girlfrend are in the livingroom knocking boots. We sneak into the condo and make our way to balcony through the bedroom. We sit ourselves down and rate our buddy's live performance right before us. She is a moaner and a screamer and we snicker away at just how loud she is. One of us lights a cig as we enjoy the peep show. Our buddy sees the amber of the cig and jumps up and we start laughing. The poor girl freaks outs, screams, grabs her gear and bolts out of the condo covering herself with her clothes. The three of us laughed like crazy and then went out for more drinks.
i once called my dads cop friend on a drunk-driving buddy and told him where buddy was driving to & from, he got pulled over outside his parents place.
he was 17, chronic drunk driver. responsible for a couple small hit and runs. we (his closest friends) decided he needed a wake-up call.

I'd say you did a good thing there. Prob saved his life.

First three are golden... I'm guilty of the last one, but now I just change the subject, that L word just does something to the crazy girls, so I avoid it at all costs lol.

Showing the affection means more.

Used to have a friend whose boyfriend beat her. She would call in the middle of the night bawling and I would try to convince her to leave. Her bf knew I hated him and wanted to return the favour, He would run away from me whenever I wore my construction boots to their house, which was every time I learned he beat her. Anyways she finally broke it off and moved out only to 6 months later get back together with him. The next time she called I hung up on her, she made her choice and now she’s now married to the guy.
I may or may not have been responsible for carrying through with/borne witness too, some of the below...

- Poured milk under the carpet, in someone's car (mmmmmmm, that's a lovely smell a few days later);
- Hid crayons in someone's clothes-dryer (yay instant tie-dye);
- At someone's house that you don't like and you've taken a steaming #2 and there's no toilet paper? No problem - that's what towels are for...;
- Ordered a whole chicken at Swiss Chalet, decided to have fun with the roomies and unrolled a condom and stuck it in the "anal" opening/cavity at the back and delivered it as if nothing was wrong;
- Douchenozzle in the convertible BMW cut you off and smirked about it? That's okay, just follow them to that underground parking in Yorkville and insure that you and your buddies pee/take a #2 in their convertible given that said douchenozzle is far too cool to put the top up...;
- Craft up a dozen or so notes aplogizing for hitting someone's expensive car with yours, leave a number and explain that it will be fixed ASAP. Target random shopping mall parking lot on a busy day and leave said notes on all the most expensive cars you can find;

i use to leave notes like this at work to mess around with co workers except i used the numbers from classified xxx ads from the paper. and then watched their reaction when they called in. lol
Anyways she finally broke it off and moved out only to 6 months later get back together with him. The next time she called I hung up on her, she made her choice and now she’s now married to the guy.
I know women like this... frustrating to no end. Why so many women are still attracted to men that treat them like **** is beyond me.
I just peeked under a girls skirt today
I know women like this... frustrating to no end. Why so many women are still attracted to men that treat them like **** is beyond me.

because being pushed around, hit, abused and just overall treated like complete crap is hot...

Also: those women are usually lost/have no idea what they want to do/etc. The guys who beat them around assert dominance and tell them what to do. Whereas a nice guy would always ask her opinion and want her to make decisions also. The women don't want to have to decide, most of the time. They'd rather be told "you're going here", and then listen.

On the flipside, it's the exact same with guys. You have dominant types, submissive types, and in the middle. Gotta get the right combination of personalities for it to work.

as for the hotness: most submissive people do look pretty damn good, because they want to please others. They spend all their time trying to look good/become what people like/want.

As for ontopic:
lied and said i love you
mentally destroyed someone (they volunteered for it, but still.)
Hijacked and crashed a few cars
crapped on the floor by accident and blamed it on the dog (I was 6 at the time)
poached many animals
had sex with someone in the same room as another person that was madly in love with them (I could see him start to tear up as the person he wanted most in the world was moaning, screaming and begging for more from a guy that wasn't him. but i didn't care anyway, he was a complete dick to me and bullied me when I was younger, LOL)
Broken up relationships (in all fairness: they approached me first. I never open sought anyone in a relationship.)

and many many many many other things that would take too long to list.

Oh how great it is to be young and stupid...
I've since obtained morale standards and a guilty conscience. (and after a few too many STD scares, stick to monogamy)
because being pushed around, hit, abused and just overall treated like complete crap is hot...

Also: those women are usually lost/have no idea what they want to do/etc. The guys who beat them around assert dominance and tell them what to do. Whereas a nice guy would always ask her opinion and want her to make decisions also. The women don't want to have to decide, most of the time. They'd rather be told "you're going here", and then listen.

On the flipside, it's the exact same with guys. You have dominant types, submissive types, and in the middle. Gotta get the right combination of personalities for it to work.

as for the hotness: most submissive people do look pretty damn good, because they want to please others. They spend all their time trying to look good/become what people like/want.

As for ontopic:
lied and said i love you
mentally destroyed someone (they volunteered for it, but still.)
Hijacked and crashed a few cars
crapped on the floor by accident and blamed it on the dog (I was 6 at the time)
poached many animals
had sex with someone in the same room as another person that was madly in love with them (I could see him start to tear up as the person he wanted most in the world was moaning, screaming and begging for more from a guy that wasn't him. but i didn't care anyway, he was a complete dick to me and bullied me when I was younger, LOL)
Broken up relationships (in all fairness: they approached me first. I never open sought anyone in a relationship.)

and many many many many other things that would take too long to list.

Oh how great it is to be young and stupid...
I've since obtained morale standards and a guilty conscience. (and after a few too many STD scares, stick to monogamy)

Stole collection money from a church, banged a buddies wife when he worked night shift.
Just so everyone knows, I am writing all these things down and when I go back to work next week, I am going to pass them along to Jesus.:angel7:

Hmm, the only thing that sticks out for me was in grade school.

We had a bully in the making in our class. Grade 4 I think, and he and his buddies were real pitas.

So this one particular gym class we had relay races. Class was divided into teams, and I was stuck with this joker. Each team member was lined up one behind the other, and I was stuck behind the idiot, and he was giving me the business about me being too small and how we weren't going to win because of that. Hmph. I was listening to the gym teacher and the rules. After you finish your part of the race, run back and sit down. Everyone had to be sitting down on the team to win.

So coach yells "GO!" and off sprint the racers on each team. Our team was doing awesome, winning, and the jackass had me pumped up angry, so when I get back from my run and sit down, I tag him to take off. he does his bit and races back...And then **** for brains stands up in front of the team. We're all screaming at him to sit down. He's jumping up and down, freaking out 'cause he thinks we've won...and we don't want to lose (hey, we're 4th graders...)

Well with one swift pull on his track pants, and a bellowing a hearty "Sit DOWN!", I hauled on his drawers, attempting to bring down the brute. But, all I got was his track pants, and he was the last one standing in the entire class :D.

He said he was gonna beat the crap out of me for it, but it never materialized. Too embarrassed I guess. Moral: Never make fun of small fry ;).
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