I know women like this... frustrating to no end. Why so many women are still attracted to men that treat them like **** is beyond me.
because being pushed around, hit, abused and just overall treated like complete crap is hot...
Also: those women are usually lost/have no idea what they want to do/etc. The guys who beat them around assert dominance and tell them what to do. Whereas a nice guy would always ask her opinion and want her to make decisions also. The women don't want to have to decide, most of the time. They'd rather be told "you're going here", and then listen.
On the flipside, it's the exact same with guys. You have dominant types, submissive types, and in the middle. Gotta get the right combination of personalities for it to work.
as for the hotness: most submissive people do look pretty damn good, because they want to please others. They spend all their time trying to look good/become what people like/want.
As for ontopic:
lied and said i love you
mentally destroyed someone (they volunteered for it, but still.)
Hijacked and crashed a few cars
crapped on the floor by accident and blamed it on the dog (I was 6 at the time)
poached many animals
had sex with someone in the same room as another person that was madly in love with them (I could see him start to tear up as the person he wanted most in the world was moaning, screaming and begging for more from a guy that wasn't him. but i didn't care anyway, he was a complete dick to me and bullied me when I was younger, LOL)
Broken up relationships (in all fairness: they approached me first. I never open sought anyone in a relationship.)
and many many many many other things that would take too long to list.
Oh how great it is to be young and stupid...
I've since obtained morale standards and a guilty conscience. (and after a few too many STD scares, stick to monogamy)