Holiday destinations

Family went on our first long road trip. Everyone did better than I expected. Aimed for 500 km legs and got them more often than not. Occasionally had to stop at 250 km for a pit stop. Over the trip 58 hours in the car to cover 5400 km. Longest day was 1400 km. To go much further in a day, I need them to stop less and go much faster during a stop. Prior to trip, added tons of USB power to keep the gadgets powered. Kids spent more than half the time looking out the window which I consider a win for the first long trip.

Florida. A few days at Disney (holy crap has it ever gotten expensive), went to see manatees, gatorland, a few days on the coast (water was 60f and my wetsuit is at the inlaws cottage brr). Overall a success. No lost kids and no impending divorce.
Family went on our first long road trip. Everyone did better than I expected. Aimed for 500 km legs and got them more often than not. Occasionally had to stop at 250 km for a pit stop. Over the trip 58 hours in the car to cover 5400 km. Longest day was 1400 km. To go much further in a day, I need them to stop less and go much faster during a stop. Prior to trip, added tons of USB power to keep the gadgets powered. Kids spent more than half the time looking out the window which I consider a win for the first long trip.

Florida. A few days at Disney (holy crap has it ever gotten expensive), went to see manatees, gatorland, a few days on the coast (water was 60f and my wetsuit is at the inlaws cottage brr). Overall a success. No lost kids and no impending divorce.
Glad you enjoyed the trip, What was your accommodation on the trip?
Family went on our first long road trip. Everyone did better than I expected. Aimed for 500 km legs and got them more often than not. Occasionally had to stop at 250 km for a pit stop. Over the trip 58 hours in the car to cover 5400 km. Longest day was 1400 km. To go much further in a day, I need them to stop less and go much faster during a stop. Prior to trip, added tons of USB power to keep the gadgets powered. Kids spent more than half the time looking out the window which I consider a win for the first long trip.

Florida. A few days at Disney (holy crap has it ever gotten expensive), went to see manatees, gatorland, a few days on the coast (water was 60f and my wetsuit is at the inlaws cottage brr). Overall a success. No lost kids and no impending divorce.
In this context we have done a few of these long road trips. I like to load the car the night before and leave at 3AM the first day as everyone will fall asleep right away (hopefully not the driver) and I can nail down 1,400++ kms that day with a few pit stops. Coming home I can justify another longer leg, well we are just a few hours from home...

Devices, dvd player, etc. pay dividends.
Glad you enjoyed the trip, What as you accommodation on the trip? And cost

One hotel in each direction. Airbnb house with extended family near orlando. Condo near the coast. This trip was wifes idea so she was tracking costs. Two weeks door to door was probably $8000 plus accommodation in FL (under $5K split between multiple families, slightly awkward to calculate as families spent varying amounts of time).

Disney is ~$1,000 per day now. The number of days at disney vastly influences the cost of the trip.
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In this context we have done a few of these long road trips. I like to load the car the night before and leave at 3AM the first day as everyone will fall asleep right away (hopefully not the driver) and I can nail down 1,400++ kms that day with a few pit stops. Coming home I can justify another longer leg, well we are just a few hours from home...

Devices, dvd player, etc. pay dividends.
Day 1 was driving by 05:00, at hotel between 19:30 and 20:30. Day two was driving by 07:00, at destination by ~15:30. I was going to do equal days but someone recommended long/short as preferable. Logic seemed good so I went with their idea.

In both directions, car was fully loaded the day before including tablets and clothes/bathing suits for hotel in a small bag. Get in the car in the morning and the only thing you need is cell phones and dirty laundry if it was a hotel night.
Day 1 was driving by 05:00, at hotel between 19:30 and 20:30. Day two was driving by 07:00, at destination by ~15:30. I was going to do equal days but someone recommended long/short as preferable. Logic seemed good so I went with their idea.

In both directions, car was fully loaded the day before including tablets and clothes/bathing suits for hotel in a small bag. Get in the car in the morning and the only thing you need is cell phones and dirty laundry if it was a hotel night.
Was any issues crossing the boarder? My Wife and i are the only two traveling these days. Kids are at the age they have there own life going on. I miss it sometimes when we are in places i know they would enjoy. Times flies if you don't grab the key moments with family
Was any issues crossing the boarder? My Wife and i are the only two traveling these days. Kids are at the age they have there own life going on. I miss it sometimes when we are in places i know they would enjoy. Times flies if you don't grab the key moments with family
No lineups at all. On way into US they didn't even ask for addresses we were staying at. On way back, we got the random selection lottery for secondary inspection. Two guys were friendly, let us get our coats out of the trunk (have to wait outside) and did a cursory poke around and not a full dump of everything onto the pavement. They didn't find anything (there was nothing to find) and it was over in a few minutes.
Flights to Fla are pretty cheap out of Buffalo right now , I’d be hard pressed to justify the drive , rental cars are pretty cheap also . That first 10hrs ( or last 10 coming back) can really suck if the weather window isn’t right .

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Flights to Fla are pretty cheap out of Buffalo right now , I’d be hard pressed to justify the drive , rental cars are pretty cheap also . That first 10hrs ( or last 10 coming back) can really suck if the weather window isn’t right .

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It was about $1000 cheaper to drive than fly out of pearson and rent (if you ignore depreciation and maintenance on the car and just look at fuel). Figured it would be an interesting experience for the kids and a good test of families ability to cover ground.

I didn't look at flight prices from Buffalo this time. Prior to this, kids longest drive was about 4 hours and more painful than it should have been. Since they made it through this, I would look at buffalo flights for the next vacation.

As for weather, I checked two to three days before leaving and picked the route and end location based on expected weather. On the way home, if I had to leave a day early to beat a storm, that would have happened.
Although you get an extra couple of days at destination flying, I enjoy driving every now and then. Get to have that time for conversations.
Some people think you lose four days to driving, but you're right, it's closer to two. By the time I drive to pearson, park, arrive 3 hours early, fly, get rental car, etc, you have normally burned most of a day for a 3 hour flight.
I consider any travel day “that day gone” , if I get to final in time for a swim or a pint it’s a bonus . But one day vs. Two , I’m looking at a plane . Last year we left charlotte NC after dropping buddy at airport . Drove home with 3 rotating drivers , hit Toronto within 1 hour of him . Gotta pick your fights .

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Guess our kids aren’t going to Disneyland then…

I’m amazed that at those prices…the place is still packed.

Recession right?
Last time my wife and i were in florida, We stayed at the westgate resort that was wonderful, We had a full kitchen we made our own meals. Most of the things if not all for activities was free, picking oranges was something new to me. Only money rounded up would be no more than 3000g for two wks
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Check Costco travel or mousesavers for discounts. They're not fantastic, but they're better than nothing.

As a kid, our family of 6 used to pile into the station wagon and my dad would drive us down to Disney World with one motel stop along the way. It wasn't every year, but it was enough that we knew the Magic Kingdom inside out. Later, when I was dating my wife, we were thinking of vacations and I suggested we take her niece to Disney since she'd never been. I think she was around 5 at the time and loved it. We rented a timeshare from my wife's coworker, and we loved it so much we started looking for one of our own. That whole fiasco is enough for another thread on its own, but long and short we bought a resale and ended up using it every year until our own kids reached their teens and started preferring other vacation spots. Luckily we were able to "sell" it (actually had to pay someone to take it off our hands), and in the end it was still worth it to us. I can't condone buying a timeshare without EXTREME due diligence, but if you go to the same place regularly, it can work out. Of course that was before VRBO and AirBNB, so things have probably changed.
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