Holiday destinations

Good to see you still poke your head in here once in a while.
Thanks !! I returned to Canada in April of '23 ..... brought my Colombian lady with me too .... even riding a Duc again as well .... Cheers , Les
We are just finalizing our Alaska trip coming up in June . Side excursions look ok, then you remember it’s all US dollars and since tourist season is 4months , they need to make lots in a short window. We are doing it a bit different, fly into Alaska , day train into the Yukon , back to coast , overnight train into Denali Park / Mt Mackinly , three days hiking in the park, train back to coast , 1 day kayaking out the the whale feeding grounds , 7 days on a cruise ship back down to Vancouver . The 7day run goes into a few ‘remote’ spots and stops at a couple fish towns. The side into Yukon completes my province/ territory collection .

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We are just finalizing our Alaska trip coming up in June . Side excursions look ok, then you remember it’s all US dollars and since tourist season is 4months , they need to make lots in a short window. We are doing it a bit different, fly into Alaska , day train into the Yukon , back to coast , overnight train into Denali Park / Mt Mackinly , three days hiking in the park, train back to coast , 1 day kayaking out the the whale feeding grounds , 7 days on a cruise ship back down to Vancouver . The 7day run goes into a few ‘remote’ spots and stops at a couple fish towns. The side into Yukon completes my province/ territory collection .

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Have you been to Nunavut or did you visit that area when it was NWT?
I was in the NWT and the area that became Nunavut a long time back . Guess to be fair I should go back , but there isn’t much up there and it’s stupid expensive.

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I was in the NWT and the area that became Nunavut a long time back . Guess to be fair I should go back , but there isn’t much up there and it’s stupid expensive.

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Sail the northwest passage and make an adventure out of it.
Thanks !! I returned to Canada in April of '23 ..... brought my Colombian lady with me too .... even riding a Duc again as well .... Cheers , Les
Ah so she's getting a taste of winter. Even with it being so mild, can't compare to back home.
and potential fires on the ferry


I was in the NWT and the area that became Nunavut a long time back . Guess to be fair I should go back , but there isn’t much up there and it’s stupid expensive.

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James Bay Road. Touch the water. Technically Nunavut. ;)
Ferry caught on fire before our boarding. Delayed 6-7hrs while they got it under control and go things right again.

Well, I'd like to think that's an isolated thing, not a "kinda sorta happens on a recular basis so you should be worried about it" type thing.
Well, I'd like to think that's an isolated thing, not a "kinda sorta happens on a recular basis so you should be worried about it" type thing.
That’s the funny thing, when we were there one of the workers told us it happens fairly regularly…

But this was 10-15 years ago so probably not much of a concern nowadays, one would hope anyway.

BUT during the wait we were able to pick up, and drink, some food Quidi Vidi (?) local craft brews! Delicious!
Our ferries probably don’t catch fire any more often than our submarines. Oh wait , never mind ….

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Flying home today and ready to go home. Tired of the food, noise, crowds, and a particularly frustrating family member.

But the drinks were cold, the entertainment was good, and the food was better than Cuba.

I’m quite sure that the room has mould hidden somewhere as we are both getting stuffed up the minute we come in, and then fine a few min after leaving.

Oh yes, and someone yelling ‘Help me’ ‘someone please help me’ is very unfortunate. More so I appeared to be the only one to call the front desk to go look for them as they were yelling from within a room.

EDIT: 89 year old man fell off the bed and couldn’t get up. In the hospital recovering. The staff isn’t shy about disclosing emergency issues.
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Food in a Zambian prison would rival Cuban resort food .

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Had cuban food in miami, pretty good, and surprisingly healthy.
Food in a Zambian prison would rival Cuban resort food .

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Maybe I’m not too picky with my food, but while it’s not great I’ve never gone hungry in Cuba.

Mexico food was def better. But was it 2-3 times better…not at the resort we were at.

Although I have seen on multiple occasions where tourists lost their effing minds with the quality of Cuban food and yelled at the staff.

Staff has zero input on the level of food, or quantities, available.
To me it’s all about expectation.

Some go to Cuba thinking they’re going to get the Keg type of food.

For me…if it’s not moving, and doesn’t make me sick…I can make it work.

My wife on the other hand continued to promise the kids fries every day of the week…they had fries one effing day! Yet she continued to promise, and then we had to deal with that disappointment.

Cousins came back from Mexico disappointed and when I asked why the answer was simple. ‘Vegas was a proper vacation!’

‘Of course it was. You spent 5-7k on 4 days!’
Honestly, I found the Cabot Trail one of the most overrated roads I've ever experienced on the bike. Sure, there was some nice scenery in spots, but there was also a lot of other sections where I felt like I was just riding on Highway 2 through Southern Ontario honestly.

Glad I can say I checked it off the list, but wouldn't go back. I'd do Gaspe again before the Cabot.
Stay off the main hwy. You missed most the the good rds.
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