hd hero2 out

Ah, I see. So then you're using your camera to document your commute, in case something happens?
yeah, you mentioned that on the other thread. so much bad riding out there.

If you listen to the audio, carefully, you can hear where he guns it to go around me, and then drops the throttle. That's when I noticed that I was about to take out his front wheel. Odds are that I'd have stayed up, while he would have gone down into the path of a truck.

Wish that my second Replay had come in, so that I'd have had a camera facing backwards. Already sold my Contour and accessories THAT DAY.
yeah, you mentioned that on the other thread. so much bad riding out there.

wish I had a camera rolling to catch the jackass on the cruiser who was dangerous driving last saturday on Kingston Rd.

Its amazing how some riders like to show off to other riders..
That's pretty crazy, I live right near there and often hear bikes ripping along the roads and see some wild stuff (squeezing between trucks and the walls coming into the city etc). Good on you to document your trips. Do you keep a log or only any 'interesting' stuff?

If you turn up the audio and listen carefully you'll hear the engine rev and drop from the guy who splits to the left, as he almost hits me as I change lanes.

At this point I have almost 100GB of .mov files, from my trips back and forth to work. I'll likely purge most of them when I put the bike up for the season, keeping only the raw footage from the ones I've posted (only two so far). No one wants to see 2 hours of boring commuting footage, every day. I may see if I can pull a compilation of all the bonehead moves, from people on the 410. It's likely the most dangerous part of my commute.
that should be a fun one to watch. put it up on youtube
Don't know how fun it would be, to watch a couple of hours worth of people passing in the breakdown lane.
If you turn up the audio and listen carefully you'll hear the engine rev and drop from the guy who splits to the left, as he almost hits me as I change lanes.

At this point I have almost 100GB of .mov files, from my trips back and forth to work. I'll likely purge most of them when I put the bike up for the season, keeping only the raw footage from the ones I've posted (only two so far). No one wants to see 2 hours of boring commuting footage, every day. I may see if I can pull a compilation of all the bonehead moves, from people on the 410. It's likely the most dangerous part of my commute.


do you know what the legal status is of posting video footage of drivers online? As far as I am aware in ontario (Canada) its ok to do this as its considered out in the "public space" and people should not expect that privacy.
I think some US states you cannot do this, and some have laws where you cannot film an enforcement officer (cops).

do you know what the legal status is of posting video footage of drivers online? As far as I am aware in ontario (Canada) its ok to do this as its considered out in the "public space" and people should not expect that privacy.
I think some US states you cannot do this, and some have laws where you cannot film an enforcement officer (cops).

It varies from place to place. As you said, here, there is no expectation of privacy in a public space. There are some places where you can record video, but not audio. In most places you are completely free to video a LEO, in the performance of his duty. You cannot interfere with his performance of that duty though.

Here are a couple of things, that you might find interesting:


United States
thanks! - great first link.
Just new here and saw this thread and had to put my two cents in. I had the orginal go pro and hated it for a couple of reasons.
1. the audio was really bad
2. the fisheye was to extreme for my liking
3. The camera would have a slight vibration with the case giving off a awful noise

I ended up by the Drift HD stealth and love it. Can film in 720 and 1080p 25.30.60 frames per second. Had a rotating lens so you CAN mount it anywhere, Internal and external mic, remote to start and stop recording, plus many many more options.

I think the new Go pro 2 is still a sweet camera except still have to spend an extra $100 on a Led screen to see where your filming. The movie setting is not all that great of a picture and the night mode kind of sucks. It seems that they are trying to catch up to where the drift is already at not to mention you still look like a tele tubby with the camera attached to your helmet.

Long story short I prefer the Drift and YES contour over Go Pro any day of the week.
Just got these in the mail today.

I ended up by the Drift HD stealth and love it. Can film in 720 and 1080p 25.30.60 frames per second. Had a rotating lens so you CAN mount it anywhere, Internal and external mic, remote to start and stop recording, plus many many more options.

Just so people don't get the wrong idea, the drift HD can't record 1080p 60... Only 720p 60. It can record 1080p 30 though.
Just ordered my HDhero2. Already have a Contour 1080, and the original Vholdr: Contour 720.
Hey man, I got my original Contour for an unknown amout of money... it was like 2 years ago or something now, and I purchased my Contour1080 from Bestbuy after they were discontinued and put on that massive sale for 149.99. THEN I just purchased my GoPro from POVcameras.ca which is an awesome site, they have a BOXING2011 coupon code for 10% off everything in their store except the megapacks, which makes the GoPro 2 349.99-10% = 35 bucks off Making it the cheapest place to get a GoPro 2 right now.

It is also better to get from the website because you get the actual configurations, like the motorsports pack/outdoor pack/surf pack, which includes extra mounts unlike BB or FS that give you a normal edition. Happy shopping! :)
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