Has the city lost it's mind...

I live in a 200+ year old village, planned when walking to stuff was about the only option.

Within 1KM I have everything I need, in 10 minutes of less I can walk to a good sized hospital, 20+ restaurants, a micro brewery, doctors for everything, dentists, vets, 2 large grocery stores, 2 hockey rinks, 2 high schools, 3 grade schools. LCBO, fire station, GO, TTC and VIVA are all within a 3-minute walk.

Never experienced crime or vagrants in the hood.

I'm happy here.

my house in orangeville is very similar. I live in the old part that was designed before cars existed. i can walk to the library, walk to a grocery store, walk to the restaurants and stores along broadway, walk to an elementary or high school and walk to doctors offices / specialists / most other places i need.
When my wife was a kid growing up in Paris Ontario and had to get her tonsils out her dad wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to the hospital. Now it would be a drive to Brantford. But now they have three Tim Hortons.

There is a spot in Hamilton where you can stand and see 4 Tim Hortons.
A lot of this drivel is only one step above sovereign citizen crap. If people are that unhappy with society, they should head far north. You can exist in peace and never have to interact with the authority that they despise so much. Just make sure not to take advantage of the benefits of society like roads or healthcare or people may call you a hypocrite. Society won't waste money on trying to find you to bring you back into the fold and making sure you are vaccinated.

JP makes dumptruck loads of money with his opinions. Is that altruistic and all of that money is being spent on trying to invoke change? Is any of that money being spent on trying to invoke change? Bitching is very profitable.
Jp is starting an online university with some of the best professors in the world at extremely low cost so people can actually afford to get an education, and not be subject to the propaganda.

But I'm sure people will somehow find fault in that while they support the largest farmland owner in North America who claims we don't have the resources to feed the worlds population is his 300,000 acres of farmland sit idle and un-farmed, all the while publicly stating he wants to "depopulate using vaccines." Is it time for a booster?

I think I'll side with the guy that states facts, not opinions.
I live in a 200+ year old village, planned when walking to stuff was about the only option.

Within 1KM I have everything I need, in 10 minutes of less I can walk to a good sized hospital, 20+ restaurants, a micro brewery, doctors for everything, dentists, vets, 2 large grocery stores, 2 hockey rinks, 2 high schools, 3 grade schools. LCBO, fire station, GO, TTC and VIVA are all within a 3-minute walk.

Never experienced crime or vagrants in the hood.

I'm happy here.
How long is your commute to work?
Jp is starting an online university with some of the best professors in the world at extremely low cost so people can actually afford to get an education, and not be subject to the propaganda.

But I'm sure people will somehow find fault in that while they support the largest farmland owner in North America who claims we don't have the resources to feed the worlds population is his 300,000 acres of farmland sit idle and un-farmed, all the while publicly stating he wants to "depopulate using vaccines." Is it time for a booster?

I think I'll side with the guy that states facts, not opinions.
Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him “the stupid man’s smart person”.
More than 15 minutes. He works in a commuter hell town (now, in the past he was closer to home but hasn't been within walking distance in quite a while).
I guess he'd either have to move to within 15 mins of his work, or get a new job. And all those businesses that are miraculously within a 3 minute walk, and are run by people more than 15 minutes away, would have to shut down. Or they could move into his home after he's forced to leave? lol
Average walking speed is about 5 kph so the 15MC would have a person living at the centre of a 2 kilometer diameter circle. The biggest problem would be medical services. Full service hospitals every 2 km will never happen. Police fire ambulance???

To travel greater distances without excessive walking there would have to be a grid of public transit lines every 2 Km going N-S and E-W, full time.

I'm trying to do a dry run of 15MC in my head, living without a car. If I need a loaf of bread it's a half hour walking. A case of beer is a lot heavier so do I bike it with a bicycle trailer or use a bundle buggy?

Does the concept work with more small stores spread around? That sounds like more staffing than the big box stores.

How about inventory? Can small stores with less choice satisfy the customers? Ethnicity plays a party. In an Indian area there could be lots of chicken but no beef. What is your go-to starch? Potato, rice, pasta?

When I was delivering to Loblaws produce 40+ years ago one of the workers mentioned his poundage output was half of what it was 20 years earlier. In 1960 a store would order a skid of oranges. By 1980 variety kicked in and the store wanted 10 boxes of loose navals, 8 boxes of bagged juice oranges, 7 boxes of size X loose, four boxes of size Y and three boxes of specialty. It takes time to pick and pack the skid. Same for apples, grapes etc.

25% of Canadians are obese and a bunch more just out of shape. A lot of older chubbies have screwed up their hips and knees. COPD from smoking adds to the disabled list. How do you pass a law making them walk or ride a bicycle and their rights are enshrined in the constitution.

We went to a large No Frills the other day and their chip, pop and candy aisle was bigger than the whole grocery store I was used to on Roncesvales. Salad dressing choices used to be French, Italian or Thousand Island.

There were no low fat products but people were thinner.

My head hurts
Chicken and the egg. If you don't change anything, you stay in the same vicious circle of people needing cars, not walking, etc.
If you don't have any infrastructure at all for alternatives, every one needs to get a car to get around.

Going through your scenarios, beer and wine "should be available" at your corner store/convenience store/grocery store. That's how it is in Quebec and newfoundland, and it's wonderful.
A whole beer fridge in your convenience store. I see it also in the states.
Now the way the subdivisions are designed often times you don't have a freaking corner store which defeats the purpose of it so the zoning would have to be revisited and that's a whole other thing in itself

For day to day articles, smaller grocery stores should work. If everything has to be bought in a big box store that's where we run into "issues".
Milk, bread, eggs, basic meats, pasta, rice should be available close-by say within 1km.

If you wanna plan for a more special things/meals, sure go to a specialty store or a big box, but the goal is to have less trips there. It also lessens (ideally) the monopoly they have. As humans we should be able to walk 15-30 minutes to grab a thing and come back. Driving to the grocery store and coming back most likely takes the same amount of time when your store is further away.
How long is your commute to work?
15 seconds or 30 minutes ... depending on which office I choose for the day.

The only real beef I have about living here is the backwardness of Markham and York Region Traffic Operations. They have done a nice job creating bike lanes -- I applaud that, but they are an utter failure in traffic management. They also have an impressive portfolio of expensive, epic failures -- which they continue to build despite being one of the best-funded municipalities in the country.

Getting from 48 to the 404 at 7AM takes 13 minutes, by 8AM it takes 40 minutes. I pass 23 stoplights, and 4 stop signs over a 10.4KM stretch between home and the 404.

Chicken and the egg. If you don't change anything, you stay in the same vicious circle of people needing cars, not walking, etc.
If you don't have any infrastructure at all for alternatives, every one needs to get a car to get around.

Going through your scenarios, beer and wine "should be available" at your corner store/convenience store/grocery store. That's how it is in Quebec and newfoundland, and it's wonderful.
A whole beer fridge in your convenience store. I see it also in the states.
Now the way the subdivisions are designed often times you don't have a freaking corner store which defeats the purpose of it so the zoning would have to be revisited and that's a whole other thing in itself

For day to day articles, smaller grocery stores should work. If everything has to be bought in a big box store that's where we run into "issues".
Milk, bread, eggs, basic meats, pasta, rice should be available close-by say within 1km.

If you wanna plan for a more special things/meals, sure go to a specialty store or a big box, but the goal is to have less trips there. It also lessens (ideally) the monopoly they have. As humans we should be able to walk 15-30 minutes to grab a thing and come back. Driving to the grocery store and coming back most likely takes the same amount of time when your store is further away.
When I started my business I was talking to a developer and mentioned wanting my own industrial unit. He asked if I wanted to buy or rent and I said buy. He replied “Good. We screw you when you rent “

While difficult at todays prices it is theoretically possible to buy a stand alone property, build your own equity, build a brick and mortar RRSP and not have to pay a percentage of your sales to the landlord. That is impossible in a mall.
Something to think about when Toronto, Ontario, and Canada, start telling you to get the latest covid vaccine and wear a mask:


I'm trying to do a dry run of 15MC in my head, living without a car. If I need a loaf of bread it's a half hour walking. A case of beer is a lot heavier so do I bike it with a bicycle trailer or use a bundle buggy?
For me: Hospital 1.9km, Bread (major grocery store 1.6km, bodego 800m), LCBO 650m.

What else does one need?
Something to think about when Toronto, Ontario, and Canada, start telling you to get the latest covid vaccine and wear a mask:

Why the hell are you posting year and a half old link with highly questionable sources?
Why the hell are you posting year and a half old link with highly questionable sources?
Vaccine bad. 1000 links prove it. I didn't see many of the links comparing covid outcomes to vaccine though. They seem to be 1000 links looking at vaccine in isolation. Newsflash, everything we put in our body has a chance of causing problems. A well-reasoned evaluation would look at the odds of various scenarios. It is much simpler to look at black and white and point out that the vaccine hurts some people and therefore should be avoided at all costs.
Something to think about when Toronto, Ontario, and Canada, start telling you to get the latest covid vaccine and wear a mask:

No point in reading any further than the first sentence. Dumb.
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