I've been thinking about what someone said about HD mentality;
Yeah okay, it makes sense. Young people can't or shouldn't really be able to afford an HD, not anywhere near new anyways. So now we're talking established people with maybe grown kids or at least well into their careers.
Here's the problem with their mentality, imo. I don't see the current and next gen moving into those groups wanting an HD. We/they want snazzy tech, TFT screens, Bluetooth everything, etc. Which to HD credit they have been updating, but they are still holding back in so many important areas. So i can see their dilemma, if you change the model lineup now you could potentially kiss your current buyers goodbye, perhaps 10-15 years of missed sales. If you don't chang, then there's a large chance (imo) you will not attract many if any of the new group of buyers into your lineup.
I think you need to bite the bullet and understand that change is never a bad thing. You need to catch the eye of the next gen or be prepared to close shop in 15 years anyways.
Curious to see what others think.