Good gun stories

Also, if things did change that much in Canada I'd be buying guns too. Only thing is I don't see it happening and it would have to be a near state of anarchy for it to happen. I'm a news junky, I consider myself well informed and I'd say Canada is way down on the bottom of any list for countries to descend into that kind of state and I've been to a few places that have been down that road (oddly, at no time did I feel like I needed a weapon either). I'm also of the opinion that you can spend your whole life worrying about things that won't happen and that its unhealthy to do so. There's a fine line between paranoia and preparedness for every conceivable eventuality.
In Mississauga a year or 2 ago, someone I knew personally was sleeping with his wife and baby upstairs. This is a 1min drive from my house, and many of my friends live on the same street or just a street or 2 over from it. 2 guys broke into the house, one had a gun, he didn't back down and fought them both taking the gun off one and shooting him dead, the other took off on foot. The friend is a huge dude, honestly I would not even **** with him with anythings smaller then a 45, me on the other hand would not do so well in a situation like that fighting off 2 armerd robbers

Sounds like a lot of Canadians would rather he had been robbed or possibly worse, but he didnt back down.....The family of the dead guy went on to say how good a person he was, yet he was out doing break and enters with an illegal gun.

I never want to use my gun on a person either, but you never know when someone will give you no other option. Shoot or be robbed and or killed

It would be a different story for me if criminals didn't have guns, but they do...And its a hell of a lot easier for them to get one then me legally.....I could buy a gun off the street any day, but it takes months to legally own one...

I dont really want CCW, but if it happened Id probably carry a gun at times depending on where I am going and what I am doing....
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Also, if things did change that much in Canada I'd be buying guns too. Only thing is I don't see it happening and it would have to be a near state of anarchy for it to happen. I'm a news junky, I consider myself well informed and I'd say Canada is way down on the bottom of any list for countries to descend into that kind of state and I've been to a few places that have been down that road (oddly, at no time did I feel like I needed a weapon either). I'm also of the opinion that you can spend your whole life worrying about things that won't happen and that its unhealthy to do so. There's a fine line between paranoia and preparedness for every conceivable eventuality.

The first sign to watch for while you are hounding the news is efforts first to register and later confiscate guns. Without armed citizens, any government that finds itself in power can do anything as there is little resistance. And by that time, if you want a gun you won't be able to get one.

I'm sure Jewish people had little worry as they populated Germany and neighbouring countries. They probably didn't even notice when on November 11, 1938, the Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons was promulgated by Minister of the Interior. Later when they were being rounded up, how could they resist?

My Father grew up during WW2 in rural Holland, and likewise they had no firearms and became essentially slaves. German officers took over their house, German enlisted men took over their barn. Dad and siblings had to live in the cellar entrance. Cousins were raped, some were shot, all land was taken and very little food was spared. They only survived the war due to the English and Canadian soldiers who liberated their area. How much easier would that have been if the farmers themselves could provide armed resistance? My Opa and my Belgian Grandpa both were drafted (but would have gone to fight anyway), and both ended up in German POW camps until they were liberated by the English, Canadian, and American soldiers pressing the Germans back.

Now, I'm not saying that in either cases would have done much, but if the people had weapons they could have offered at least some resistance, and any resistance helps slow down the problem until real help can arrive.

If any group were to come try and take me away, say for being an atheist, or whatever, I won't be the victim. Sure I may end up dead with a few bullets in me, but I'd do my best to make a couple holes in those coming to get me. That would be a better way to go than starving to death in a work camp or being gassed or being suffocated by a shopping bag like the Khmer did to their 'intellectuals'.

Can't happen here you say? Tell that to anyone who suffered a genocide anywhere in this world. They likely thought they were safe too; until they weren't.
In Mississauga a year or 2 ago, someone I knew personally was sleeping with his wife and baby upstairs. This is a 1min drive from my house, and many of my friends live on the same street or just a street or 2 over from it. 2 guys broke into the house, one had a gun, he didn't back down and fought them both taking the gun off one and shooting him dead, the other took off on foot. The friend is a huge dude, honestly I would not even **** with him with anythings smaller then a 45, me on the other hand would not do so well in a situation like that fighting off 2 armerd robbers

Sounds like a lot of Canadians would rather he had been robbed or possibly worse, but he didnt back down.....The family of the dead guy went on to say how good a person he was, yet he was out doing break and enters with an illegal gun.

I never want to use my gun on a person either, but you never know when someone will give you no other option. Shoot or be robbed and or killed

It would be a different story for me if criminals didn't have guns, but they do...And its a hell of a lot easier for them to get one then me legally.....I could buy a gun off the street any day, but it takes months to legally own one...

I dont really want CCW, but if it happened Id probably carry a gun at times depending on where I am going and what I am doing....
I remember that case, dude is Serbian right? I was dumbfounded at the response from the perp's friends and sympathizers. Some even went as far as calling the homeowner a drug dealer etc etc. As usual, the suspect was a 'really good guy'... yeah, until he broke into someone's home.

Whatever happened with the second guy?
When I used to live alone, I kept a machete under my mattress.
FYI, it did make me sleep soundly at night
I remember that case, dude is Serbian right? I was dumbfounded at the response from the perp's friends and sympathizers. Some even went as far as calling the homeowner a drug dealer etc etc. As usual, the suspect was a 'really good guy'... yeah, until he broke into someone's home.

Whatever happened with the second guy?

Yes he's a Serb, and the speculation was that they broke in for drugs, but he owns a HVAC company and installs heaters and stuff lol. However he was renting out the basement at the time and there we rumours that they were actually trying to get into there because her boyfriend was a drug dealer. He had to move and take a loss on the house. Stupid neibors were going on the news saying they don't want to live besides Someone that would shoot anyone lol like they would rather he was the one that got shot. That and also the fear that the one that ran away or his friends would come back one day for revenge

And as for the other guy he was never found as far as I know
The first sign to watch for while you are hounding the news is efforts first to register and later confiscate guns. Without armed citizens, any government that finds itself in power can do anything as there is little resistance. And by that time, if you want a gun you won't be able to get one.

I'm sure Jewish people had little worry as they populated Germany and neighbouring countries. They probably didn't even notice when on November 11, 1938, the Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons was promulgated by Minister of the Interior. Later when they were being rounded up, how could they resist?

My Father grew up during WW2 in rural Holland, and likewise they had no firearms and became essentially slaves. German officers took over their house, German enlisted men took over their barn. Dad and siblings had to live in the cellar entrance. Cousins were raped, some were shot, all land was taken and very little food was spared. They only survived the war due to the English and Canadian soldiers who liberated their area. How much easier would that have been if the farmers themselves could provide armed resistance? My Opa and my Belgian Grandpa both were drafted (but would have gone to fight anyway), and both ended up in German POW camps until they were liberated by the English, Canadian, and American soldiers pressing the Germans back.

Now, I'm not saying that in either cases would have done much, but if the people had weapons they could have offered at least some resistance, and any resistance helps slow down the problem until real help can arrive.

If any group were to come try and take me away, say for being an atheist, or whatever, I won't be the victim. Sure I may end up dead with a few bullets in me, but I'd do my best to make a couple holes in those coming to get me. That would be a better way to go than starving to death in a work camp or being gassed or being suffocated by a shopping bag like the Khmer did to their 'intellectuals'.

Can't happen here you say? Tell that to anyone who suffered a genocide anywhere in this world. They likely thought they were safe too; until they weren't.

An unarmed populace just held an independence vote that would have split centuries of national unity without any militant interference from government. I'm not buying the whole government dictatorship/citizens revolt thing sorry. Some of the highest living standards in the world are held by countries with a mostly unarmed populace. Guns for hunting, guns for sports no problem. But unless you envisage either fighting zombies or hoards of your fellow citizens why would a government bother trying to shoot at you when there's a myriad of different ways to incapacitate or kill you without you even seeing them? If it is hoards of fellow citizens you're thinking of, then I think you have far greater things to worry about than whether they will steal your stash of beer.

The US has an armed populace and suffers from very recent lack of democracy, homeland security issues, snooping on their own citizens, a president stealing an election win, lies told to start a war over oil etc etc. Fat lot of good the 2nd amendment did for the yanks there.

Rockerguy...those headlines are great but do they make you feel scared? They don't make me feel scared. One place I lived in the UK I did have a golf club under my bed though.
An unarmed populace just held an independence vote that would have split centuries of national unity without any militant interference from government. I'm not buying the whole government dictatorship/citizens revolt thing sorry. Some of the highest living standards in the world are held by countries with a mostly unarmed populace. Guns for hunting, guns for sports no problem. But unless you envisage either fighting zombies or hoards of your fellow citizens why would a government bother trying to shoot at you when there's a myriad of different ways to incapacitate or kill you without you even seeing them? If it is hoards of fellow citizens you're thinking of, then I think you have far greater things to worry about than whether they will steal your stash of beer.

The US has an armed populace and suffers from very recent lack of democracy, homeland security issues, snooping on their own citizens, a president stealing an election win, lies told to start a war over oil etc etc. Fat lot of good the 2nd amendment did for the yanks there.

Rockerguy...those headlines are great but do they make you feel scared? They don't make me feel scared. One place I lived in the UK I did have a golf club under my bed though.

So one ex-country has a non-violent independence vote so that means that all is well in the world and no one will ever need to defend themselves from bad government led genocides?

Sure, guns won't do anything against bombings or gas, but how about if the murderers don't want to destroy everything and are only coming for some of us? For example in the past century why don't we ask:

1) The Jews
2) The Cambodians
3) The Igbos
4) The Ottoman Greeks
5) The Tutsi
6) The Cossacks
7) The Assyrians
8) The Maya
9) The alleged Communists as well as Chinese Indonesians in Indonesia
10) The Polish
11) The Kurds in Iraq
12) The Bosnians

and on, and on, and on, and on... what is the famous quote "those that forget history are doomed to repeat it?"

I'm not sure I get your point about the Scottish.

The US has an armed populace and suffers from very recent lack of democracy, homeland security issues, snooping on their own citizens, a president stealing an election win, lies told to start a war over oil etc etc. Fat lot of good the 2nd amendment did for the yanks there.

And despite all of that, they haven't singled out a group and had a genocide, have they? Out of all that, the only Americans that died as a result of those events were those that volunteered for it or journalists killed by foreigners. So again, your point is?
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Why so hung up about a genocide? If they really want to wipe out the populace I can promise you you'll have very little to shoot at unless you can pick off drones. So that leaves home invasions etc...

...and there we have a decrease in firearms being used for robberies in general. Home invasions are increased as a percentage of robberies but down overall.

So, here's what having a gun for self defence may may help you with the infinitesimally small possibility (here, in this country) that you might have your home invaded (2000 ish occurrences in a population of more than 33 million per year). If your government or a foreign government decides they no longer need the populace then Red Dawn rules don't apply. You will not be shooting cowboy style from your bedroom. If we ever get to a situation where we really need guns....everyone will have them. Cowboy rules now apply and we will be back to the Wild West. Unfortunately I really feel some people like the idea of that scenario.

Now, if we were living in the sketchiest country I've ever been to, Honduras, would I have a gun? **** yes. I'd have a ****ing house full.
So, here's what having a gun for self defence may do...

I don't have a gun for self defence, I have a gun for other reasons, but it can be used for more than one purpose.

So I am trying to figure out your stance... are you against guns? Are you only against guns for self defence? What are you getting at?
Antis gonna anti.

Hey everyone!

Hey jc, does it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside if I tell you my shotgun is for turkey hunting? It JUST SO HAPPENS to also be an incredibly effective deterrent and god forbid, tool for self defence.

My Shadow, Glock, 1911s and P226 are for competition use, but ALSO HAPPEN to be effective *tools* for self defence.

My adjustable magnetic screwdriver is great for around the apartment work, but ALSO HAPPENS to be an effective tool for self defence.

My hammer set are a godsend for carpentry or renovation work, but would ALSO HAPPEN to come in really handy in a fight.

My roommate's professional knife set can filet and cut meat like it's nobody's business for dinners, but ALSO HAPPEN to be able to to the same to a person.

My Cold Steel Recon is used for limbing small branches and general camp use, but ALSO HAPPENS to have a tanto blade perfect for knife combat, or last ditch bear defense.

My Fiskars hatchet is sharp enough to take an arm sized branch in one swing and small enough to carry around on a belt all day. See where I'm going with this?

I could do this all day but my point has been iterated by people much more articulate than myself.

Let me pose a "hypothetical"

A home is broken into, the guy was high out of his mind and had a bat or pipe he used to bust in the window. 2 occupants were already on the phone with 911 while he got into the house. What do you think scared him off the property? The flaslight and pistol in his face and a loud "I HAVE A GUN GET OUT NOW" or the OPP officer that arrived with lights and sirens 9 minutes later? Where was the shootout? Who was the cowboy?

I have precisely 0 desire to take a life. I even feel kind of bad after hunting trips. But if it's me or someone else, it's gonna be me.
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My posts werent necessarily directed at you guys specifically....more towards the lunatic fringe. I have friends that hunt and I enjoy shooting for sport. My points were that I see a lot of hypocrisy about rage against certain governments where capital punishment is in place for relatively minor crimes and a gung-ho attitude from some for shooting shoplifters. Essentially a mob rule of judge, jury and in some cases executioner. The only thing I'm anti concealed carry here in this country and anti weapons more oriented for efficient taking of human life than for sport shooting or hunting being available to the common joe.
Guns just never caught my imagination the way motorcycles did. I look at a guy with a gun hobby (hey lets go shooting at the gun club!!! yippee!!) like the general public looks at motorcycles and riders. Newsflash: they don't admire us, they think we're 'tards. I can live with that. I know I might die in a motorcycle accident or have my home invaded. I'm not going to stop riding and I'm not going want every house stockpiled with guns.
We don't need Concealed Carry, what we should have is Open Carry, that way, good guys bad guys, cops and so on can actually see who is carrying......

And I bet you if your in a store and some bad guy comes in to rob it, and you have 5 customers in there with a firearm attached to their waist, I am sure he will think twice....

Uniformed cops while on duty don't conceal carry, I don't think we as the public need to conceal either, Open Carry would be the best

just my thoughts.....

I just wish I could Open Carry past the confines of the interior of my house....ohhhhhh well, maybe one day...

The only thing I'm anti concealed carry here in this country and anti weapons more oriented for efficient taking of human life than for sport shooting or hunting being available to the common joe.

In other words, you're anti-scary looking guns.... thanks for coming out, exit to the left.
gung-ho attitude from some for shooting shoplifters.

LOL what a bleeding heart..

I'm sorry, but a "shoplifter" who points a gun at a clerk isn't a shoplifter, he's 1/8" of an index finger pull away from being a murderer. But your types like to make those scumbags into victims. What a twisted outlook on life and liberty...
and anti weapons more oriented for efficient taking of human life than for sport shooting or hunting being available to the common joe.

How could that possibly exist? A human is just a large animal, similar in size to a boar or a large deer. What is efficient for killing human animals is efficient for killing any other animal.

When hunting boar, for example, they are generally in packs. They are also a nuisance and do a crazy amount of damage to crops. If you hunt them with a bolt action rifle, you might get one. Maybe two if you are really fast. You need a semi automatic with a reasonably sized magazine (more than 5) if you have any hope of ridding your acreage of that nuisance.

Firestart and others can add all the other benefits of hunting with a military style gun like an AR-15 (if we were allowed to), such as light weight, dependable, modular, etc... I don't know because I don't have an AR. My semi-auto, the mini-14, is okay for hunting as is the SKS, but both are pretty heavy and tire you out treking through the bush with them.
I'm also of the opinion that you can spend your whole life worrying about things that won't happen and that its unhealthy to do so. There's a fine line between paranoia and preparedness for every conceivable eventuality.

I totally agree.

The anti-gunners should read this and tattoo it on their foreheads. Guns and Legal gun owners are not the enemy.

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