I don't doubt that in a lot of lawless countries guns do some good as well as harm.
Lol you REALLY have no knowledge of the country we live in...
1) We're a well-off third world country whose economy depends on natural resources and farming
2) Farmers need guns to protect their crops/livestock from pests/predators
3) Mining camps (especially exploration camps) need at least one guy with a rifle for predator defense. I've never stayed in a bush camp without at least one bear-chaser
That means that guns are
essential to our economy.
Some other facts of life you may get curious about if the Queen and Cameron ever give you permission to open your eyes...
1) Defense of life and limb is a basic human right and if it isn't protected by law, it should be
2) If you take a look at the top 15 countries in terms of gun ownership, most of them will be at the bottom of the list of homicide rates per capita.. Specific examples: Serbia, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Canada, Austria, Iceland and Germany.
Bottom line: Allowing guns and allowing people to defend themselves with guns won't cause rivers of blood to stain your pretty clean streets.