so if you asked me to smack your *** while having doggystyle, that would be a crime ?
this whole consent thing is crazy.. if 2 people are having sex, and the dude starts punching her in the face, WTF doesnt she punch him in the sack and GTFO
if she got hit and didnt leave it or ask to stop, then its ok.
you cant come back a few years later and say you were raped./assaulted.
also,FF, you seem to send the wrong signal, by already assuming a man wants to hook up with you ( your sig ) the 2nd part is really not needed
i am familiar with rape/assault victims, btw. before i knew my wife, she was a victim. she went to the cops within the hour of the incident. same with another woman i know..
these are the women i feel for, not the ones who wait a decade, for them its more like regret