Getting old sucks...

My best results have always been with not restricting myself to any one type of food. Just managing how much and when i intake.

Start with a benchmark of say 1,600 calories and be honest with yourself, read labels, do some napkin math and if you want that cookie then smash it but that means dinner/lunch will downsize to compensate. Limiting yourself to an 8 hour eating window (12-8) is great, will stave off the late night snack attacks.
Tried the whole intermittent fasting thing…I found I was eating way more within the window available.

Plus add in kids not finishing their food and I don’t want to waste / toss it, so I eat it.

Maybe it’s a mental problem.
Tried the whole intermittent fasting thing…I found I was eating way more within the window available.

Plus add in kids not finishing their food and I don’t want to waste / toss it, so I eat it.

Maybe it’s a mental problem.
<insert obligatory advice from non parent>

if i didn't finish my food i didn't get food the next time.

if you need to convince yourself of something to be harder on them, think of it as money down the`re already doing that but put the onus on them, not yourself.

<end rant> :)

ya, if you`re smashing more food then that's not an issue with the fasting, you just need to develop some self control in that area; that takes effort. especially the first few days when you`re feeling 'hunger', it's just because your body(and mind) are used to a routine and your stomach is large. it will shrink over time and you'll be saying nope to double big macs in no time!

we can only focus and make so many things a priority in our lives, i imagine with kids that gets real narrow, real fast. but make this a priority for yourself, you only need to do it until you create new healthier habits for yourself.
My best results have always been with not restricting myself to any one type of food. Just managing how much and when i intake.

Start with a benchmark of say 1,600 calories and be honest with yourself, read labels, do some napkin math and if you want that cookie then smash it but that means dinner/lunch will downsize to compensate. Limiting yourself to an 8 hour eating window (12-8) is great, will stave off the late night snack attacks.
Imho in the real world its impossible to count calories, or measure every little thing as if you're an NBA nutritionist.

What's best is to make a small, simple, easy to do and sustainable/repeatable change in your life, that you can do every. single. day.

The mistaken people make is, often times they try to make a big/huge change and end up crashing and burning or quitting within 2-7 days.

To get big change, you need a bunch of small, easy, sustainable, repeatable tiny changes.

So dont do anything too drastic that you know you cant sustain in the long run.

This applies to pretty much everything in life, but in this case,
If you're trying to keep your weight in check, or cut down, this means a simple, small calorie deficit, which can be accomplished by eating a bit less, or exercising, or both.

For myself, I made it very simple(no calorie charts, or scales etc), I eat a large meal a day(usually breakfast, but not always), and a small snack in the evening. For me, this is easy to do.

What is a large meal? Who knows.🤷‍♂️
A small snack is usually what I can fit in a little bowl.

This is not completely rigid, when I ride I know i'll need more calories, as im doing a more physical activity, so Im burning more calories, and need to keep my strength and focus up, so I'll have more snacks while riding etc.

Same applies to workouts, if you have small, repeatable/regular, moderate workouts, you'll achieve far more than if you try to go hard every time, and end up with injuries, or get burnt out or lose motivation etc.

Signed, "slim poppa", formerly known as "big poppa"
Imho in the real world its impossible to count calories, or measure every little thing as if you're an NBA nutritionist.
took it a bit too literal there lol. i wasn't breaking out the scale for meals, but i did reduce portions to the size of my palm; kept it simple.
took it a bit too literal there lol. i wasn't breaking out the scale for meals, but i did reduce portions to the size of my palm; kept it simple.
Pretty soon we’ll have 6 packs to match the 6 figures. 💪
Ozempic resolves wanting to eat lots...finish the plate etc.....and I LIKED to eat.
Body simply stops wanting it once it hits the "I'm full" point and that comes very early....typically for me about 1/3rd of the way into an average meal. ⁉️
Dropped 19KG over the last 200 days and under the recovery program from the accident losing weight was not a focus at all and I certainly was not burning it in exercise :rolleyes:

A few other benefits from the drug as well, I'm officially out of Type 2 diabetes territory at 5.9 A1C tho that's still pre-diabetes.
I never get hangry headaches anymore. 20% drop in heart problem risk - all good.

Downside is trying to get supplies as sold out world wide....I have a couple months supply but don't know if that will get me through tho there is a new one from Eli Lily based on same principal. Not sure it will be covered by insurance here in Aus and the retail cost is prohibitive - $1100 US a month.
Right now it costs me about $30 a month.....I likely save that in food.

It's been a major prop for Denmark too - article is a good read.

The single company propping up an entire economy​

Pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk’s first-mover advantage in weight-loss drugs has singled-handedly saved Denmark from recession. How long will the ride last?
London | If you suffer from obesity, Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk has two talk-of-the-town drugs, Ozempic and Wegovy, that might be able to help you slim down. But for Denmark as a whole, the reverse is true: these miracle medicines are actually fattening up an otherwise shrinking economy.

Denmark’s GDP increased 1.7 per cent in the first half of this year, outpacing the anaemic 0.2 per cent in the 20-country eurozone. But if you strip out the contribution of Novo Nordisk, which sold $4 billion in weight loss drugs alone in the first half of the year, the Danish economy would have shrunk 0.3 per cent. The single company propping up an entire economy
Want to be slim? Healthier? Happier? Put less crap in your pie hole. It’s really that simple .
Finishing kids meals , ‘needing’ chips to watch TV, the need to clean a plate is all in your head, so refocus your head . Want the second beer? You have to earn it , rake leaves , push a vacuum, walk your neighbours dog . But you gotta get off the couch .

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Thanks all, good advice from everyone.

@bigpoppa you've def done something as last time I saw you I didn't even recognize you. Changing your nickname to @thinpoppa?

@crankcall you're 100% correct, it's def a mental switch that needs to happen

@Evoex you're right with your plan, but I tried counting calories and holy crap it's difficult when you have 'non standard' foods, and I'm not going to weigh my portions.

@MacDoc isn't one of the reason for the shortages of that drug because of the fact that it's being hoarded for weight loss benefits, while it was actually originally created for something else and the weight loss is a side effect? Sort of like Viagra being created for heart conditions and gets you hard as a side effect? (EDIT: Perfect example - Belgium bans use of Ozempic for weight loss until summer)

The simple solution is food go in, should be less than your calorie expenditure. It really is that theory.
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It’s really that simple .
in theory yes practice it is not for many/most people.
Some people don't need drugs for pain management, others including me do.
So too with weight management via a drug that changes a persons satiation point...something which is very hard to do and make it stick which is why dieting rarely works.

Ozempic and others are prescribed for weight loss tho Type 2 diabetes and obesity most often go hand in hand. Demand has exceeded supply for now much to the benefit of the Danes.
Want to be slim? Healthier? Happier? Put less crap in your pie hole. It’s really that simple .
Finishing kids meals , ‘needing’ chips to watch TV, the need to clean a plate is all in your head, so refocus your head . Want the second beer? You have to earn it , rake leaves , push a vacuum, walk your neighbours dog . But you gotta get off the couch .

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I agree with this, the simplest approach is typically the best. No drugs, no gym memberships, no miracle diets. Just small changes you can stick to will gain you the biggest results.
Thanks all, good advice from everyone.

@bigpoppa you've def done something as last time I saw you I didn't even recognize you. Changing your nickname to @thinpoppa?

@crankcall you're 100% correct, it's def a mental switch that needs to happen

@Evoex you're right with your plan, but I tried counting calories and holy crap it's difficult when you have 'non standard' foods, and I'm not going to weigh my portions.

@MacDoc isn't one of the reason for the shortages of that drug because of the fact that it's being hoarded for weight loss benefits, while it was actually originally created for something else and the weight loss is a side effect? Sort of like Viagra being created for heart conditions and gets you hard as a side effect? (EDIT: Perfect example - Belgium bans use of Ozempic for weight loss until summer)

The simple solution is food go in, should be less than your calorie expenditure. It really is that theory.
I didn’t say weigh it, make the portions the size of your palm. 😝
My work often occurs over lunchtimes or near them. I can’t really eat breakfast (just got used to skipping it) so there’s quite a few days when I don’t eat anything substantial until the evening. It’s probably (almost definitely) not healthy to do this but I’m used to it. I have a stash of granola bars or similar if I feel like one.

Weird thing..if I’m on holiday and there’s a breakfast buffet with bacon and sausages…that’s all mine.
Wow, and here I'm eating 6 times a day 'cause I'm always hungry (I work out 4 times a week though over the lunch hour). 5'7" and 155 lbs first thing in the morning.
Want to be slim? Healthier? Happier? Put less crap in your pie hole. It’s really that simple .
Finishing kids meals , ‘needing’ chips to watch TV, the need to clean a plate is all in your head, so refocus your head . Want the second beer? You have to earn it , rake leaves , push a vacuum, walk your neighbours dog . But you gotta get off the couch .

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Eat to live, don't live to eat. It would be interesting to find out how many bags of chips are eaten while watching TV vs not watching TV. I'm guessing most are eaten while watching, probably 90%.

TV ups caloric intake and diminishes exercise. TV is probably the biggest cause of obesity we have.

Secondly, TV is full of subliminal ideology, beautiful slim people eating rich foods and having nice stuff. We go broke and fat trying to keep up.

Beware of starvation diets. They do work but your body remembers and learns to get by on reduced calories. I know people that gain weight on 1200 calories a day, A Big Mac combo. The yo-yo diet concept.

Do things, don't watch things. It can be hard because if you're up in age the playground doesn't want you. There are senior options but you have to hunt a bit. I was sharing a table at the Costco snack bar and asked the guy sharing what the initials on his sweater stood for. It was a seniors softball club. He was in his mid 80s and still playing.

I find that if I've been active and am ready to eat I'm not tempted by a donut because my body is craving healthy stuff.

TBH exercise doesn't burn off a lot of calories but while you're out walking you aren't watching TV and eating chips. Exercise does make your body more efficient.

Read up on sugar and the games the food industry uses to blame fat for the obesity epidemic. Sugar isn't addictive from a physical standpoint but psychologically it sucks you in. Try to find prepared food without sugar.

Add E-bikes to the trend. Most people on them could use a bit of exercise.

Find an activity you enjoy and do don't watch.
Well good news...looks like my elbow is healing itself as I can lift things today...maybe not too heavy but better than the last week.
If you find a secret healing trick, let me know.
On top of everything already mentioned, my Dad always tells me to drink more water.
@mimico_polak that was maniac who came up with that nickname lmao
If you find a secret healing trick, let me know.
Honestly I just haven't done much with it the last 2 weeks. Outright stopped lifting heavy (except the kids - eldest is 40lbs).

On top of everything already mentioned, my Dad always tells me to drink more water.
I drink 10-15 cups / day usually. So the bigger issue is on the other end.
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