Generation Jobless

I have a college diploma, university undergrad and a post grad certificate, all in the environmental field I had a tough time finding a job after my schooling but I'm fortunate that I now work for a municipal government in a civil engineering / planning position. It's not my ideal job, but I could far far worse. I'm turning 30 in April and I've noticed that a fair amount of people within a few years of my age just want to float through life. They prefer traveling and going out 4 nights per week rather than saving money and trying to establish themselves. The same people also quit their jobs to go back to school to study left handed under water basket weaving and can't figure out why they can't get hired anywhere with their graduate degree in basket weaving.

Can't emphasize that enough.
Can't emphasize that enough.

Well, try dammit! Maybe an intervention would help these folk. Something, anything to set these wayward fools on the right path. It's sickening what they're doing to themselves. 4 nights a week!!!! On the town!!!! Savings? Nada! Nothing!!
Well, try dammit! Maybe an intervention would help these folk. Something, anything to set these wayward fools on the right path. It's sickening what they're doing to themselves. 4 nights a week!!!! On the town!!!! Savings? Nada! Nothing!!

Like I said, the world needs ditch diggers too.
Everyone that has won the life lottery and is able to live and educate/work in this country, should take advantage of any and every opportunity. Like others have already said, people are saying "we're like country x or country y" haven't a ****ing clue what it's like outside of our very pampered and sheltered borders.
An entire generation of entitled little spoiled brats is coming and the ones after them are even worse. No one has patience or understanding that things take time and without risk, no reward. Everyone wants everything now now now without a forethought into how they're going to live in the future. Guess mommy and daddy will take care of everything like they have since they were born. Reminds me of that stupid GM commercial chasing after that kid Lukas....
re:original post

I'm part of this generation right now but I can't really relate. My friends and I are all employed in our respective fields and I would say most of us are well payed. I guess I've been hanging with the right crowd?

As it should be. I was starting to lose faith in the other Millennials on this board, thanks for that.
Like I said, the world needs ditch diggers too.
Everyone that has won the life lottery and is able to live and educate/work in this country, should take advantage of any and every opportunity. Like others have already said, people are saying "we're like country x or country y" haven't a ****ing clue what it's like outside of our very pampered and sheltered borders.
An entire generation of entitled little spoiled brats is coming and the ones after them are even worse. No one has patience or understanding that things take time and without risk, no reward. Everyone wants everything now now now without a forethought into how they're going to live in the future. Guess mommy and daddy will take care of everything like they have since they were born. Reminds me of that stupid GM commercial chasing after that kid Lukas....

I hear ya buddy. Altho I would like the record show that previous generations might have played a hand in raising delusional kids. I would not want to be young today....well I would, but you know what I mean.
Like I said, the world needs ditch diggers too.
Everyone that has won the life lottery and is able to live and educate/work in this country, should take advantage of any and every opportunity. Like others have already said, people are saying "we're like country x or country y" haven't a ****ing clue what it's like outside of our very pampered and sheltered borders.
An entire generation of entitled little spoiled brats is coming and the ones after them are even worse. No one has patience or understanding that things take time and without risk, no reward. Everyone wants everything now now now without a forethought into how they're going to live in the future. Guess mommy and daddy will take care of everything like they have since they were born. Reminds me of that stupid GM commercial chasing after that kid Lukas....

So true. And that other car commercial where the fat kid has the final say on what car the dad buys. What a joke that we have empowered children , teens and 20 something's and neutered parents and other authority figures. They are just raising fat entitiled losers who think they are interesting ,different and unique.
So true. And that other car commercial where the fat kid has the final say on what car the dad buys. What a joke that we have empowered children , teens and 20 something's and neutered parents and other authority figures. They are just raising fat entitiled losers who think they are interesting ,different and unique.

Glad I'm not the only one - I hate that commercial.
Glad I'm not the only one - I hate that commercial.

Damn Skippy! make that fat kid walk home from the dealership and empty his pockets first because you know the little bast'erd is stopping off for a cheeseburger first door he spots.
And who really kicks tires anyway? nice job Subaru making your customer base look like entitled uneducated turds.
Read previous posts before posting please. I employ 25 people,and we are across Canada, revenue was 22 million last year, I mention this because there are many publicly traded companies that don't have my revenue or employee count. Listing doesn't mean size or success,. I don't sub contract for anyone. if you doubt me, shoot me a PM and you can visit my office in Toronto..Your silliness and lack of knowledge is now more clearly jealousy of people who own or run companies. If I'm small fry then you don't exist.

Great you own a chain of flower shops, good for you.
Yes and private I am not answering to anyone but me

What, you don't want to go public and get your butt reamed every time the board sees an off week?

Seriously, I know reps with the big publicly traded companies and they're like ants under a magnifying glass getting their butts burned.
no but why would it matter the business? You are early acting like a clown

Really, Have I insulted you and brought my dialogue to a personal level, no. You, that can't be said. Perhaps you should think about what you are saying. As for my comments, they are macro economic and broad based. Agree or not agree with my opinions is your prerogitive. Feel free to ignore me, some people have a problem with reality, others not so much.
Really, Have I insulted you and brought my dialogue to a personal level, no. You, that can't be said. Perhaps you should think about what you are saying. As for my comments, they are macro economic and broad based. Agree or not agree with my opinions is your prerogitive. Feel free to ignore me, some people have a problem with reality, others not so much.

Yes what is your problem with your reality ?
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