Generation Jobless

TomC;1952875awe and in fear of what they're capable of doing. Post secondary education is a fashion trend said:
I'm not sure post secondary is a fashion trend, I think unless your headed for a trade that is apprenticeship based your well and truly limited without the next level of education. Its another tool in the box to help make you employable. I'm amazed at the number of colleges running trade based programs to go with apprenticeships simply because HVAC and everything else is computer based and CNC.

There will always be the exception to the rule, but not having an education is getting really limiting for kids. World needs ditch diggers and all that, but I dont want my kids to be ditch diggers unless thats thier first choice.
I'm not sure post secondary is a fashion trend, I think unless your headed for a trade that is apprenticeship based your well and truly limited without the next level of education. Its another tool in the box to help make you employable. I'm amazed at the number of colleges running trade based programs to go with apprenticeships simply because HVAC and everything else is computer based and CNC.

There will always be the exception to the rule, but not having an education is getting really limiting for kids. World needs ditch diggers and all that, but I dont want my kids to be ditch diggers unless thats thier first choice.

Don't get me wrong, if I had to do everything over again, I would've still went to university, and still have majored in the field that I'm working in now, because those experiences I believed shaped me to be a better person in the end, and it has always been an area that I've had interest in. Its just that certain professions were understaffed and overpaid at the time, and things are finally evening out.

One of the issues is that people try to find shortcuts, ways to chase after money. Money, or success, is a means to an end, as iit really is only rewarded to those who are truly innovative, talented, and hard working etc. I can't count the number of people I know in my age category going back to school to do their MBA when they aren't the MBA types, awful inter-personal skills, bogus work history, no talent, but yet they still think its their golden ticket even when the industry has reported there aren't any jobs left in finance. I also know certain people who should be doing their MBA because their passion and their skill set fits that role.
One thing that an older employee once told me was "be the young guy in the office that knows what the Old guys know". Easier said than done.
But yea, crankcall nailed it, education is only one piece of the puzzle that makes you employable or likeable enough to run your own show.

Some of my programmer friends who were stuck for work, started doing Cobol and Mainframe, and now all employed by large corps supporting their systems, making good coin too. No one is teaching the older stuff anymore and there are a LOT of companies still relying on these old systems.

All i know is I spent half my life digging ditches and I don't want to go back to that.
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