Geek rider?

Are you geeky and ride?

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I used to play WOW for 5 years. I was a master of E.Honda and Zangief (my blood elf paladin was named after him) in SF. So gamer for sure, but might not be a total geek like the rest of ya. I moved into project management from development 5 years ago as well.
Arguable I'm sure, but video Games are mainstream and NOT geek. There's plenty of geeks in this thread, but playing video games doesn't make anyone a geek anymore. Everybody and their grandmothers plays video games now.

3DGamerMan reviews were always the best.
Is having 5 computers at my desk, 3 of them running 24/7, considered geekey enough to be part of this poll?
Also having bought a dual core Smartphone to be able to say "My phone is more powerful than your netbook"?
My friends and family all consider me their "computer guy" and I come home to dead laptops/desktops 3 or 4 times a month and after working my magic on them, I turn each of them into 50$ bills. :D
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