Geek rider?

Are you geeky and ride?

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This is the picture that the guy with the Asian characters nick posted a link to:

Amateur.. I've got a patch panel right IN the bedroom wall (there is a service corridor behind it). 2 lappy's and an extra monitor on the desk (gotta admit that one lappy is for work and that the monitor's smaller than your setup, but then again, I got a nettop and a wii hooked up to a 55" 'monitor' in the living room) ;) Out of 5 actual "computers" in here, 4 are running various distributions of GNU/Linux (the other one belongs to the Mrs.) in addition to 2 Android phones (N1) and 1 Android tablet (DroPad).
Our phone system (got 2 of those handsets):

I don't have POTS (plain-ol' telephone service) and I don't even bother giving out my phone number unless I have to simply because I don't think they'll really be relevant for much over 10 years. SIP address is where it's at :cool:
nope....demanding ***** at work during the day, TO socialista at night
I watch pornography!
I'm a self confessed computer addict! :)

First computer, Timex Sinclair ZX81 (boosted to 16kb RAM!).

I ran the Atari ST users group in Niagara for years, before moving "up" to a 386sx...

We have a PS3 (I used the "we need blu-ray" excuse), and a Wii.

i7 quad-cored desktop with 12 gigs DDR3 ram and 2 terrabytes of hard drive at the moment. Time to upgrade?

There are things not shown in that picture because that was before I added a 7.1 speaker setup. There are also two laptops missing. One is strictly for coding and is my school computer, other one is added into my "mini room bag" where my PSP, DS and other crap go if I ever leave my room for a extended period of time lol. All of my computers have triple or more boots involving 7, Apple OSX, some Linux/Unix/bash crap.

But yes, you beat me on the TV part =( I want a bigger TV but no $$$, motorcycle >> TV!
I'm pretty geeky but i get called 'juicebag' way more than 'nerd' these days so i'm undercover
Not really a computer geek anymore. Lost interest in computers when I decided I didn't want to go into the industry. Although the knowledge still comes in handy on almost a daily basis, which is nice.
I can't believe 3dgameman is among us. I used to follow your site when I was younger, and really into tech.

More of a finance geek now, I guess. This is my setup (roughly wired, and the smaller monitors will be replaced):

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Lost a lot of enthusiasm after picking up riding. I've had my rig for almost five years now!!
Since we're into confessions then....

I also used to be a mod on a pretty busy Team Fortress server. Did that for a while until one night I got reasonably drunk and froze all the players half way into the floor/structures and went round for about 45 minutes shooting them all in the head (this is a PC game remember so no need to call the RCMP here)....just so I could hear "Headshot" repeated over and over while cackling a day I found myself banned from the site.
Since we're into confessions then....

I also used to be a mod on a pretty busy Team Fortress server. Did that for a while until one night I got reasonably drunk and froze all the players half way into the floor/structures and went round for about 45 minutes shooting them all in the head (this is a PC game remember so no need to call the RCMP here)....just so I could hear "Headshot" repeated over and over while cackling a day I found myself banned from the site.

Need a thumbs up button for that. I used to write CS hacks (remember OGC anyone?) >=D
Yeah, Im a geek, but these days I tend to hold on to my money instead of chasing the latest and greatest gadget. Still my favourite pass time is riding and gaming and of course spending time with my no particular order of perference...but who are we kidding...a twist of the wrist and Im in bliss.
MTG (but not really...)

Will bet burritoes in any street fighter

Look who's betting burritos now...
The man sitting on a bench with a computer @ BB on a Tuesday night surrounded by bikers.
I'm too cheap to have the latest and greatest in gadgets. Still stuck using electronics from 10 years ago, I just don't care.
computer tech/sysadmin by trade.
Used to be way more geek, but since getting into bikes I have let technology in the home life tail away, significantly...

Used to play Counterstrike for 12-14 hours a day on summer holidays... and I agree with the post that said a Mouse does kill using a controller in FPS's.... That is the whole reason I refused to play any FPS's until just a few months back on my PS3.

Honestly though, I'm using a Samsung Netbook as my primary (and only) computer, right now! I used to build a new desktop frequently but I just would rather do bike related stuff, in stead.

Haven't lost touch entirely, though... I created an Access database from scratch at work that is scangun interactive and keeps track of our laptop inventory (Couple hundred units)... uses the serial number to determine model/language and logs the user that does the scan.. But honestly, I'm more concerned with my lap times at TMP than my kill/death ratio, these days!!
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