I'm not into computer games, etc nowadays but was at the dawn of micro computers. In my younger days I was seriously into computers, wrote, in Assembly language, an "operating sytem" of sorts for my high school to use for my school (they used a UNIVAC that run a 16 bit subset of IBM 360 Assembly language) and still help normal computer users all the time at work when the MIS guys aren't around. I built a Micro Computer from a kit (4,000 solder joints on the mother board, and 2,000 on each of the amazingly large 8k static ram boards!). I had quite a few micro computers way back when (SOL 20, Sinclair ZX81, Several C64's, PC clones etc) I was on the first BBS systems in Canada (which were dialup and generally 300 baud!) and was an early user of USENET and the Web before most people had even heard of their existance. I like my tech toys (GPS, iPod, etc) but don't get them for the sake of having them but more realisically use them as very useful tools. Even bach then I rode a bike (from when I was 13.)
I still like sci-fi, space stuff, math etc.