Geek rider?

Are you geeky and ride?

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Totally...I teach chemistry to undergrads and grad students. Love any excuse to play with new gadgets. My favourite new gadget arrived today, a sony bluetooth receiver to convert any earphones to a bluetooth wireless set, I clip it to my glove and run the cord up the arm to my helmet. Can adjust volume and ff the tracks etc. Just waiting to follow Shane Kingsley's advice and get a pair of Shures (215s) for riding.
Yep, get together with friends every friday to play video games, gamer at heart forever.
I bought a very nice Ikea cabinet that can barely fit under my work desk (3 shelves). I assembled it. Then I took a hole-saw to it and drilled 6 holes. Then I took a generic 12VDC power supply and spliced 3 spade connectors (males on pos, females on neg, make what you want from it). Then I mounted 3 casing fans onto 3 of the holes (the other 3 are for air intake) and plugged them into the power supply. Now, if you're asking why Mr. FiReSTaRT would need such an elaborate setup.. Well, that's to keep all of my modems, routers, switches and other networking gear nice and cool. If that ain't geeky, I don't know what is :cool:
I didn't realize there is a killzone 3 ready I haven't even played number 2 yet. My PS3 hasn't been touched in a few months. It's basically a winter thing when I'm stuck inside and can't afford to put gas in the sled. But I do like techy stuff and making movies and thinking of getting a program for my iPhone to make my own music. So there is a geek hidden in there somewhere. That said I'm a geek when it comes to bikes/cars/trucks/planes etc.
Hell no, I'm a sworn luddite. I use the minimal amount of electronic technology I can. I don't use a GPS, paper maps work great. I don't have a bluetooth and my latest game console is an original Playstation. I do have an MP3 player but don't use it while riding, I'm not someone that feels everything I do requires a soundtrack and I don't need the distraction. I don't give 2 shitz about ABS, EFI, traction control or riding modes on a motorcycle, less electronics the better.
2nd year software development student.

I also work out 6/7 days a week for 1-2 hours. My /played on Final Fantasy XI is in the months range, World of Warcraft is catching up. PS3, Wii, 360 all in my room and occasionally I'll be watching TV, coding, and playing a game at the same time.

I also play cello.

Nerds that ride motorcycles and are built don't exist in the eyes of the society or the media lol <--- my room

Oh, and **** consoles for destroying PC gaming, mouse >>>>> controller for FPS any day of the week.
I would consider myself a geek. Some of you probably already know me as 3dGameMan from

So my question is, are you geeky/needy (love technology, computer, games, etc.) and ride?

Holy S**T, i used to watch your videos on youtube a long time ago! I bought some cases because of your awesome reviews. Thank you!

Yes i would consider my self a geek. I build my own gaming systems. Love my ps3, xbox 360.. 3rd year in a computer networking course, doing co-op right now in a government department.
Yep, System Admin at an ISP. Latest geeky thing will be deploying new SAN hardware with 10Gbit CEE interconnects spanning 4km.
Well, I know it's not really tech-geeky, but does reading George R.R. Martin count??
I'm not into computer games, etc nowadays but was at the dawn of micro computers. In my younger days I was seriously into computers, wrote, in Assembly language, an "operating sytem" of sorts for my high school to use for my school (they used a UNIVAC that run a 16 bit subset of IBM 360 Assembly language) and still help normal computer users all the time at work when the MIS guys aren't around. I built a Micro Computer from a kit (4,000 solder joints on the mother board, and 2,000 on each of the amazingly large 8k static ram boards!). I had quite a few micro computers way back when (SOL 20, Sinclair ZX81, Several C64's, PC clones etc) I was on the first BBS systems in Canada (which were dialup and generally 300 baud!) and was an early user of USENET and the Web before most people had even heard of their existance. I like my tech toys (GPS, iPod, etc) but don't get them for the sake of having them but more realisically use them as very useful tools. Even bach then I rode a bike (from when I was 13.)

I still like sci-fi, space stuff, math etc.

I love my ps3 also... But the girlfriend is less fond of out lol. I'm on that almost any chance I get... Also love new gadgets and cell phones but always seem to jump into first gen garbage lol
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