Full leather for street riding stupid?

You and Benny must be the hottest at Tim Hortons.


I'd bet good money Benny can run laps around you at the track ;)
Wearing a 1 or 2 piece on the street is of no real significance, the real question is, how fast can you take on-ramps?
2WET, I think that I'll put that little death thing off as long as I can, while still having a little fun. Saying that some people don't have serious injuries while others get crushed in no way invalidates the fact that you're increasing your odds of survival, if you were proper gear. Those 80 years might well not be guaranteed to you but you have a lot more chance of seeing them, if you use a little brain and mitigate your risks. And that's what it's all about; risk mitigation.

For example.....

I had my rear wheel taken out by another rider, on Highway 10 north of Caledon, at around 70 Kmh. I went down hard on my head and left shoulder, breaking my collarbone so loudly that I thought my helmet had cracked. I then slid a considerable distance straight down the road, as you might imagine. I was wearing a quality leather jacket unfortunately with padding rather than armour, hence the broken collarbone, and good textile pants with armour. My only injury was the break. I had absolutely no road rash. The person who hit me slid even further down the road than I did. He sustained injury, where his glove wore through, and his jeans didn't exactly look factory fresh when he came to a stop. I could have worn my jacket for years more, if the insurance company hadn't taken it and compensated me for it.

No, nothing can protect you from death, but there's a subtle difference between jumping out of a plane with a parachute, and pulling the trigger on a revolver, with one bullet in it, that's pointed at your head.

I think you didn't read my post carefully or skimmed through it, im not saying wearing a 1 piece on the street is not cool, im saying its stupid to kill yourself in summer heat in a 1 piece suit, when all you're going to be doing is cruising around and ripping it for a bit here and there, for that you have body armor, it's easily hidden under your clothes, and people should get the full deal, elbow, knee, back chest, butt protectors, or the full mesh undergarment body armor.

But if you decide to ride 3 am, and rip the streets then yea, common sense wear the full 1 piece suit.

My point is if you consider yourself a really good rider and one with common sense, people should be able to use common sense to wear what is right when. Like i would not wear a Tuxedo to a club! nor would i wear jeans and a V neck to a wedding. but even when going to a club, people still wear clothes, so even when riding street yes there should still be wearing protection of some kind covering all the major parts, but not 1 piece if its not necessary, that being obsessive and over killing it, if im riding uncomfortable in 30 plus in summer and dehydrating in full leathers, im more likely to fkup and crash then if im cool and comfortable with the "right" type of protection for the right conditions.

Im mostly agaisnt people who say YOU HAVE TO WEAR 1 PIECE ALL THE TIME.lol ...... you don't! ... there should always be some sort of protection though, i would not support absolute no protection either. Riding a bike is always evaluating the risk and risks your willing to take, and keep it somewhere in between. Im willing to take a risk going local with only body armor if im meeting people , riding cruising for relaxing fun, but if im going to go out and ride hard, i'll wear full 1 piece, which i only do on the track, because like i said at those speeds on the street its certain death.

You broke you collar bone at 70kmh, my best friend broke his just falling side ways on his snow board in blue mountain doing zero kilometers and hour, he just fell wrong..again, your injuries and death is out of your control, its in Gods hands. But yea you can go all out to be as safe as possible as you want, no wrong in that, for me, i can't live a life based on fear, if i die, i die, if i brake a bone i brake a bone, for everything else i'll be as careful as much as i need to be no overkill or under-kill, keep it in the middle for me.

As for your accident, i feel your pain, although i've been lucky never to break any bones, i just always fell right on the ground, but i know what you mean, many times i've crashed head first and i thought my helmet exploded, but it was in good condition, because it was a nice helmet. There should be "enough" body armor protection to avoid road rash etc. and hey if someone wants to wear 1 piece and ride around 50 i don't care, i do my own thing. If someone is wearing a 1 piece on the street to me its he/she is either out raping the streets or a ***** rider riding around doing 50 trying to look cool. And the guys i respect wearing 1 piece are the ones i see late at night carving the streets, the ones during the day in traffic are just posers imo. but again....at the end of the day ..it's only my opinion..."DO WHAT EVER THE **** YOU WANNA DO!!!" people lol

Another top quality 2WAT post!

"CaBOOSEE" oh wow i just farted sorry people.

Wearing leathers while riding in Canada is considered stupid??? WOW :shock:

It's not stupid when you need to wear it... but most that do advocate AGATT on the street are the same ones who'd also wear it riding their 2 year old sisters pink try cycle. I wear full leathers, on track always, and only when im going out like 3 in the morning on the street to rip it up, ride non stop carving the streets, every other time its body armor under clothes.
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I think you didn't read my post carefully or skimmed through it,

No, actually I think that you assumed a lot about my post. I didn't mention wearing a one piece leather suit. What I was getting at, is that you're wrong that armour, alone, is good enough. You need abrasion protection, of whatever type. Everyone feels that they're a good rider. That majority are wrong. Even the ones who are, aren't in complete control of their fate.

But whatever. Do what you like and think what you like, discounting people who have multiples of your knowledge and experience.

*EDIT* You also missed the part where I said that the broken collarbone was the only injury I sustained. If I'd been only wearing armour, as you suggest, I would have had a few square FEET or road rash. Having sand and gravel scrubbed out of your flesh is not fun. Trust me on that.
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No, actually I think that you assumed a lot about my post. I didn't mention wearing a one piece leather suit. What I was getting at, is that you're wrong that armour, alone, is good enough. You need abrasion protection, of whatever type. Everyone feels that they're a good rider. That majority are wrong. Even the ones who are, aren't in complete control of their fate.

But whatever. Do what you like and think what you like, discounting people who have multiples of your knowledge and experience.

*EDIT* You also missed the part where I said that the broken collarbone was the only injury I sustained. If I'd been only wearing armour, as you suggest, I would have had a few square FEET or road rash. Having sand and gravel scrubbed out of your flesh is not fun. Trust me on that.

I don't care what you think anymore, you're just being stubborn now, and yea go ahead send me another infraction, no one ever does except you, and i could care less.

You obviously don't have any experience or greater knowlege, because if you did, you would know the WHOLE PURPOSE, of bionic body armor is to prevent road rash and breaking your back, shoulders, on a fall, unless you really fall all messed up and wrong, in which case your full suit proved nothing can stop from such an injuries. in such incidences.

PS: The ONLY reason i started wearing body armor is because of years of road rashes, and i've crashed with body armor back protectors and no more rash...anyways, i could care less now, Toronto is just full of crackheads, because no one listens like a person when on crack and so is this forum, lets all just relax on this topic and go smoke some "rob ford".lol
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I don't care what you think anymore, you're just being stubborn now, and yea go ahead send me another infraction, no one ever does except you, and i could care less.

You obviously don't have any experience or greater knowlege, because if you did, you would know the WHOLE PURPOSE, of bionic body armor is to prevent road rash and breaking your back, shoulders, on a fall, unless you really fall all messed up and wrong, in which case your full suit proved nothing can stop from such an injuries. in such incidences.

PS: The ONLY reason i started wearing body armor is because of years of road rashes, and i've crashed with body armor back protectors and no more rash...anyways, i could care less now, Toronto is just full of crackheads, because no one listens like a person when on crack and so is this forum, lets all just relax on this topic and go smoke some "rob ford".lol

Armour is not engineered to prevent road rash. It is designed to absorb as much impact as possible, rather than transmit it to the body contained within.
I think you didn't read my post carefully or skimmed through it, im not saying wearing a 1 piece on the street is not cool, im saying its stupid to kill yourself in summer heat in a 1 piece suit, when all you're going to be doing is cruising around and ripping it for a bit here and there, for that you have body armor, it's easily hidden under your clothes, and people should get the full deal, elbow, knee, back chest, butt protectors, or the full mesh undergarment body armor.

So you can either wear this, and a jersey, hoody, shirt etc. on top...

Or this perforated leather jacket and actually look like you belong on the thing...

I prefer to wear my armour over rather than under. Got tons of Under Armour for that... I could even wear the tight fitting compression stuff and the armour you're suggesting on top but then you just look retarded, in a jacket you look proper. That stuff is meant to be worn under jerseys for mountain biking and dirt riding. I'd ****ing love to meet you in person and question your logic, or just see the clown that you are.
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I don't care what you think anymore, you're just being stubborn now, and yea go ahead send me another infraction, no one ever does except you, and i could care less.

It's "I couldn't care less".
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When I lowsided, the armor in the elbow did jack for me except dig into my arm and bruise me. The leather saved my arm. It's not just your elbows and joints that will scrape the ground obviously, so how is only armor in those areas, going to protect the rest of you?

This has been posted before on this forum and is an excellent read on empirical data on armor/material in crashes: http://dontai.com/wp/2010/06/03/does-motorcycle-mesh-gear-melt-in-a-crash/
Wear what you like and shut up about what others should or shouldn't wear. Other than un-informed passengers, it's no one else's business.

For what it's worth, I wear two piece leathers almost always. Never less than a leather jacket with armour under jeans. I ride in temps approaching 40C and have no problems with heat exhaustion or dehydration. Be wary riding in very high temps without skin and wind protection as you may become dehydrated or fried by the sun. Above 36C the wind doesn't cool you, it cooks you.

I sewed a zipper to my jacket to connect my pants to them as I bought the two separately. It isn't terribly hard to do by hand if you buy a proper needle and good thread and USE A THIMBLE!!!

Thanks to redridrnl for the grammar correction. The misuse of the phrase "I could NOT care less" by the under educated is only exceeded as one of my pet peeves by the use of "irregardless".
Literally never bothered me. Gotta allow for some artistic leeway. The other two I just shake my head at. (BTW ending a sentence with a preposition is a-okay. :D)

Carry on. Leather.
Bring on the grammar cops!

These ones drive me crazy: brake/break, there/their/they're, your/you're, to/too/two, would of could of should of/would have could have should have.
Oh man, could of/should of makes me want to slap faces. You're basically admitting to the world that you're a simpleton.

Leather. It's good stuff. Hmmm hmmm.
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