For anyone looking for a contourHD...

Ya.. The wind noise issue is all over the web... It's actually pretty terrible. I refuse to have to separately mic the unit. Cutting and splicing wires on a brand new piece of equipment is ridiculous. I'm going to try mine with the sock mod and see if its actually managable.. even for a 2nd video source.. but i'm likely to end up with a go pro as well...
umm, if wind noise is an issue you will be disappointed with the gopro as well.

my friend has one and i had mine on my helmet and he had his on his helmet as we followed each other around. Its the same. unless you use the underwater case at which point all the noise is muffled and garbage.

a 1080P gopro is still 300 bucks, i'll take the contour for 150, but i wouldnt pay full pop.
I refuse to have to separately mic the unit. Cutting and splicing wires on a brand new piece of equipment is ridiculous.
I agree that it's ridiculous that I have to fix this, but it wouldn't be the first time I'll have fixed another engineer's royal ****** up... won't be the last either.

i'll take the contour for 150, but i wouldnt pay full pop.
The question is, should stick with this at $150, or should I return it and wait for ContourHD to fix their screw up with the next model?
Over the weekend I had the chance to play with a friend’s GoPro to compare with my new Contour. At the 1080 setting and when working in the video editor on my MacBook, I see no difference in the vid quality between the two. While I did not get to record a new file with the GoPro to test for wind noise, from the original files he made, I can tell you the GoPro suffers from the same problem. Note however, that I have my Contour attached to the side of my helmet while my friend has the GoPro on the top of his helmet.

I have looked into the mic mods posted on the web and I am hesitant to attempt the external mic mod. Looks like you could screw things up pretty easily. Have not tried the sock mod but it looks promising. When I did my initial test run I turned the mic sensitivity down to 12 and this pretty much killed any audio but my plan all along was to add a music track so it is not an issue either way for me.

One thing I do like about the GoPro is the ability to stitch together a series of still shots to make a video.

The Future Shop website has additional Contour mounts listed at $29.95. Don’t know how much the GoPro mounts are but because I have a couple of different helmets, I will buy at least one more mount. I was also looking at options to mount the Contour on the bike to get other angles as well but I’m concerned about vibrations. I know my friend with the GoPro had vibration issues when he tried it but I hope to experiment with other angles later this week.

Finally, I admit to being nervous about losing the camera at higher speeds. For my test run I stayed in my neighbourhood and I maxed out at 80 kph and the camera was as solid as a rock. For peace of mind however, I will add a fishing line tether to the camera in addition to the tether that connects the camera to the mount.

Final thoughts? It’s a fun toy and for the sale price, I think I got a bargain. I have no allusions about creating pro-quality videos but I do want to be able to capture the more interesting bits of some of my rides.
Missed out on this, If someone bought an extra one as a gift, or is on the fence, I will grab it off of you.

Does this camera do wide view? Like could I mount it to my wakeboard tower and will it get all the action left and right or only whats 100 % in front of it?
^^^Its 135 degrees, or so says the front of the camera. I am impressed with it - seems to catch everything you would expect it to.
Bought it with the free extra rotating mount. Had to go to a diff store but it wasn't much out of the way.

Now I'm wondering wtf I'm going to do with two rotating mounts.

Does anyone know if I can exchange one for the handlebar mount?
How vibration dampening is that mount anyway?
i never had any issues with vibration when it was mounted on the motorcycles.

i received my contourHD last night and the underwater case (for scuba diving).

the case is really nice and well worth the money. it was $43 after shipping and duties/tax and i received it over the weekend.

the bonus is that it comes with the universal camera mount on the bottom for use with tripods and suction cup mounts (can also use bar end etc etc mounts) and it also eliminates all wind noise.
i never had any issues with vibration when it was mounted on the motorcycles.

i received my contourHD last night and the underwater case (for scuba diving).

the case is really nice and well worth the money. it was $43 after shipping and duties/tax and i received it over the weekend.

the bonus is that it comes with the universal camera mount on the bottom for use with tripods and suction cup mounts (can also use bar end etc etc mounts) and it also eliminates all wind noise.

I also ordered a waterproof case and a handlebar mount, through Radio World, and should have them in hand tomorrow. I've got next week off to test them out, while I'm getting ready for the national finals at Mosport.
it will be posted tonight. i just took a video of me driving my car with the Contour mounted outside above and behind the mirror. one of the most turbulent wind areas on a car. i will have to edit it and post it up.
That's a huge difference ........ you can hear the rain hitting. Great set-up. Would be nice to hear on a bike to hear the motor. Maybe too quiet???
To be honest, i believe its too quiet as well...BUT with that being said, my friend runs his gopro in his waterproof case and you cant hear ppl talking but u can def hear the engine...

we'll see.

the Contour is on the operating table right now having a remove mic jack installed. hopefully i can finish it tonight and test it out.

So here's the latest video i threw together. The first part is with external mike shoved in my right pant pocket. Not ideal, but then again it was starting to rain and i didnt have a lot of time. With a proper wind sock and better placement i'm sure the wind noise can be greatly reduced.

half way through the video i stop and yank the microphone out and the ride back is bone stock ContourHD sound.

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