Filling up while sitting on the bike

That's another of the TSSA rules in case your cell phone ignites fuel vapours. I swear, their fuel standards people are a herd of karens. Aside from a battery event (which is more likely to occur when charging in the car but that's allowed), it would be incredibly difficult to light gas/vapours with a cell phone even if you were trying to.
Calling Mythbusters!
Calling Mythbusters!
They did it.

"“Using a cellphone will not blow up the gas station,” Savage said, referring to the common myth that you could accidentally blow up a gas station with a cellphone.

He said it’s not the cellphone, but static sparks created when drivers rub themselves on the car that cause most of these fires. A lot of times, the drivers talk on their phones when the spark happens, so it just looks as if the cellphone is the cause of the fire, when it’s actually irrelevant."
I think there are many rules that a lot of people are not aware of.
I have seen personally people told to not let a child fill the tank.
I have seen people being told to take the jerrycan our of the trunk to fill it.
A child won't know what to do if there was a problem... neither would most adults but that is a separate issue.
The problem with filling a jerry can in the trunk is the heavier than air gas fumes pour out of the jerry can and pool in the bottom of the trunk. If you fill the can outside these fumes blow away.

I'm more concerned about the combination of black and red wires into a single junction than I am with the junction itself. I would not be excited to own that vehicle after that hack.
I had a Ford Bronco that I burned to the ground. OOPS. i got stuck in a mud hole and the thing puked out of the auto trans dipstick and covered the nice hot motor with nice hot trans fluid.
I towed the thing home and re-wired it... all in red wire (the only colour the shop had) EVERY wire under the hood was red, used it for another year plowing snow then traded it to a biker for 4500 hits of acid... purple double barrel IIRC.
He drove it for another couple of years without issue. he did bring it back to me ONCE to re-wire the plow pump motor.
I do good work
Look at all those crimp on connectors
12.7v at the battery, 9v at that fuse.
There is 20 ohms of resistance right there....
And I'm hoping that 10ga wire that is connected to all those 18ga wires isn't line/feed.
Look at all those crimp on connectors
12.7v at the battery, 9v at that fuse.
There is 20 ohms of resistance right there....
And I'm hoping that 10ga wire that is connected to all those 18ga wires isn't line/feed.
I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume it's a ground, and the red 10 ga is to the negative terminal of the battery.

This is one reason why I don't like buying used bikes where people have done their own wiring.

Oh, and I used to fill up while sitting on the bike. Splashed gas over the tank and onto my jeans, once. Never again.

The fumes were awful.
I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume it's a ground, and the red 10 ga is to the negative terminal of the battery.

This is one reason why I don't like buying used bikes where people have done their own wiring.
Maybe but why is there a fuse at the bottom then? Fusing the ground is a pretty poor practice.
Maybe but why is there a fuse at the bottom then? Fusing the ground is a pretty poor practice.
Someone connects all their wires onto a bolt, and you're complaining about where they put a fuse?!?
Plus it goes around the back, so you can't really confirm that it's connected to the bolt.
Someone connects all their wires onto a bolt, and you're complaining about where they put a fuse?!?
Plus it goes around the back, so you can't really confirm that it's connected to the bolt.
We had a group project in university that got "bound" with some nice stainless bolts. Seemed appropriate for an engineering report and there was a time issue so conventional binding was not ideal.
We had a group project in university that got "bound" with some nice stainless bolts. Seemed appropriate for an engineering report and there was a time issue so conventional binding was not ideal.
When my wife's thesis was due, my printer broke down. We pushed the 300 baud modem to 450 and sent the thesis from Etobicoke to Scarborough over the phone lines, from one C64 to another. Then printed it on a Star Micronics Dot matrix printer. I owed the owner a new ribbon after that.
As for fuelling. TSSA has a rule about it, pointed out here. If it does go sideways the bike will end up on its side with the fuel running out of the fill as it is not on the stand (lose footing or fire). Gas stations are also likely concerned about pump and run. You can stretch your legs, easier to get your wallet out. Why risk fuel on your nether regions? When I did the safety course many many moons ago they also told us to fuel off the bike. The why list goes on....

We also can't expect min wage gas attendants to be following some sort of flow chart. Is the bike on a centre stand, did they prepay at the pump, is the rider wearing an asbestos suit..... no black and white is best, off the bike. I am sure they don't need more grief, they get plenty everyday, why give them more?

Sort of like wearing a mask during COVID, just follow the rules instead of expecting others to bend to your whims or specialness.

As for cell phones, rules were put in place before entirely knowing for sure. There were: static concerns, also the phone interfering with the pump was a concern. There is also the entire paying attention to what you are doing/distraction. Just as a courtesy, it sucks waiting for the pump while the person at the pump is done but yapping on their phone. Why give the attendant grief, they were not part of the "scientific" team making the rules. Just follow the rules..... it is not that hard to do.
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Fusing the ground is a pretty poor practice.
Actually NO
A fuse in the ground leg will pop before a fuse in the positive leg.
It's an electrical thing...the electrons flow from Neg to Pos and some times you HAVE to fuse the negative side and in THIS case I think the more fuses the better.
You put the fuse where it is needed.
... and positive ground, like on Brit bikes, is BETTER...for wiring and on/off switches. (I'd have to have a good look at it before I started wiring in sensors)
I never understood the fill while upright thing some riders do...

"you get more gas in the tank this way"

I can't imagine filling is easier this way either.

But i suppose some are just destined to split hairs on aspects of their lives because the reasoning is "better" somehow.
Know your audience - do you really expect me to believe you ride the speed limit? ;)
My point is not to make a person making low wages put up with grief (they already get too much) because someone thinks they are special. Show them some respect, it is not that hard to do. Once the rules are understood this is no different than a wanker refusing to wear a mask, or a shirt or shoes..., giving the employees grief because someone thinks they are special or better. They are human beings too and no one here is better then them, all about respect. Once a person knows they are not supposed fill while sitting on the bike it is total disrespect to the attendant to do so or to make them enforce the rules "because special"..... ignorance is an excuse of course, but not after knowing better.

My driving record is 100% ticket free BTW.
I never understood the fill while upright thing some riders do...

"you get more gas in the tank this way"

I can't imagine filling is easier this way either.

But i suppose some are just destined to split hairs on aspects of their lives because the reasoning is "better" somehow.
It's not splitting hairs. You get lots more gas in (at least a few dollars). If you are just riding around town, that doesn't matter. If you are riding all day, that is about one whole gas stop that you avoid. That is clearly better if you are trying to cover distance.

I wouldn't say it's easier. More going on, more chance for error. FWIW, the only time I've tipped over in the gas station was a failed attempt at getting it on the centre stand (wet, no grip pad on stand leg, foot slipped off and it slowly tipped away from me. fixed that when I got home).
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