Filling up while sitting on the bike

I use the opportunity to stretch. I feel safe standing on my feet.
I put the kickstand down and stand up with a bike underneath me. On short rides I’ve been doing that for 30 years so I was surprised to learn all these new rules. I’ve never dropped gas on my bike I’m super careful.
I have never seen a fire at the pump.
I always dismount mostly because it's usually time to stretch the legs.
It actually makes perfect sense. If you don't dismount, you probably don't have the sidestand down. If there is a fire and you are on your bike you probably aren't going to put the sidestand down. You are going to RUN! The tank will be open and up the boom factor.
But go nuts. What could go wrong?
On long rides, if I am in a hurry, I put the sidestand down but stay on the bike so I can fill it all the way up but have an exit strategy. If I am not in a huge rush, I fill on the centre stand. You can get substantially more in the tank with it upright so I get more range before the next required stop.
I have often been labelled as "clumsy" or "butter fingers" and proof of that is getting my pants soaked with gas while sitting on the bike and filling up. I can assure you that the effect is far from pleasant. So as a personal choice, I get off when re-fuelling.
I would like to think that the overflow happened because the shut-off calibration of the fuel nozzle was incorrect. Though proving that would entail the possibility of more personal damage and I respectfully decline that task.

On a more serious note, even while dismounted I have had the cashier disable the pre-pay and fill-up, possibly because I had the full-face with smoked visor on. Happened and only once, at a Shell station in 'Sauga. Put it down to the cashier having a bad day.
I have often been labelled as "clumsy" or "butter fingers" and proof of that is getting my pants soaked with gas while sitting on the bike and filling up. I can assure you that the effect is far from pleasant. So as a personal choice, I get off when re-fuelling.
I would like to think that the overflow happened because the shut-off calibration of the fuel nozzle was incorrect. Though proving that would entail the possibility of more personal damage and I respectfully decline that task.

On a more serious note, even while dismounted I have had the cashier disable the pre-pay and fill-up, possibly because I had the full-face with smoked visor on. Happened and only once, at a Shell station in 'Sauga. Put it down to the cashier having a bad day.
I don't trust auto shutoff on the bike. Watch it going in and stop when it's full.
At the closest gas station to me that I’ve been filling up for years, one day I was told that I could not fill up unless I removed my helmet. I had already prepaid and this was during the height of lockdown back in May of last year. I’ve been back there many times over the last year and I’ve never been asked to do that again.

The only time I have ever overfilled my gas tank is when I was standing to the side of the bike and not paying attention. Now I always sit on the bike when filling up, but almost never at Canadian Tire.
I have had this happen to me in the past. It always involved the cashier shutting the pump off on me until I complied.

Now I put the bike on the center stand and fill up. A habit I got from touring.
How much time are people saving by not swinging a leg over? I don't think it takes me even one full second ("one-thousand-one"). When I've tried filling up while seated, it usually ended up taking a little more time to keep the bike balanced and slowing down near the top to prevent splashing or overflow. I hate the smell of gas on my clothes.
On long rides, if I am in a hurry, I put the sidestand down but stay on the bike so I can fill it all the way up but have an exit strategy. If I am not in a huge rush, I fill on the centre stand. You can get substantially more in the tank with it upright so I get more range before the next required stop.
My second gen FZ1 taught me the center stand trick. Helps quite a bit when out touring with Connies and FJRs.
How much time are people saving by not swinging a leg over? I don't think it takes me even one full second ("one-thousand-one"). When I've tried filling up while seated, it usually ended up taking a little more time to keep the bike balanced and slowing down near the top to prevent splashing or overflow. I hate the smell of gas on my clothes.
If you are trying to cover distance, you save a meaningful amount of time. Instead of side stand, dismount, retract side stand, centre stand, fill, remount and leave you drop to side stand, fill, retract side stand, leave. That time is a km or more you are ahead.
Not everyone thinks through their actions.
How long can you ride with gas on your crotch?
Does the liquid turn to a gas over time?
Can it ignite?
Not everyone thinks through their actions.
How long can you ride with gas on your crotch?
Does the liquid turn to a gas over time?
Can it ignite?
I dont sit my balls on the tank. I havent spilled yet but if it eventually happens, it will run down the tank and drop between the tank and seat. No fire crotch for me.
I don't think I've ever been asked to dismount - but have you ever had someone tell you to put away your cell phone?!? I had that happen to me a year or two ago... couldn't believe it. Sure enough, there were pictures posted at the pumps indicating "do not use phones while pumping".

I continue to use my phone while pumping, and that was the only time I was ever told to put it away. I believe it was at a Canadian Tire pump but can't recall for certain.
I don't think I've ever been asked to dismount - but have you ever had someone tell you to put away your cell phone?!? I had that happen to me a year or two ago... couldn't believe it. Sure enough, there were pictures posted at the pumps saying "do not use phones while pumping".

I continue to use my phone while pumping, and that was the only time I was ever told to put it away. I believe it was at a Canadian Tire pump but can't recall for certain.
That's another of the TSSA rules in case your cell phone ignites fuel vapours. I swear, their fuel standards people are a herd of karens. Aside from a battery event (which is more likely to occur when charging in the car but that's allowed), it would be incredibly difficult to light gas/vapours with a cell phone even if you were trying to.
I think there are many rules that a lot of people are not aware of.
I have seen personally people told to not let a child fill the tank.
I have seen people being told to take the jerrycan our of the trunk to fill it.

I have also seen personal friends spill gas all over their crotch.
Made me laugh, because he said it went straight up his hoop. and it hurt like hell.
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