Sure, and also can't be legally operated on most roads, so there's that.
Lead isn't exactly environmentally friendly as well, for the record.
And people need to stop shi!ting on lithium unless they're going to also be willing to stop using all the things most everyone in society uses on a daily basis that contains it, including the very devices that I guarantee 99% of the people participating at GTAM are using to do so.
When everyone is willing to give up their cellphones, cordless power tools, digital cameras, laptops, a lot of children's toys, e-cigs, tablets and e-readers, bluetooth headsets, watches, video game controllers, smoke detectors, not to mention medical devices like pacemakers and such, and a million other things, then we can stop miniming lithium and that whole problem will be solved.
Also, "Rare earth elements"
are not actually rare. Common misconception in the anti-EV crowd.