Reganomics, Oh you mean Reaganomics

That's something that Walter Mondale made up as part of his democratic campaign. Read his speech form the Feb New Hampshire primary in the 1984 campaign. It’s on line. You can google it.
You seem to be very naive. How can a public company in Canada “hide” cash? I’m a partner at a public company and when I file through Corporate Actions and Events at the TSX and Revenue Canada I submit the balance sheet. It’s assets offset by liabilities. That's the purpose of a balance sheet. It has to balance. Revenue Canada will flag you for being $1 out, ask me how I know.
If that sheet is deliberately wrong its fraud. If cash is hidden its fraud. I get charged, my partners get charged, our CFO gets charged, our accountants get charged. Every year I have to pay for an independent accounting company to come in and scrutinize the books. Are you saying all corporations in Canada are committing fraud by laundering $8bn in money and that the whole accounting profession is in cahoots?
You probably don’t believe that Oswald shot Kennedy either.
I personally find that the fact that you are implying that very insulting.
A company has the ability to do things like offset revenue against future profits, but I can't just take cash from the bank account and spend it without a record. I cant take cash from our corporate account and put it somewhere else. That's a criminal offence. Everything has to be on the books. Even if it’s for Hookers or Coke, it has to be on the books. We have a CFO, he is an employee and he scrutinizes every expense I bring. Why, because he can go to jail. I get the impression you think his job is to hide income.
Maybe we should get rid of RRSP’s as it allow’s you to hide cash and save “tax free”. The reality is its “Tax Deferred” Someday you pay tax on that money, whether it’s an RRSP or deferred corporate revenue.
BTW, Jordan Belforte's expenses are actually published on line. It makes an interesting read. Coke and Hookers went through the books.
The other thing that you fail to grasp is that we are now living in a global economy.
I just moved a Canadian company to Delaware. It now has a US head office and we will now file with the IRS and SEC instead of the CRA. Why - because tax rate is 7%. What does that allow me to do - Hire more people, invest in new equipment, provide better profit sharing, target new markets, in general have more free cash flow to grow the company.
If I grow the company do I get more money, hell yes. But it’s my job. I’m not running a charity or non-profit.
But I’m also responsible to 2 sets of people. Shareholders (i.e. the owners) and 132 employees. People with Mortgages, Kids, Dependants. Those people and their families are my responsibility. Maybe I should pay the 50% taxes. That way I can lay some people off, reduce salaries for those that are left and kill our profit sharing and stock option schemes. With a bit of luck I can maybe even bankrupt the company and put all 132 out of a job.
Oh wait, not doing my best for shareholders and employees is actually an indictable criminal offence.
And BTW, not all shareholders are rich speculators. One of our initial investors was a partners father. He was a Portuguese immigrant that ran a small Stucco business and he took his life savings and invested it with us as he had 7 kids and 13 grand-kids that he wanted to give a better life. He didn't want them out slapping Stucco on the side of a house.