
The problem with spending money on Military, is that you always have tree hugger politicians that will raise an up-roar about wasting money doing so. I can't think of any Government world-wide, maybe outside of N.Korea or Russia that does not want to support or spend money on the Military. Soon as it comes to spending a lot of money to upgrade our defenses, certain politicians and news companies turn it into war mongering nightmare. Even if World War 3 was upon us, they would be saying no to new weapons and technology, that money should be spent on feeding the homeless, and the sick, the people on welfare that still do drugs and spend our money at the local bar.

I like knowing the tax payers money is going into something that is protecting Canada, and the rest of the world. It's something where I know the money is allocated too, and hell, I could even go and see them if I wanted too. Furthermore it's protecting our own soldiers that are doing their duty. Those boys and girls deserve the best, cause they sure as hell don't make near enough money as they should. Canada not upgrading our jets is like asking Rossi to take the local 250 to the SuperBike Championships, every other Country worth a damn is upgrading their Military, we need to follow suit whether it be now, or 10 years later when what we have is literally dropping pieces in the sky.

Right on!
The problem with spending money on Military, is that you always have tree hugger politicians that will raise an up-roar about wasting money doing so. I can't think of any Government world-wide, maybe outside of N.Korea or Russia that does not want to support or spend money on the Military. Soon as it comes to spending a lot of money to upgrade our defenses, certain politicians and news companies turn it into war mongering nightmare. Even if World War 3 was upon us, they would be saying no to new weapons and technology, that money should be spent on feeding the homeless, and the sick, the people on welfare that still do drugs and spend our money at the local bar.

I like knowing the tax payers money is going into something that is protecting Canada, and the rest of the world. It's something where I know the money is allocated too, and hell, I could even go and see them if I wanted too. Furthermore it's protecting our own soldiers that are doing their duty. Those boys and girls deserve the best, cause they sure as hell don't make near enough money as they should. Canada not upgrading our jets is like asking Rossi to take the local 250 to the SuperBike Championships, every other Country worth a damn is upgrading their Military, we need to follow suit whether it be now, or 10 years later when what we have is literally dropping pieces in the sky.

You don't get it. Most people aren't against Canada being able to protect itself, most people would agree outdated machinery needs replacing IF warranted. It's the process by which the items are replaced set in a climate where the financial world has had one severe smack in the face. A purchase THIS large...in THIS financial climate absolutely needs to be the best for the job at the price we can afford taking into account other necessities. Is it? If it is....then why has the process not been as transparent as most other large purchases? If it's a done deal....a no-brainer...then surely transparency would show that and there'd be zero controversy.

Yes, there's some political manouvering to gain from this, and people are trying to exploit that. However, it still doesn't answer the question of why not be straight up about this instead of acting shady. When politicians don't give straight answers (OK, less straight than usual) they are hiding something, when they are hiding something with billions of taxpayers cash you should absolutely ask why.

If there's a piece of equipment that's cheaper that will do what we want then the excess could be used for many other purposes. We're talking billions here....these are big numbers. Playing cavalier with this much cash is a very worrying thing, it's what central african dictatorships do on a regular basis and last I checked my next door neighbour isn't called Desmond Kwambo and he doesn't run an arms dealing business.
The problem with spending money on Military, is that you always have tree hugger politicians that will raise an up-roar about wasting money doing so. I can't think of any Government world-wide, maybe outside of N.Korea or Russia that does not want to support or spend money on the Military. Soon as it comes to spending a lot of money to upgrade our defenses, certain politicians and news companies turn it into war mongering nightmare. Even if World War 3 was upon us, they would be saying no to new weapons and technology, that money should be spent on feeding the homeless, and the sick, the people on welfare that still do drugs and spend our money at the local bar.

I like knowing the tax payers money is going into something that is protecting Canada, and the rest of the world. It's something where I know the money is allocated too, and hell, I could even go and see them if I wanted too. Furthermore it's protecting our own soldiers that are doing their duty. Those boys and girls deserve the best, cause they sure as hell don't make near enough money as they should. Canada not upgrading our jets is like asking Rossi to take the local 250 to the SuperBike Championships, every other Country worth a damn is upgrading their Military, we need to follow suit whether it be now, or 10 years later when what we have is literally dropping pieces in the sky.

well you just hit the crux of the matter.

if this was sonny or stevie spending his shekels, no one would give a damn how he spent it.

problem is that it's my tax dollars, so there bloody better well be transparency and due diligence. i don't want a half-assed job of purchasing the jets that are supposed to go into service for canada. when canadians hear of this boondoggle, their blood should boil.

when our economy is this bad, we need a government that is MORE fiscally prudent, not LESS.

we have fewer tax dollars to waste, so better god-damn get it right.


over-budget and over-priced
massively delayed
serious design flaws affecting performance and safety
skyrocketing costs

only the sycophants who have drunk the lockheed martin kool-aid (or the incompetents in the dod/harpo gov't) can claim it actually meets the specs that they promised. laughable.

harper gov't purchase:

misled public
money pit
no transparency
no cost certainty

anyone who thinks harper's gov't is going to be paying $25billion for 65 of these (whenever they get around to making an operational that is) is delusional.

anyone who thinks the new, higher reported cost of this programme will be only $25 billion is also delusional.

btw, over the life of this deal, somehow the geniuses that are the canadian gov'ts "procurement specialists" never bothered to factor in-service replacements, as though these 65 jets will never suffer attrition and all 65 will work perfectly over the life of the scheduled programme. lol, it is as stupid a presumption as it sounds.
You don't get it. Most people aren't against Canada being able to protect itself, most people would agree outdated machinery needs replacing IF warranted. It's the process by which the items are replaced set in a climate where the financial world has had one severe smack in the face. A purchase THIS large...in THIS financial climate absolutely needs to be the best for the job at the price we can afford taking into account other necessities. Is it? If it is....then why has the process not been as transparent as most other large purchases? If it's a done deal....a no-brainer...then surely transparency would show that and there'd be zero controversy.

Yes, there's some political manouvering to gain from this, and people are trying to exploit that. However, it still doesn't answer the question of why not be straight up about this instead of acting shady. When politicians don't give straight answers (OK, less straight than usual) they are hiding something, when they are hiding something with billions of taxpayers cash you should absolutely ask why.

If there's a piece of equipment that's cheaper that will do what we want then the excess could be used for many other purposes. We're talking billions here....these are big numbers. Playing cavalier with this much cash is a very worrying thing, it's what central african dictatorships do on a regular basis and last I checked my next door neighbour isn't called Desmond Kwambo and he doesn't run an arms dealing business.

they do get it. but they would rather build up a straw man argument. simple logical fallacy.

critics: we want jets bought, but we want transparency and due diligence when the jets are chosen.

response: you don't wan't to buy the jets because you don't want to defend canada (insert other fallacy here) and you must be a partisan political hack (ignore irony of statements)


:lol: libtards

I love all the Rae-Star talking points too... :lol:
they do get it. but they would rather build up a straw man argument. simple logical fallacy.

critics: we want jets bought, but we want transparency and due diligence when the jets are chosen.

response: you don't wan't to buy the jets because you don't want to defend canada (insert other fallacy here) and you must be a partisan political hack (ignore irony of statements)


Wahhhhhhh....why elect a leader if they can't make decisions, right or wrong. Let's have a referendum on everything and listen to every tax payer. When you pay taxes the government gets to decide what to do with it. I don't hear anyone complaining about how much money and time is wasted fighting over the jets.
Wahhhhhhh....why elect a leader if they can't make decisions, right or wrong. Let's have a referendum on everything and listen to every tax payer. When you pay taxes the government gets to decide what to do with it. I don't hear anyone complaining about how much money and time is wasted fighting over the jets.

When you finish with D for dictatorship...flip on towards P for political accountability.
The best part is that all these wackjobs (politicos and media scum) are getting Canadians to focus on and argue about 0.5% of our annual spending :lol:

Argue, puppets!!!
The best part is that all these wackjobs (politicos and media scum) are getting Canadians to focus on and argue about 0.5% of our annual spending :lol:

Argue, puppets!!!

Waaaaahhh...it's billiions though.. Wahhhhhhh....that's a lot.........wahhhhhhhh.......I'm joe public and I think we shouldnt spend one dollar without a full review...wahhhhhh
The liberals are still sore from all those lost seats :lol:

There's a budget outlined for upwards of 300 billion dollars and we're being trolled by the loser opposition party into arguing about a few hundred million.. We sent more than that as aid to friggin Afghanistan! Talk about money in the toilet. We're spending hundreds of millions every year for 'aboriginal relations' :lol:
I know what would solve this F35 debate....

"Battlecruiser.... operational"
The liberals are still sore from all those lost seats :lol:

There's a budget outlined for upwards of 300 billion dollars and we're being trolled by the loser opposition party into arguing about a few hundred million.. We sent more than that as aid to friggin Afghanistan! Talk about money in the toilet. We're spending hundreds of millions every year for 'aboriginal relations' :lol:

But we stole the land from the indians......wahhhhhhh.....
I just had a breakthrough!!

Use the F35s to bomb the remaining natives! The jets pay for themselves!

:lol: libtards

I love all the Rae-Star talking points too... :lol:

lol, pathetic.

no response of course to all of my other points, because you don't have a legitimate response other than complete and utter drivel.

never mind that canada is virtually the only country that didn't include such costing in their purchase estimates. . .oh no, we can't predict loss rates. . .just us here in canada.

lol, pathetic.

thoughtful people only have to look at the loss rates for the current cf-18s to get a ball park number.

but, given the multitude of problems that the f35 has, only an idiot wouldn't think the eventual loss rate for the f35 will be higher.

trouble shooting the f35 production as you put it in service concurrently is a disaster--a disaster we are apparently willing to buy into, regardless of final cost.

by the time delivery of those 65 jets happen, it will be years late, and many billions more than promised.

where is the cost certainty?

why are all of these lemmings so willing to blindly sign a blank cheque paid for by our tax dollars???
The liberals are still sore from all those lost seats :lol:

There's a budget outlined for upwards of 300 billion dollars and we're being trolled by the loser opposition party into arguing about a few hundred million.. We sent more than that as aid to friggin Afghanistan! Talk about money in the toilet. We're spending hundreds of millions every year for 'aboriginal relations' :lol:

I didn't vote liberal in the last election actually. I declined my ballot as I thought all the knobs on show were worthless tards, unfortunately with this latest little debacle my worst fears are being confirmed. That doesn't mean I want no accountability from the current crop of neo-con christian-evangelistic timewasters though. I do want to at least feel secure in the knowledge that massive purchases are being done right with my stupidly high taxes. I think that's only sensible though, the opposite is called apathy.

I also like politics so I read a lot. Here's something that's pretty interesting...check into who was helping the conservatives for their campaigns in the last elections in terms of advice and strategy. Just in case you don't read so good I'll give you a clue...they ain't Canadian.
Hope you were just a furious when the Chretien libs were involved the sponsorship scandal...doubt it, libs like to forget about stuff like that.
Hope you were just a furious when the Chretien libs were involved the sponsorship scandal...doubt it, libs like to forget about stuff like that.

How's your math? I was definitely peeved....but that was $4 million....this is significantly higher.
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