The problem with spending money on Military, is that you always have tree hugger politicians that will raise an up-roar about wasting money doing so. I can't think of any Government world-wide, maybe outside of N.Korea or Russia that does not want to support or spend money on the Military. Soon as it comes to spending a lot of money to upgrade our defenses, certain politicians and news companies turn it into war mongering nightmare. Even if World War 3 was upon us, they would be saying no to new weapons and technology, that money should be spent on feeding the homeless, and the sick, the people on welfare that still do drugs and spend our money at the local bar.
I like knowing the tax payers money is going into something that is protecting Canada, and the rest of the world. It's something where I know the money is allocated too, and hell, I could even go and see them if I wanted too. Furthermore it's protecting our own soldiers that are doing their duty. Those boys and girls deserve the best, cause they sure as hell don't make near enough money as they should. Canada not upgrading our jets is like asking Rossi to take the local 250 to the SuperBike Championships, every other Country worth a damn is upgrading their Military, we need to follow suit whether it be now, or 10 years later when what we have is literally dropping pieces in the sky.
well you just hit the crux of the matter.
if this was sonny or stevie spending his shekels, no one would give a damn how he spent it.
problem is that it's my tax dollars, so there bloody better well be transparency and due diligence. i don't want a half-assed job of purchasing the jets that are supposed to go into service for canada. when canadians hear of this boondoggle, their blood should boil.
when our economy is this bad, we need a government that is MORE fiscally prudent, not LESS.
we have fewer tax dollars to waste, so better god-damn get it right.
over-budget and over-priced
massively delayed
serious design flaws affecting performance and safety
skyrocketing costs
only the sycophants who have drunk the lockheed martin kool-aid (or the incompetents in the dod/harpo gov't) can claim it actually meets the specs that they promised. laughable.
harper gov't purchase:
misled public
money pit
no transparency
no cost certainty
anyone who thinks harper's gov't is going to be paying $25billion for 65 of these (whenever they get around to making an operational that is) is delusional.
anyone who thinks the new, higher reported cost of this programme will be only $25 billion is also delusional.
btw, over the life of this deal, somehow the geniuses that are the canadian gov'ts "procurement specialists" never bothered to factor in-service replacements, as though these 65 jets will never suffer attrition and all 65 will work perfectly over the life of the scheduled programme. lol, it is as stupid a presumption as it sounds.