
How the F do you know what research has taken place?

You're INSANE (seriously, nut-bar) if you think people in charge are blindly going into this purchase.

Just because it wasn't an open bid doesn't mean there wasn't due diligence.

Seriously guys stop drinking the Bob Rae Toronto Star cocktail. You're being trolled by politicians.
Thank you for repeating what I said in previous posts...now...why haven't we done that? Also...do you not perform any due dilligence on purchases made by staff in your company? You still really didn't answer that.

I'll bet you somewhere you have checks and balances put in place to ensure the continued success of your company. Most people having a problem with this F35 contract don't see any of those checks and balances, they see no due dilligence and no transparency.

Check and balance yourself until business grinds to a halt , appoint committess, do a study,request 40 quotes, go back to the committee, ask everyones opinion or get stuff done. End of lesson.
How the F do you know what research has taken place?

You're INSANE (seriously, nut-bar) if you think people in charge are blindly going into this purchase.

Just because it wasn't an open bid doesn't mean there wasn't due diligence.

Seriously guys stop drinking the Bob Rae Toronto Star cocktail. You're being trolled by politicians.

Exactly. The whining is pathetic...wahhhhhhhhhh why wasn't I asked....wahhhhhhhhhh
How the F do you know what research has taken place?

You're INSANE (seriously, nut-bar) if you think people in charge are blindly going into this purchase.

Just because it wasn't an open bid doesn't mean there wasn't due diligence.

Seriously guys stop drinking the Bob Rae Toronto Star cocktail. You're being trolled by politicians.

You are completely right..there's no whiff of corruption and no whiff of supporting a military industrial complex for the sole reason of courting favour from powerful southern neighbours....no way. Can't be that...nope.

Get your head out of the sand and enter reality. I hesitate to bring out the "would you stick your head in the oven if someone told you too" statement but it seems pretty apt. If there's no transparency and this much controversy I'm much more apt to ask why?
Check and balance yourself until business grinds to a halt , appoint committess, do a study,request 40 quotes, go back to the committee, ask everyones opinion or get stuff done. End of lesson.

Seriously...just in case I didn't mention it, thanks for repeating what I said before.
You are completely right..there's no whiff of corruption and no whiff of supporting a military industrial complex for the sole reason of courting favour from powerful southern neighbours....no way. Can't be that...nope.

Get your head out of the sand and enter reality. I hesitate to bring out the "would you stick your head in the oven if someone told you too" statement but it seems pretty apt. If there's no transparency and this much controversy I'm much more apt to ask why?

What you call "courting favours", the rest of the world calls "politics"

And no, there's absolutely no whiff of corruption.

And you support EVIL PLANET KILLING OIL COMPANIES every time you drive your car... but you have to drive your car and ride your bike, right? Just like we have to support the 'military industrial complex' when we buy necessary equipment.

Bob Rae kool-aid.
Check and balance yourself until business grinds to a halt , appoint committess, do a study,request 40 quotes, go back to the committee, ask everyones opinion or get stuff done. End of lesson.

Just a really quick question....any idea what a dictatorship is?
What you call "courting favours", the rest of the world calls "politics"

And no, there's absolutely no whiff of corruption.

And you support EVIL PLANET KILLING OIL COMPANIES every time you drive your car... but you have to drive your car and ride your bike, right? Just like we have to support the 'military industrial complex' when we buy necessary equipment.

Bob Rae kool-aid.

Nice try to bait but I think Bob Rae's a bit of a dick. It's really common sense...why do many experts disagree on this deal and why no transparency in an era where financial irregularities have put more eyes to watching the bottom line than before? Can you answer that without using the words "Bob Rae"....go.
What f'king transparency? You expect them to hold a referendum? You expect them to deal with the biggest military procurement of the next 4 decades through media and open debate? FFS this is why we pay smart people to make these decisions for us! And no, I'm not referring to politicians... Im referring to the people who advise our politicians. Generals, admirals, military procurement experts, highly educated engineers, people who actually USE the equipment, and so on... Not armchair heroes on the internet. :rolleyes:

Your talking points reek of Bob Rae and partisan hack media. That's all they are, 'talking points'... no actual substance.

Big sparkling terms like "military industrial complex" and "corruption" and "lack of transparency"... it's all absolute *********.
You know what else sucks? You guys think it's a bad idea that we're buying the latest and greatest.... as if we (Canadians) don't deserve it? It's barely a drop in the budget bucket, but you're all buying into the BS partisan bickering and retarded politics :lol:

Bob. Rae.
Latest and greatest? Latest and greatest for exactly what we need it for at the right price? I have no problem with that. Latest and greatest but at any price? I have a big problem with that. Latest and greatest but not really what we need? I have a problem with that too if that turns out to be the answer.

You should have a problem with that...especially when you see where any cost savings might be used.

One place where I worked we got a grant to purchase imaging equipment and computers....the people in charge bought the newest, most advanced, most expensive systems available at the time, a couple of silicon graphics workstations. They sat unused though as they weren't designed to do exactly what we wanted. It was ****ing awesome to play doom on them though.
Latest and greatest now so they can still be relevant in 35 years!

They're ****in jets not photocopiers...

They'll have the most advanced radar and avionics, as well as the most versatile weapons system. Why WOULDN'T we want that?? So it costs 0.5% of our annual budget instead of 0.3%... sign the cheque.
Latest and greatest? Latest and greatest for exactly what we need it for at the right price? I have no problem with that. Latest and greatest but at any price? I have a big problem with that. Latest and greatest but not really what we need? I have a problem with that too if that turns out to be the answer.

You should have a problem with that...especially when you see where any cost savings might be used.

One place where I worked we got a grant to purchase imaging equipment and computers....the people in charge bought the newest, most advanced, most expensive systems available at the time, a couple of silicon graphics workstations. They sat unused though as they weren't designed to do exactly what we wanted. It was ****ing awesome to play doom on them though.

You sound like a lot of flunkies I have seen over the years who believe they know better than the people above them at every job they have had.
The problem with spending money on Military, is that you always have tree hugger politicians that will raise an up-roar about wasting money doing so. I can't think of any Government world-wide, maybe outside of N.Korea or Russia that does not want to support or spend money on the Military. Soon as it comes to spending a lot of money to upgrade our defenses, certain politicians and news companies turn it into war mongering nightmare. Even if World War 3 was upon us, they would be saying no to new weapons and technology, that money should be spent on feeding the homeless, and the sick, the people on welfare that still do drugs and spend our money at the local bar.

I like knowing the tax payers money is going into something that is protecting Canada, and the rest of the world. It's something where I know the money is allocated too, and hell, I could even go and see them if I wanted too. Furthermore it's protecting our own soldiers that are doing their duty. Those boys and girls deserve the best, cause they sure as hell don't make near enough money as they should. Canada not upgrading our jets is like asking Rossi to take the local 250 to the SuperBike Championships, every other Country worth a damn is upgrading their Military, we need to follow suit whether it be now, or 10 years later when what we have is literally dropping pieces in the sky.
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