War isn't funny. You're a terrible person.
Enlighten me what is it about then? Bigger deficit? Because I don't see a single valid reason for Canada in this purchase. If they really wanted to buy some new toys, maybe this country should invest into the replacement rescue helicopters?
we built Icebreakers so as to make nice holes for them to announce their presence and wave hello.
Canada's military is a loooong way from a superpower. But if you're going to have a military and participate in NATO and UN operations, you have to at LEAST have SOME capability. We have CF-18's..we provide air support as part of our obligation to NATO, UN and yes, to the US..we're pretty good at it. They need to be upgraded at some point..the US is pretty good at building planes. The US would like us to shoulder some of the cost of developing the F35. We also get spin-off jobs from it. Are there other places to spend money? Yeah..what's important? I'm not an expert. I assume upgrading our CF-18's needs to be done at some point.
The problem is, whenever there is a big purchase, one government tries to slate another government and show how wasteful it is. So we start..then stop and PAY to cancel the orders..just for public points. It's insanity. Same thing happened with the Cormorant..
i don't get why ppl put it as us "defending" ourselves from the US. I think about it as paying my share of the bill at dinner.
in this country and many others we expect peopel to pay their fair share of taxes, we have civic duties to society and democracy. We also have duties to our allies, and yes we have to furfill them unless you want to just be the 51st state. ( in which case we are deinfately paying for the US military)
The F-15 is dual engine.
I'm sorry but we signed agreement that allow the state to take over Canada in case of crisis.
Against my better judgement, I'm asking you to name that agreement and quote the passage that supports your statement.
IMO it is not should we buy new fighter planes, it is should we buy the F35. The current F18s are EOL and we cannot expect to keep them going for ever. We can replace them with the new super hornet or the euro fighter and meet our needs for a much lower price. To patrol the arctic we need longer range and dual engine, we do not need stealth. Both of these planes have the F35 beat in these categories and they can be had for ~half the real F35 price. Many of the F35 features do not play a real world roll in Canada's defense, I do not see it as the logical choice.
I know a fair bit about aviation, but instead of going into all that, I am only going to assume that General / Admiral Natynczyk and Peter McKay know what Canada and it's pilots needs, not the forum members.
I know a fair bit about aviation, but instead of going into all that, I am only going to assume that General / Admiral Natynczyk and Peter McKay know what Canada and it's pilots needs, not the forum members.
-Sovereignty patrols in the Arctic (as required by international law), otherwise just hand it over and get on with it (of course functioning submarines could also do part of this but....).
-Intercept possibly and actually hijacked airliners (do we want the US deciding shoot or not?).
-Patrol shipping/fishing areas for unauthorized foreign entities (can also be done with an Aurora).
-Support our own ground troops and navy in conflicts.
-Meet our NATO and NORAD commitments.
Sorry for my poor English, the word was way too strongAgainst my better judgement, I'm asking you to name that agreement and quote the passage that supports your statement.
Didn't we go through this in the 80's with the nuclear sub debacle??
The entire planet was routinely patrolling inside our borders under the Arctic and instead of deploying subs, we built Icebreakers so as to make nice holes for them to announce their presence and wave hello.
(Isn't this like taking a jab in the face in your own kitchen?)
Oh wait, these jets are gonna cost less than one percent of our annual budget. :lol: THE SKY IS FALLING
Its not about cold war mentality, it's about our obligations to our allies. Why would the USA protect our territory if we aren't also pulling our weight? Yeah, our military is pathetic compared to theirs, but we also have 1/10th the population. We are expected to throw in a proportional amount of help, and these F-35s will ensure that we're doing our part.