Emotional and mental health aspects of aging


Well-known member
I have a friend, shes gotta be 70+, shes freakin amazing, her vibes/energy are better than most girls in their 20s that I know (or have dated) and out of all the old ladies in my social circle, shes the only "normal" one...(the rest are some combination of insane psycho or jaded and bitter)

(shes also got the looks of a duchess)

I asked her how that is, her only reply was she never stopped working? And she kept a good work hard/play hard balance.

How does one not become bitter and jaded as they get old? And not lose that zest for life? Keep that inner child alive?
Maybe GTAM isnt the right place to seek answers for such questions...
I feel like getting old is as much (if not more) about the mental/emotional outlook and perspective of the individual as it is about the physical...

I told her straight up, if she was anywhere close to my age... 🤷‍♂️ (to which she burst out laughing 🤣)
It's simply a life decision as to how you approach it. You can be bitter, angry, and resentful that you're getting older...or you can choose to embrace it and live the life that you're given.

No secret sauce here.

For me..I enjoy growing as I do because it means I see my children growing and what I do I do for myself, but also for them.

I can't even explain the joy I felt recently when I looked at my son trying to hit a baseball...and you can see that youthful naivete in his eyes...I'm quite sure I shed a tear and just walked over and hugged it.

Mind you I took more than my normal dose of edibles...so that could have something to do with it.

No magic formula. Comes down to what you value.
You're looking down the tunnel and you can see the headlamp on the train that's approaching.
What you can't tell is how close and how fast it's coming.
Live every day like it's your last.
Don't tolerate a-holes.
"I can't take him, it's against regulations !"
Age has 2 aspects IMHO, physical and mental. The physical part of aging is hard to control - parts wear out, strength declines, hair recedes, eyesight and hearing degrade. Living a safe and healthy lifestyle might delay some of these things, but you can't stop them. Living an unhealthy lifestyle does speed a few of them up.

The mental part might change too... but it hasn't happened to me yet. I don't notice a difference between the 16-year-old me and the 60 year old me when it comes to mental state and mental health.

As can be expected at my age, I've seen and helped aunts, uncles, and parents move through their 80s. Some older folks think they should act and behave 'old' some don't. I think behaviors is more of a choice than a change for folks well into their 70s -- some can be like your Dutchess, others can be the Grumpy old lade down the street. Around 80 is when I see big mental health declines. Short-term memory and executive function fades well before long-term memory and cognitive ability.
I always thought that one of the perks of getting older was that you could be a crabby old bastard and it’s socially acceptable.
And you can forget all the stuff you did wrong!

As in Polish 'skleroza nie boli' = 'senility doesn't hurt' or something along those lines. @oioioi can confirm.
I always thought that one of the perks of getting older was that you could be a crabby old bastard and it’s socially acceptable.
It is socially acceptable because we understand.

Decline in executive function presents several changes: loss of inhibition (say things you wouldn't, promiscuity), trouble following directions, difficulty organizing prioritizing, and forgetting what you just saw, heard or where you left something. There are more, but those are the top few indicators.
Decline in executive function presents several changes: loss of inhibition (say things you wouldn't, promiscuity), trouble following directions, difficulty organizing prioritizing, and forgetting what you just saw, heard or where you left something.

You just described every teenager I've ever known...
You just described every teenager I've ever known...
Much of growing old is just the reciprocal of growing up.

Starts in diapers... ends in diapers.
so much is just genetics , in many cases you are preordained to a certain life. However , if there are things that 'run in yoiur family" you can often offset that by staying fit ,getting fit , dont eat crap .
And just avoid being around people that always have a bad disposition. Its contageous , even if you dont feel it creeping in , its happeneing , find like minded happy folks to hang with.
Life is hard , its harder when your stupid.
Life is hard , its harder when your stupid.
I never found life to be hard.

I started with teenage parents and a plastic spoon in my mouth. Every day got better, every day gets easier.
What is her physical and mental condition like?

Lots of people suffer later in life because they lose some mobility or become mentally fatigued which can present serious day to day challenges. It's great she still has that zest and can make peace with her age, maybe she is lucky and not impacted or has someway to keep positive. Or she eats real bacon. 🤷‍♂️
Don't live with regrets.
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