Thanks . There’s no value to sharing personal info on here. The woke grandad crowd will use their windows 95 and laptops from 2002 they bought cheap off Kijiji from a widow to stalk me.His bike collection is nice
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Thanks . There’s no value to sharing personal info on here. The woke grandad crowd will use their windows 95 and laptops from 2002 they bought cheap off Kijiji from a widow to stalk me.His bike collection is nice
Off topic tangent.
There’s three types of wealthy people on the planet.
1- The humble sorts who’d you never know were well to do, but use their money quietly to their own enjoyment within reason, never flaunt it, and often use a big portion of it to the betterment of society. They treat people well, including the ones who work for them. You have to be really close friends with them before you really grasp their worth and they’re still Uber humble about it. You enjoy having a beer with them.
2- The sorts who can’t wait to flaunt it and tell you all about how they’re better than you, matter more, deserve your respect, know everything, and still look down their nose at anyone not in their perceived societal level, including all the people who work for them, particularly in their households expensive vehicles and can’t wait to tell you all about them, peasant.
3- The people who pretend to be #2 but are living in a house of cards all financed by the banks. Looks impressive until it all collapses.
I have the pleasure of being friends with a #1.
Anyhow, sorry for the tangent. What were we talking about again?
Ah yes, #2 guys also like to think they know who the peasants are as well because they wouldn’t recognize a #1 if their life depended on it.
Off topic tangent.
There’s three types of wealthy people on the planet.
1- The humble sorts who’d you never know were well to do, but use their money quietly to their own enjoyment within reason, never flaunt it, and often use a big portion of it to the betterment of society. They treat people well, including the ones who work for them. You have to be really close friends with them before you really grasp their worth and they’re still Uber humble about it. You enjoy having a beer with them.
2- The sorts who can’t wait to flaunt it and tell you all about how they’re better than you, matter more, deserve your respect, know everything, and still look down their nose at anyone not in their perceived societal level, including typically all the people who work for them, particularly in their households.
3- The people who pretend to be #2 but are living in a house of cards all financed by the banks. Looks impressive until it all collapses.
I have the pleasure of being friends with a #1.
Anyhow, sorry for the tangent. What were we talking about again?
3- The people who pretend to be #2 but are living in a house of cards all financed by the banks. Looks impressive until it all collapses.
Apparently >1000 people. Eight tickets. No surprises there.So what happened in barrie?
Yeah all that world travel posting and pictures of your new bikes and helmets you must be a real peasant according to some ...Please be more humbleI feel personally attacked.
Yeah all that world travel posting and pictures of your new bikes and helmets you must be a real peasant according to some ...Please be more humble
you did ! ExactlyI could just put all that stuff in my sig...
Love the nose pick bottom leftApparently >1000 people. Eight tickets. No surprises there.
And lap times from the last track day!I could just put all that stuff in my sig...
And lap times from the last track day!
Off topic, has it been warm enough to be riding in southern Ontario?