Elephant in the Covid room

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Sure if your definition of proven is we are in a worse situation 14 months later . Are you in a union or something ? You seem to really like lockdowns so I’m assuming you don’t employ people or run a business.
I propose expanding capacity
,calling in all retired nurses doctors and medical students to help
maybe all those Uber drivers who claim to be doctors from the old country can step up too
,make the vulnerable stay home
,keep some restrictions on capacity at business
,mask up wash up and live your life

Thank you, an actual answer.

So, to respond...no, I don't like lockdowns or the resulting impact. I do however given my exposure to the real world of healthcare (having a large segment of my family both directy and indirect involved in it) have realistic views of the situation based on actual facts, data, and feedback from the actual "boots on the ground" type people actually living through this.

Many of the alternatives many propose are simply unrealistic, accordingly.

- Calling up retired nurses and doctors is a big assumption that they'd actually be interested in coming back. I can tell you that knowing what many know of the realities of working in an emergency critical care hospital environment right now, many will say "Thanks, but no thanks". It's not the magic bullet many think it is. And many will be out of practice as well so it presents a huge liability issue to them if they do something they haven't done in potentially 10 or more years, it goes bad, and someone dies as a result....then their comfortable retirement is potentially ruined by lawsuits from litigious trigger happy family, some of whom are in the anti-vax anti-pandemic nonsense crowd. In short, they just don't want to deal with this ********. Some will, for sure, but it wouldn't solve the problem and the system would still collapse the same way it has in places like Brazil.

- Doctors from overseas do not magically equate to doctors here the same as how a "mechanic" from the USA doesn't even come remotely close to a red-seal mechanic here in Canada. There's a lot of hoops to jump through to ensure that they are actually who they say they are and have actual training that gives them the skills they claim to have - many titled "doctors" in some countries doesn't equate to what we'd call a doctor here. That's the reason many of them aren't practicing here to begin with is because their training may not be up to our standards and it would cost them time and money to reach those standards and test to prove them. Just throwing all that caution to the wind and saying "go for it" is the equivalent of giving the controls of a 200 foot mega-yacht to some random guy from the Marina who wears captains epaulettes but secretly has no idea what he's actually doing because his "training" was lacking and he's only ever helmed a 30 foot cabin cruiser. It's likely to not end well.

- Making the vulnerable stay home is unrealistic. YOU could be vulnerable for all you know right now. The impacted age groups are changing if you care to follow the facts. By that logic 80% of the workforce would be locked inside their houses right now.

- Capacity restrictions, mask laws, wash your hands, etc etc....we've been doing that. In a perfect world where everyone follows them perfectly and maintains social distancing it's a great option. But we've all seen in the last 12 months not everyone wants to be bothered to follow those rules, and then you get things like the many situations where 100 people get exposed because a business can't be bothered to follow the rules, who then spread it to 200 more, who then spread it to 400 more, who then spread it to 800 more, who then spread it to 1600 more....etc etc etc. Exponential spread is what puts us in the situation we're in. And it's reality.

canadians look down their nose at America so much I doubt America has any interest in helping us.
Thank you, an actual answer.

So, to respond...no, I don't like lockdowns or the resulting impact. I do however given my exposure to the real world of healthcare (having a large segment of my family both directy and indirect involved in it) have realistic views of the situation based on actual facts, data, and feedback from the actual "boots on the ground" type people actually living through this.

Many of the alternatives many propose are simply unrealistic, accordingly.

- Calling up retired nurses and doctors is a big assumption that they'd actually be interested in coming back. I can tell you that knowing what many know of the realities of working in an emergency critical care hospital environment right now, many will say "Thanks, but no thanks". It's not the magic bullet many think it is. And many will be out of practice as well so it presents a huge liability issue to them if they do something they haven't done in potentially 10 or more years, it goes bad, and someone dies as a result....then their comfortable retirement is potentially ruined by lawsuits from litigious trigger happy family, some of whom are in the anti-vax anti-pandemic nonsense crowd. In short, they just don't want to deal with this ********. Some will, for sure, but it wouldn't solve the problem and the system would still collapse the same way it has in places like Brazil.

- Doctors from overseas do not magically equate to doctors here the same as how a "mechanic" from the USA doesn't even come remotely close to a red-seal mechanic here in Canada. There's a lot of hoops to jump through to ensure that they are actually who they say they are and have actual training that gives them the skills they claim to have - many titled "doctors" in some countries doesn't equate to what we'd call a doctor here. That's the reason many of them aren't practicing here to begin with is because their training may not be up to our standards and it would cost them time and money to reach those standards and test to prove them. Just throwing all that caution to the wind and saying "go for it" is the equivalent of giving the controls of a 200 foot mega-yacht to some random guy from the Marina who wears captains epaulettes but secretly has no idea what he's actually doing because his "training" was lacking and he's only ever helmed a 30 foot cabin cruiser. It's likely to not end well.

- Making the vulnerable stay home is unrealistic. YOU could be vulnerable for all you know right now. The impacted age groups are changing if you care to follow the facts. By that logic 80% of the workforce would be locked inside their houses right now.

- Capacity restrictions, mask laws, wash your hands, etc etc....we've been doing that. In a perfect world where everyone follows them perfectly and maintains social distancing it's a great option. But we've all seen in the last 12 months not everyone wants to be bothered to follow those rules, and then you get things like the many situations where 100 people get exposed because a business can't be bothered to follow the rules, who then spread it to 200 more, who then spread it to 400 more, who then spread it to 800 more, who then spread it to 1600 more....etc etc etc. Exponential spread is what puts us in the situation we're in. And it's reality.

You are doing what all Canadians do, over analyzing,thinking about it , running it up the flag pole and then doing the exact same thing that doesn’t work. Like developing the toronto waterfront.
Maybe a new idea without all the ,what if’s and the sky is falling banter ,might be helpful but at least it couldn’t be worse.
And I’m gonna play your game now ....are you in a union? do you employ people ? You didn’t answer. You never answer.....
canadians look down their nose at America so much I doubt America has any interest in helping us.

They already have. Were you aware of that?

You are doing what all Canadians do, over analyzing,thinking about it

Just based in reality here instead of unrealistic and unobtainable dreams of solutions that aren't physically possible.
They already have. Were you aware of that?

Just based in reality here instead of unrealistic and unobtainable dreams of solutions that aren't physically possible.

Yes captain literal I meant going forward ..

Your idea is no more based in reality than anyone else’s, you aren’t a doctor . You really seem to think you know exactly what should be done, did you stay in a holiday inn express lately or something? We can all see the experiment isn’t working , you say it is but we aren’t in a better spot 14 months later. time to try a new approach , all hands on deck , git r done , people die and that sucks but it’s reality approach would be nice to try. Why won’t you answer questions?
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Non logical post. You could make a similar meme for Smoking, riding a motorcycle , skiiing, driving a car and on and on. yet people still do all those things and live their life and most survive .
Reads: I'm losing money and want my business back firing on all cylinders. I don't care if people die in the process.
Reads: I'm losing money and want my business back firing on all cylinders. I don't care if people die in the process.
If you mean me then no. my business is bigger than ever and I have more free time than ever, due to lockdowns., I have land , privacy and everything at home I need to have fun and relax ... I am frustrated for people who are suffering financially but I am not suffering in any way ...completely the opposite. Swing and a miss for you. I shouldn’t give a damn but I do.
Reads: I'm losing money and want my business back firing on all cylinders. I don't care if people die in the process.
You spent your whole life building it. It's everything you own. Hard to blame these folks. This is not as easy as any of us think or wish it was.
Stay Home as much as you can and try to DO YOUR BIT
since someone mentioned union, the current radio ads beating up Dougie and insisting the vaccines should be prioritized for elementary teachers and other essential front line workers.
Really your front line this month ? wow , just wow. we hate online learning, but we dont want to be in the classroom, we are working from home , but move us up the ranks in vaccine protocol. The secret to comedy folks , timing

I like the ad Halton healthcare has just put up on there website , we aren't your front line defence , we are your last line.
since someone mentioned union, the current radio ads beating up Dougie and insisting the vaccines should be prioritized for elementary teachers and other essential front line workers.
Really your front line this month ? wow , just wow. we hate online learning, but we dont want to be in the classroom, we are working from home , but move us up the ranks in vaccine protocol. The secret to comedy folks , timing

I like the ad Halton healthcare has just put up on there website , we aren't your front line defence , we are your last line.
The most annoying thing about teachers is that we the tax payer match their pension contributions. Why am I helping these people retire? Most people have to save ,invest and retire on their own dime....Teachers get to double up on our dime? Why?
Also they have gone on strike under every Ontario Government including , NDP ,conservative and liberal so they don’t have any basis for constantly complaining when they can’t get along with any version of government.
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He makes whine
I’m trying to branch out can you tell me how to monetize stalking , jealousy ,pettiness , one man eating contests and hiding in your basement like you do?
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