Just be glad they have forgotten about us, motocycles, I can still go out for essential rides ?![]()
It is essential that I ride around to recharge my battery.
Just be glad they have forgotten about us, motocycles, I can still go out for essential rides ?![]()
Am I the only one that feels sorry for Doug right now?
Just be glad they have forgotten about us, motocycles, I can still go out for essential rides ?![]()
Specifically allowed. Commercial (mall/hotel/etc) construction is the only non-essential apparently.On a side note, I guess the annoying 3 construction projects on my street should be shutting down.
(home reno/rebuilds)
You might be in a very small group.Am I the only one that feels sorry for Doug right now? Poor guy has the most unenviable of tasks. He tried to please everyone .
I'm with you.I just got back from the LCBO with my anti-debbie downer kit....$300 worth.
Am I the only one that feels sorry for Doug right now? Poor guy has the most unenviable of tasks. He tried to please everyone .
This page isn't updated yet (or if it is, it says different things than they said in the press conference).In two minds now; have a ride planned for tomorrow - to go or not to go, that is the question.
This page isn't updated yet (or if it is, it says different things than they said in the press conference).
COVID-19 public health measures and advice
Learn about the latest information on public health measures, including masking and mask use.covid-19.ontario.ca
Consult the official wording of what is allowed and if you think it is justified, I would print the page that applies and put it in a pocket. Don't be the nail as Evoex said.
tell them you`re going to get a take out sandwich from your favourite deli.In two minds now; have a ride planned for tomorrow - to go or not to go, that is the question.
I don't think they have enacted triage yet but we've got to be getting close. I would not want to be all wadded up and the only treatment they provided was hopes and prayers.Yup, listening to the press conference as I type. Riding can wait - this seems serious.
Because it's all about me and F u guys! Gonna pay a coyote to smuggle me into Montreal for some poutine.Why is it that the first thing a lot of people want to do when confronted with new rules, is find a way around them?
Is it because the rules are wrong and there is a better way out of this crap?
yes and no.In the history of our planet we have only eliminated one virus and that is small pox. Every other virus is still circulating including polio which they started vaccinating for in 1950 I believe.So if people believe this virus is going to go away, it isn't and you better get used to it just like you have gotten used to every other virus out there that you aren’t terrified of. This virus is still affecting only a very small portion of people, But the fallout from shutdowns is affecting way more people. The real deaths and illness are from the shut downs and lockdowns and bankruptcies and mental health issues. No one in politics or the media or the general population seems to be recognizing that and acknowledging it. Many hospitals are experiencing a huge influx of patients but a massive majority of them are suicides, domestic violence ,drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, manic episodes ,mental breakdowns etc. etc. What they’re doing is not working and will not work. As I said above we have only eradicated one virus from the planet and this will not be the second virus we eliminate it.We need to learn to live with it and go about our lives. Just as we do with every other threat on the planet