Also just reading about the undersizing to make sure I understand correctly the 4/0 aluminum is only good for 185 in reality but due to some rule for residential it's allowed and outlined here:
For 3-wire:
120/240 V and 120/208 V service conductors for single dwellings, or for feeder conductors supplyingsingle dwelling units of row housing of apartment and similar buildings, and sized in accordance with Rules 8-200(1), 8-200(2), and 8-202(1), the allowable ampacity for sizes No. 6, No. 2, and No. 4/0 AWG shall be 60 A, 100 A, and 200 A, respectively. In this case, the 5% adjustment of Rule 8-106(1) cannot be applied.
Also I have no idea where to find the rule about dropping ot #6... however going to 4/0 aluminun for the feeds does that make the 2" conduit too small and need to be bigger? Because I think my mast is only 2.5" possibly 3 max, so I don't think I can really go much bigger with the conduit.
Also I rent my basement so does it still classify as a single dwelling? I have the full codebook, what gets me about the book is their definitions of things like "dwelling" and "residential" that worry me when it comes to showing my work to the inspector.