Electric biker ran a red light...

Talk about road rage. These things happen frequently in the GTA. Just take a deep breath next time and let it go.

Everyday I encounter stupid and careless drivers but there's no use getting angry about it. It's not personal.

Not exactly the best example to be setting for your sons.
i think my mind set is once i'm on my bike it is to get to where i need to be as quickly as possible, so sticking around or getting annoyed at people, i just don't have the time...lol...
i know a few people with e bikes. All have DUI's.

maybe he was drunk :)
This kills me if you have a DUI you can't ride a ebike legally, if caught you can be charged for driving while under suspension. This is the only smart thing in the ebike legislation.
Yes, I hate these ebikes with a passion.
I came out of a store front one day in downtown Toronto and an ebike zooms right by on the sidewalk nearly hitting me. I don't know what I would have done if the bugger had hit me. I know I would love to just pick up the ebike and chuck it.
actually saw something very similar while waiting at a bus stop near on finch and sentinel road Saturday night. Red light and the e-bike maintains the speed it was at and runs through the red light. ******
Hey, I totally understand!! Maybe it was good for you that you were not driving as you probably would have stopped and ended up with assault charges... But I hate these ebiker riders too.. You see them in the inner city near pubs along danforth etc.. These people consider them toys and think it's okay to drink and ride them home. The blatant disregard for anyone else annoys me.

This is still impaired operation, a criminal offense. Please call the cops when you see this.

PS: I too hate eBikes.
Yesterday on the way home from work, I watched some hipster on an XS-650 go through a complete red westbound on Queen at Portland. He went straight through on a 3-way. Probably forgot he wasn't on his fixie.
An example of the mental vacancy involved. A guy currently has his eBike parked next to the main entrance to Ryerson's Jorgenson Hall, which means he had to ride it up the wheelchair ramp.
Yesterday on the way home from work, I watched some hipster on an XS-650 go through a complete red westbound on Queen at Portland. He went straight through on a 3-way. Probably forgot he wasn't on his fixie.
You'd love this.
There is no fundamental difference between and eBike and a bicycle so get over it.
Many - most bicycles can exceed 32 kph.
Just as a sailboat has right of way over a ocean liner bicycles, pedestrians and yes ebikes have some rights over cars.
They also have some penalties attached to their behaviour which is not within same framework as a car.

THEY are not very likely to hurt anyone in a car so move on and vent on the SUV driver who is chatting onehanded and making a left on red.

Smart kid you have cuz he didn't stop for you to kick the guys ***..

And good you got a chance to get it out of your system :rolleyes: better here than out on the street.. :happy3:

what he said.
[h=2]Re: Electric biker ran a red light...[/h]
An example of the mental vacancy involved. A guy currently has his eBike parked next to the main entrance to Ryerson's Jorgenson Hall, which means he had to ride it up the wheelchair ramp.

and you would say something if it's a bicycle//....not likely. Once more - it's under the same umbrella - get over it. There are 300 million electric vehicles worldwide - there will be double that soon - get used to it. eScoots are just an early part of the wave.
this is exactly why i think electric scooters/bikes/anything on the road thats not a bicycle should have to write writen test so in situations like that they can be held acountable for knowing the laws and where they stand in them. comon sense doesnt seem to work anymore when it comes to traffic

E bikes are motorized and should be licensed just like all other motorized forms of transport. License, insurance and registration. They are a plague on any street and the operators think they are untouchable because of a lack of i.d . Im not for the gov making more money but i do appreciate accountability.
They're always accountable. The first thing they teach in law class is that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

In the Hamilton area (around Mac, where I went to school), cops would hand out tickets to students on bicycles for not stopping at stop signs.... one friend even got pulled over for speeding.
They're always accountable. The first thing they teach in law class is that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

In the Hamilton area (around Mac, where I went to school), cops would hand out tickets to students on bicycles for not stopping at stop signs.... one friend even got pulled over for speeding.
The HTA refers to "vehicles" in the regulations regarding stop signs. The HTA definition of "vehicle" includes bicycles and motorized bicycles, as well as the usual cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

Your friend may have got pulled over for speeding, but getting a ticket is something else. The section of the HTA pertaining to speeding refers only to "motor vehicles". Bicycles and eBikes cannot get speeding tickets under the HTA. The closest thing that might stick would be disobey legal sign or careless driving charges, each of which pertains to "vehicles" and not just "motor vehicles".
Rate of speed 128. (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than ....
It's not just e-bikes.
There are stop signs on the Martin Goodman trail in the bicycle lane part now. I guess its the waterfront trail now. Martin Goodman didn't like the mess they made of his trail?
It was bad enough when they were on the street portions.
Every time I stopped someone almost rear ended me. I'm getting sick of it.
Same thing happens on the street, if I stop for the stop sign the car behind has a near miss as he rolls on through.
The HTA refers to "vehicles" in the regulations regarding stop signs. The HTA definition of "vehicle" includes bicycles and motorized bicycles, as well as the usual cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

Your friend may have got pulled over for speeding, but getting a ticket is something else. The section of the HTA pertaining to speeding refers only to "motor vehicles". Bicycles and eBikes cannot get speeding tickets under the HTA. The closest thing that might stick would be disobey legal sign or careless driving charges, each of which pertains to "vehicles" and not just "motor vehicles".
That's exactly what happened. He was stopped by the police for 10 over but no ticket was issued. I figured he didn't get a ticket because it was only 10km/h over the limit.

The first part (about the stop sign regulations) explains my point well. Not having a driver's license doesn't remove accountability. You can still be in violation of the H.T.A without a license.
ok, some people on here think we have a hate on for ebikes...it's not the bikes, it's the riders, the rider should have some sense of operating a motor vehicle...the day i am standing at an intersection, and an ebike runs a red light and the person gets smoked, i will stand there and mock and laugh at them until the ambulance takes them away...
That's exactly what happened. He was stopped by the police for 10 over but no ticket was issued. I figured he didn't get a ticket because it was only 10km/h over the limit.

The first part (about the stop sign regulations) explains my point well. Not having a driver's license doesn't remove accountability. You can still be in violation of the H.T.A without a license.

I'm hoping that the Province goes forward with this photo ID card thing, but shows some sense by doing it through the existing drivers licensing programme. Just issue a license card with "No Endorsement" on it. That way people who have an ID card wouled already have their information in the system, for cases like the cyclist who consistently gets caught running reds and stop signs.

But that likely makes too much sense so they'll create a whole new bureaucracy, costing a couple of billion dollars instead.
@OP you are f- in the head man, seriously go see a therapist, or not cus you are gonna die from high blood pressure in a few weeks anyways

and i would bea the **** out of you if you starting screaming at me in a parking lot, crazy old man
I have to agree with this. Hopefully next time (and there will be a next time) your son has a close call, he wont stomp on the gas chasing after someone, shaking his fist, swearing at the top of his lungs and going ape ****.
@OP you are f- in the head man, seriously go see a therapist, or not cus you are gonna die from high blood pressure in a few weeks anyways

and i would bea the **** out of you if you starting screaming at me in a parking lot, crazy old man
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