Electric biker ran a red light...

It's only a matter of time before cp24 has some story about a poor ebiker brutally assaulted by some crazy driver/rider.

those things should not be on the road becuase the people on them are jerks. if they're in an accident they're not at fault and they know it.

they should require atleast an m1. no insurance? fine. but liscence them in the least.
Need to vent... On the weekend my son (18-year old, G1 license) was driving with me sitting next to him, my wife and my younger son in the back. It's a fairly major street (3rd line in Oakville), we're coming to an intersection, we have green light, doing about 60km/h. As we approach the intersection I notice this dude on an electric bicycle (I thought it was a scooter at first) approaching the intersection from my right - he has a red light - but he is just looking straight ahead - not looking to his left at all!!! So I hit the horn (from passenger's side) and my son starts breaking - the guy continues to ride, not slowing down at all, and starts making right turn!!! Now my son starts heavy breaking and I continue to hold the horn - the dude still is not affected by this at all - never glances anywhere - just keeps looking straight ahead!!! My son jumps onto the left-lane (we were in the right lane), manages to pass him by,(now for some reason the electric bike rider starts to honk his horn on us - smiling and showing no remorse - I see this as I opened passenger side door and I'm almost out of the vehicle screaming at him)- then I asked my son to go back to the right lane and I'm screaming my lungs for my son to stop as I have all the intention to jump out, grab the dude and kick the sh#$%# out of him, as a traffic lesson - someone needs to teach this guy - if he at least acknowledged to me what he did was wrong, waved his hand, etc - but no - he is honking on me... My son didn't stop as he knew what I was about to do so he continues to drive to a nearby grocery supermarket. As we're leaving the vehicle to do the shopping, I see that bike rider pulling into the parking log - ok, that's perfect - now I'm running through the lot, and I stop him. I'm screaming expletives as I nearly (read nearly - I still manage to restrain myself a bit) lost it. The guy has a smirk on his stupid-***** face (he is in his early twenties) - and he simply tells me that the guy he bought the bike from told him he doesn't need a license for it, but it's legal on the street!!! I tell him (or rather scream into his face) that I don't give a $@$#@#4 about his license and that he needs to know and follow traffic rules in order to ride on the street. He says now he is sorry and he didn't see me. I tell him (tell is a bit of a stretch - as it contains plenty of expletives and it's more of a scream - my wife later told me that other shoppers in the parking lot, that had no context of what has happened were trying to call police on me...) that he didn't see me because he didn't look!!! Anyhow - I needed to vent, to raise awareness - if he was doing his maneuver fraction of second later it could have ended much worse - either with us hitting him or with my son swerving to the left and potentially getting into the collision with another vehicle - my son has only G1 so he doesn't have much experience... I guess he has some more experience now...
Sorry for long post - needed to vent...

Good job!

I would like to shake your hand!

Hate ALL people that ride whatever the ffuk they are riding that think the rules of the road dont apply to them!

Bicyclists/E-scooters are the WORST! and should be ticketed as such!

380 bucks for a blown red!

Cops suck for ignoring them!
E-Scooter fail!

#1 - In fast lane, tons of cars, backing up traffic

#2 - Carrying a large watercooler bottle

#3 - Is older than dirt

#4 - has a bicycle helmet
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You wouldn't survive a whole day driving in the city core ;)

I concur.

You will see blatant disregard for common courtesy and reckless disregard for basic traffic rules on a minute by minute basis downtown. Getting all bent out of shape every time it happens would not be healthy :)

I've learned to chill and accept that I must drive defensively to survive and that there is nothing I can do about the other guy/gal, except stay out of their way as best I can :)
this is exactly why i think electric scooters/bikes/anything on the road thats not a bicycle should have to write writen test so in situations like that they can be held acountable for knowing the laws and where they stand in them. comon sense doesnt seem to work anymore when it comes to traffic

Why not bicycles? If you're using the roadway, I don't care if you're on an ebike, bicycle, tricycle, dog cart, you should know the rules of the road and follow them, pass a test and have a license of some sort.

and OP.. I feel your frustration but chillax! At this rate you're going to give yourself a heart attack.
Everybody screams bloody murder at the crushing presence rules rules rules in every faucet of our lives. Yet those same people would like to see rules rules rules applied to other people. Do the Fantinos of the world see us motorcyclists the same way we see e scooters and bicyclists? Yes, I see the gaping hole in my logic but still......
The problem is that according to the law enforcement community's actions (or lack thereof) bicycles and e-bikes are not subject to the rules that other participants in traffic are. That creates snags in traffic and causes safety issues for everyone.
The problem is that according to the law enforcement community's actions (or lack thereof) bicycles and e-bikes are not subject to the rules that other participants in traffic are. That creates snags in traffic and causes safety issues for everyone.

What are these "rules" you speak of?
If all of us licensed, insured and registered road users had abided (for the most part) by the few simple "rules" all along we wouldn't have had any problems with the MAN. But decades of abuse brought an ever increasing strangle hold on our freedoms.
There was always that core group in society that drink+drive, excessive speed, drive without care and attention and generally doing whatever they please behind the wheel, ruining it for the rest of us.
I think you can draw a parallel between some cyclists (E or regular) and the meat heads driving muscle cars drunk all those years ago and SS riders blasting thru villages. In that light I think it's ironic that we clamour for police crackdown on others.
Sounds like you're a shining example for your son. With any luck, someday he'll beat someone to death over cutting him off.

Fingers crossed!
Watched an e-bike filter through traffic and then run a 4-way stop at lunch today. The 4-way stop was of course loaded with cars which had to swerve not to hit the guy. He then changed his course up onto the sidewalk and through a public park.

Most motorcyclists are educated enough to stay within the law (or not to stray from it too much). We don't go blasting through lights or riding on sidewalks or riding at night without proper illumination.
You're saying that because a small hard core of violators creates unsafe situations, the whole society should be punished for it? In most cases, they create new laws that turn law-abiding citizens into law-breakers instead of enforcing the existing laws.
I am not asking for new laws to be passed. All I am asking for is for the existing laws to be enforced when operators of bicycles and e-bikes break them, the same as for the rest of us.
most motorcyclists are educated enough to stay within the law (or not to stray from it too much). We don't go blasting through lights or riding on sidewalks or riding at night without proper illumination.
You're saying that because a small hard core of violators creates unsafe situations, the whole society should be punished for it? In most cases, they create new laws that turn law-abiding citizens into law-breakers instead of enforcing the existing laws.
I am not asking for new laws to be passed. All i am asking for is for the existing laws to be enforced when operators of bicycles and e-bikes break them, the same as for the rest of us.

You're saying that because a small hard core of violators creates unsafe situations, the whole society should be punished for it?

I'm not saying that's the way it should be, I'm saying that's what happens.

That small hard core group of violators is well represented on M/C forums yet when some other group runs wild and free they are very quick to look to the MAN for solutions. I've seen this a few times on forums and think it's ironic.
I'm not saying that's the way it should be, I'm saying that's what happens.

That small hard core group of violators is well represented on M/C forums yet when some other group runs wild and free they are very quick to look to the MAN for solutions. I've seen this a few times on forums and think it's ironic.
That could be because self-regulating would involve serious violations of the law. "The MAN" needs to apply the clout to everyone equally and not focus an inordinate amount of attention at us, to the benefit of people who create real dangerous situations.
That could be because self-regulating would involve serious violations of the law. "The MAN" needs to apply the clout to everyone equally and not focus an inordinate amount of attention at us, to the benefit of people who create real dangerous situations.

That the MAN needs to apply the clout equally almost goes without saying. That's not what I find bemusing on this front. Do I need to repeat myself?:o
I know that you were well meaning, but chasing after an idiot rider shows road rage. It could have ended very badly for you. Even for the confrontation and harsh words you could have been charged with assault, finger printed and booked. You need not hit him. Do you really care that much for this vermin?

As for the idiot e-biker, he should be eliminated due to natural selection, which will occur sometime soon. You can regulate safe riding but you will ultimately fail. There are idiots all over, so there's no point getting all hot. If you still want to try, I welcome you to Scarborough.

As for e-bikes, they are simply a new technology and are not to blame. They go no faster than a bicycle, so they need not be licensed. There is no plan in the works to have ebikes and riders licensed or insured. If you do hit one of these idiots and it is their fault their insurance will take care of it. If they have no insurance then if you have collision your insurance will take care of you and your insurance will go after the rider.
soon... the big city will remove signs.. like stop signs for ie.. and traffic lights.. as it safer without them. not kidding.. make the drivers fear for their life ,, then they have to watch out for everything other than just spilling their timmies!
and insurance companies won't pay out for little things either.. like a bent fender,, or bumper.. only totals...

here is a view of the new traffic intersection
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjrEQaG5jPM"]YouTube- India Driving[/ame]

and here is the new way to drive in the big city ,, coming soon!






Omg I had an ebike last year and it was the best.. I used to go to school (8km away) with an ebike everyday by taking every shortcuts possible including parks, sidewalks and everywhere a bicycle can go. I have even made some mods to increase the speed (50km/h) and used it for a whole year, even on a snowy day or storm. You also don't need plate, licence, insurance or anything, and cops will act as a bicycle, they dont even care if you go over the 32km/h speed limit since you're already the slowest on the road.
I don't see what the point is in freaking on the kid and wanting to fight him. He's the one who could have been killed, not you or your son.
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