Electric biker ran a red light...

Jack Boss... EBikes Rock once you throw a 48V 1200 Watt motor and 3 batteries in them. They'll do about 60kph+

Quite a few kids around here have them since we live in the country and just going to visit a friend or a part time job can be 10-15km away. With insurance for young people even for a 50cc scooter over $1000 just for liability you're going to see more and more of them on the road.

Operators need to at least pass the written test to show some knowledge of the rules or the road.
Jack Boss... EBikes Rock once you throw a 48V 1200 Watt motor and 3 batteries in them. They'll do about 60kph+

Quite a few kids around here have them since we live in the country and just going to visit a friend or a part time job can be 10-15km away. With insurance for young people even for a 50cc scooter over $1000 just for liability you're going to see more and more of them on the road.

Operators need to at least pass the written test to show some knowledge of the rules or the road.

you dont need to pass any test to use an ebike
I see more and more people riding these e-bikes with their YOUNG kids sitting in between their legs! I'm talking like 6 years old and under. They go from the road to the sidewalk to the road to the grass to WHEREVER they want. It's one thing to be careless on your own, risking your life and not acknowledging ANY sort of road safety standard, but then to drive like that with your kid in between your legs, not even sitting on a proper seat?? The problem is that these people think these things are toys and that's it. They should be limited to private property or require a license for the road. And on another note... How many times do you see people riding these things with bicycle helmets that aren't even done up?? As if they have it sitting on their head JUST for the sake of "wearing a helmet".
I see more and more people riding these e-bikes with their YOUNG kids sitting in between their legs! I'm talking like 6 years old and under. They go from the road to the sidewalk to the road to the grass to WHEREVER they want. It's one thing to be careless on your own, risking your life and not acknowledging ANY sort of road safety standard, but then to drive like that with your kid in between your legs, not even sitting on a proper seat?? The problem is that these people think these things are toys and that's it. They should be limited to private property or require a license for the road. And on another note... How many times do you see people riding these things with bicycle helmets that aren't even done up?? As if they have it sitting on their head JUST for the sake of "wearing a helmet".

Thats the advantage an ebike or bicycle, you can do whatever you want with it, some people know how to use it safely, some don't
You know...if you made your son swerve into the other lane and he hit someone, that would have sucked huge! All in the name of saving the biker? If the lane is clear, go for the swerve, but I HIGHLY doubt he had time to check his blind spot before the swerve at 60km/h with a sudden need to change lanes. I would have hit the brakes in a straight line. If I hit the rider, he can apologize for scratching my car's front end as he picks himself up.
As for dealing with the guy....
In the nicest way possible, I think you need to grow up. Nothing happened to anyone, it was a close call but still...no injuries. Who needs to yell and swear so much at someone for that? You're wasting your energy cause he's obviously not listening. Could have just said "you don't even know how lucky you are after that turn back there. This guy called itinkle would have run your *** down and blamed you for scratching his car."
Maybe I just find a way NOT to lose my cool?
copy and paste this under your novel.


-son was driving
-guy on scooter drove like an idiot
-wanted to get out of car and yell at him
-continued to grocery store
-scooter guy showed up
-I yelled at him for being an idiot
-Cops were called
-I was arrested for raging
-my son lol'd
You have had the perfect experience to illustrate to your son:
"See!? You can be minding your own business, doing everything right, and some idiot other-guy can bring your whole world crashing down!"
It's a very valuable message, and difficult to impart to the young.
Hey man, since no one was hurt, it might actually be a GOOD thing...
As long as that message got through.

except he chose to teach his son road rage instead.
Losing your cool is a natural physiological reaction. Gaskets are dime a dozen.
Those e-bikes are everywhere, they like to ride on the major roads when the speed limit is 80 thinking they can just blend in. I think they are the worst thing to ever be made or come to the city.

Once they hit Walmart it was a wrap.
The most frustrating thing I've seen is that they want to change the rules as it suits them. They're becoming rather like some bicyclists!

On the road, in the correct direction one day, riding against traffic another, crossing intersections without stopping for reds, riding in the bike lane or riding in a live traffic lane.... Which is it??? Make up your minds so the rest of us know where to look for you!! I'm not really interested in killing one of these idiots but they seem to think they're invunerable to harm and tempt me with it far too often :rolleyes:

Okay, I've wanted to rant too....:laughing8:

This! Cyclists are the same way...obey the rules when its convenient and they want to be treated like a legal vehicle on the road and then just completely disregard them when they feel like it.
Unfortunately eBikes are going to become more and more common. I say unfortunately because they fall between the cracks on regulation, while being prone to all the same abuses that cyclists are currently guilty of.

For example they can travel fairly quickly but, because of their small wheel size, are legal to ride on sidewalks in Toronto, where a full sized bicycle wouldn't be. I've seen people whip them through pedestrian walkways, tapped out, so there's no way that they could stop in time to avoid a pedestrian who steps out in front of them. I've seen them zip across Church, on Gerrard eastbound in the bicycle lane, then go up the wheelchair ramp at full speed to continue on the sidewalk.
Sounds like your son handled the situation perfectly. You may want to learn from him. Anger is a useless emotion.
The real problem isn't the people riding the e-bikes. They are all rats in the same cage as all of us. Going at a guy like the OP did is going to do nothing positive. I totally get it but its still no way to deal with the situation. If the OP is really that angry he should lobby his local MP to push for licensing requirements and safety standards. The scooter style e-bikes need to go, they are what's causing problems. They make no sound which is very dangerous (electric cars have engine sound built in for safety when the car is driving under a certain speed), they look like gas scooters and they are to easily modified to go way faster than the allowed speed (32km/hr is a joke and that's why they modify the speed) and they don't even have the pedals affixed permanently (nor are they operable). The roads need to have infrastructure updated to allow for these types of transportation and there needs to be some basic licensing requirements.

I to like a previous poster had a scooter style e-bike before. It was modified to go 50km/hr because they are not safe at 32km/hr. The pedals were utterly useless and sat under the seat. I got one to transition to a motorcycle, the majority of e-bikers though are poor and to them its a cheap vehicle.
everyone i know that rides an e-bike are doing so because they were busted under DUI...yet i have never seen one get into an accident, i'm just amazed since i see them blow through lights all the time...but year, spotting them up near the airport in the left lane holding up traffic is quite common...

as for op loosing his cool, way to go dad...lol...i hope your son doesn't obtain that attitude growing up and decide to drive a bmw, we have enough of "those" drivers already...

it's something new and there will always be friction, and allowing them on the roads like regular bikes i think could have been more thoroughly thought through...maybe they got here in a loophole...if it's motorized and on the road, it should have some sort of licensing/training required to operate it...
everyone i know that rides an e-bike are doing so because they were busted under DUI...

...if it's motorized and on the road, it should have some sort of licensing/training required to operate it...

Only under Ontario law is an eBike not considered a motor vehicle.

By federal law, it falls under the definition of a motor vehicle because it is motorized. DUI driving prohibitions are imposed under the authority of federal law and use definitions of vehicles as found in federal law. That means that a person under a DUI driving prohibition is also barred from operating an eBike.

It also means that riding an eBike drunk will render you subject to impaired driving charges and penalties under the Criminal Code.
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