Well-known member
Had a serious health scare 5 years ago. Now I live life to the fullest within reason .A tragic, but good example of tomorrow is never promised. don't live with regrets peeps!
Had a serious health scare 5 years ago. Now I live life to the fullest within reason .A tragic, but good example of tomorrow is never promised. don't live with regrets peeps!
All parties at all levels are the same. I can't think of one leader, municipal, provincial or federal that I would follow into battle, not that any would lead a charge. Name someone in any category that sounds competent. That deals with the leader if you can find one.I suspect we will be going into another lockdown soon. They already hinted at it for April at the beginning of the year, and there are other sign's pointing it will happen. Glad riding season is beginning though, will help greatly with the lockdown.
Also agree that all levels of our Gov have failed the public, this should be remembered when voting happens and they all should be ejected, bunch a cronies. If they keep suggesting at a "reset" it should be in our Gov.
All parties at all levels are the same. I can't think of one leader, municipal, provincial or federal that I would follow into battle, not that any would lead a charge
I guess that is the problem with Canadian politics, and why we are passive about it, there isn't or haven't been any real good candidates. And yeah same chit different party, ?I agree all levels have failed us . No doubt another BS lockdown of healthy people coming tomorrow . My school board already told all the kids to take their stuff home from school tomorrow . So the schools are going in to online learning .
But who will you vote for ? Delduca in Ontario a left over from the last Liberal government . O'Toole a guy that really has not different policy from JT ?
Not my choice.John Tory.
I hope he moves to provincial or federal politics when he’s done being mayor. He’s a straight shooter who seems to get things…and isn’t wishy washy when it comes to tough subjects.
Hate to be a pessimist, but this lockdown won't be any different than the first. Big box stores will be open, Dollarama etc etc. And the snowflakes in the population will still gather.
Only thing that will fix this is more vaccine. Imho.
Not enough people are getting the shot. People are skeptical of the AZ vaccine because they play Dr Google instead of listening to their health professional.
Bil and his wife got theirs yesterday. No wait, 20 tables set up, 2 in use.
People are stupid.
It's not easy to see through the fog. AZ/oxford is supplying vaccine at cost to developing countries. There are billions of reasons others dont like this arrangement. How much of the uproar is based on science and how much is based on economic/political pressure? Quantity of articles means little. It's hard for those outside the circle to be able to evaluate quality of scientific opinion.Honestly if they just opened up the floodgates and allowed anyone to sign up that wants to, I think this would really help out. Get the people that want it in their arms and start the mass vaccinations.
not sure how I feel about the AZ risk v reward considering what I’ve heard. But I’ve not looked into it further, and would prefer either of the other ones.
Agreed. I’ve never asked or cared just put faith into it.I've been hospitalized many times. Not once did i ever ask what was going into my arm. No idea what the numbers on the machine (the one that goes bing) beside my hospital bed mean.
Never asked a dentist about his techniques or supplies.
Why is this different?
Your list will likely make more sense than the official list.Predict Ford will lock down Zoomba studios, Denny's (but only for breakfast), no groups larger than 4.6 people unless it’s a wedding when it’s 467, all branches of Bad Boys just because Mel Lastman, no dining in malls except for poutine and no massage parlour visits except between the hours of 11pm and 9am.
Your list will likely make more sense than the official list.
I guess that is the problem with Canadian politics, and why we are passive about it, there isn't or haven't been any real good candidates. And yeah same chit different party, ?.
Anyhow time to stock up on some things before the announcement.