Doug Ford - has your opinion changed?

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Thanks man.

I can't go into details. I'm on "every side" software wise though.

Wait, I can say that their hardware IT is amazing. The last job I got they gave me a computer with 2GB of RAM because they're stupid as ****. The computer these guys gave me is better than my main rig and has 64 GB of RAM.....and a Geforce 2060 for some reason.

But if we talking software stuff like cloud services, databases, etc. etc......that's the same sad face story I've heard from docs and public health friends.

One other thing....these places are locked up tighter than Fort Knox as information leaks can cost billions. I’d be really surprised if corners were cut anywhere.
One other thing....these places are locked up tighter than Fort Knox as information leaks can cost billions. I’d be really surprised if corners were cut anywhere.

Yea the security is there for sure. It's been slammed in my head to "stfu, and don't leak anything because we'll go bankrupt if so" lol
IMO Douggie screwed up again today. He introduced a new "shut down" category. Bleeeping bleep bleep. If you are going to constantly jimmy category content based on no science (eg hair cutting was going to be allowed in grey because people were grumpy) and then randomly add new categories, why even bother pretending there are categories? Just publish the list of what activities are allowed or not and let people figure it out from there.
IMO Douggie screwed up again today. He introduced a new "shut down" category. Bleeeping bleep bleep. If you are going to constantly jimmy category content based on no science (eg hair cutting was going to be allowed in grey because people were grumpy) and then randomly add new categories, why even bother pretending there are categories? Just publish the list of what activities are allowed or not and let people figure it out from there.

I have a hair cut scheduled for today. Very lucky. I'm good friends with the guy that does it and I really feel for him as it’s been off and on over this last year for his business.

I'm going to mention this once more though as it makes me really angry, then I'll shut up. The ones complaining before about lockdowns/rules and thinking rules don't apply to them and going on as though everything was normal....I hope you're happy. This is on you.
The ones complaining before about lockdowns/rules and thinking rules don't apply to them and going on as though everything was normal....I hope you're happy. This is on you.
Completely agree.
But they don't and won't care. One thing that has happened with covid, is people are showing thier true colors. The are a few people that i never want anything to do with again.
I’ve been trying to stay solitaire for the most part, hanging with the wife. Still been doing rotations when i get the chances, next run I’ll be hopefully flying out on the 12th
Well there we go, another lock down.
Hopefully they get some more vaccines rolled out as it seems the only way to get this solved. ?‍♂️
People just don’t realize they’re dumb.

If people would just realize that locking down *HARD* for a month would pretty much eradicate the virus, we’d be sitting pretty.. like Australia and New Zealand. Music festivals back on, restaurants, theatres etc... Everything is back to normal... ‘cause they all bought into the lockdown. Yes, it was no doubt, inconvenient, but guess what. It worked. Our ”FREEDUMBS” and anti-gov/vax nutbars can’t get that through their noodles.
People just don’t realize they’re dumb.

If people would just realize that locking down *HARD* for a month would pretty much eradicate the virus, we’d be sitting pretty.. like Australia and New Zealand. Music festivals back on, restaurants, theatres etc... Everything is back to normal... ‘cause they all bought into the lockdown. Yes, it was no doubt, inconvenient, but guess what. It worked. Our ”FREEDUMBS” and anti-gov/vax nutbars can’t get that through their noodles.
That only works if you have substantial compliance. I don't agree with many of the choices governments have made, but refusing to use a big hammer on those that choose to follow their own reality means they continue to bleed the compliant dry while having marginal efficacy. The time to grow stones and show people what freedumbs they truly have was long ago.
People just don’t realize they’re dumb.

If people would just realize that locking down *HARD* for a month would pretty much eradicate the virus, we’d be sitting pretty.. like Australia and New Zealand. Music festivals back on, restaurants, theatres etc... Everything is back to normal... ‘cause they all bought into the lockdown. Yes, it was no doubt, inconvenient, but guess what. It worked. Our ”FREEDUMBS” and anti-gov/vax nutbars can’t get that through their noodles.

I read something awhile ago that seems apt...the dumb people are the ones that would be complaining about the dark during the blitz and switching the lights on.

We could have been Israel or New Zealand...instead we chose US lite.
That only works if you have substantial compliance. I don't agree with many of the choices governments have made, but refusing to use a big hammer on those that choose to follow their own reality means they continue to bleed the compliant dry while having marginal efficacy. The time to grow stones and show people what freedumbs they truly have was long ago.

There's a lot of personal responsibility too. I don’t need the government to tell me that the simplest way to stop transmission of a very infectious disease is to stay away from people and take precautions when you can’t.
There's a lot of personal responsibility too. I don’t need the government to tell me that the simplest way to stop transmission of a very infectious disease is to stay away from people and take precautions when you can’t.
That's because you're on team compliance. If you're on team scam, nobody can tell you anything. You are the master of your domain and the only thing that can limit you from doing what you want to do is a huge hammer (and for many physical restraint).
They’re going to have to do or try something different until the people who want to get the vaccine. As it stands the lockdown and masks don’t seem to be changing anything.

It’s been over a yr and we are still under the same results
They’re going to have to do or try something different until the people who want to get the vaccine. As it stands the lockdown and masks don’t seem to be changing anything.

It’s been over a yr and we are still under the same results

New Zealand did proper lockdowns and masks. They are having concerts and sporting events. Apparently it works.
No. In fact they currently have a large vaccine shortage.

They did get a lot of public buy-in and compliance though.
I thought but i might be wrong, New Zealand had gotten mass amounts of the Pfizer vaccine.

It might have something to do with the way they rolled out the vaccine and was distributed to the younger folks as well
I thought but i might be wrong, New Zealand had gotten mass amounts of the Pfizer vaccine.

It might have something to do with the way they rolled out the vaccine and was distributed to the younger folks as well

Nope. The total opposite. Both NZ and Australia have been left short on vaccines and are behind. However, because of the way their population bought into the crisis, behaved themselves and followed simple rules during an international crisis, they are still ahead and mostly back to normal with severe travel restrictions in place and localized lockdowns if necessary.
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