dr. John olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, attempted to stop the approval of aspartame with attorney james turner back in 1996. The fda's own toxicologist, dr. Adrian gross told congress that without a shadow of a doubt, aspartame can cause brain tumors and brain cancer and that it violated the delaney amendment, which forbids putting anything in food that is known to cause cancer. According to the top doctors and researchers on this issue, aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, ms, lupus, add, diabetes, alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression. Further dangers highlighted is that aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol. The resulting chronic methanol poisoning affects the dopamine system of the brain causing addiction. Methanol, or wood alcohol, constitutes one third of the aspartame molecule and is classified as a severe metabolic poison and narcotic. How's that diet coke treating you now?
In the peer reviewed journal, aspartame: Methanol and the public health, dr. Woodrow monte wrote: "when diet sodas and soft drinks, sweetened with aspartame, are used to replace fluid loss during exercise and physical exertion in hot climates, the intake of methanol can exceed 250 mg/day or 32 times the environmental protection agency's recommended limit of consumption for this cumulative poison." the effects of aspartame are documented by the fda's own data. In 1995 the agency was forced, under the freedom of information act, to release a list of aspartame symptoms reported by thousands of victims. From 10,000 consumer complaints, the fda compiled a list of 92 symptoms, including death. Dr. Betty martini, the founder of mission possible international, works with doctors around the world in an effort to remove aspartame from food, drinks and medicine. According to dr. Martini, aspartame has brought more complaints to the fda than any other additive and is responsible for 75% of such complaints to that agency. More recently, the epa found aspartame to be a potentially dangerous chemical along with bpa, which you've no doubt heard a lot about in the news lately. Aspartame, not so much.
Martini says nutrasweet is a "deadly neurotoxic drug masquerading as an additive. It interacts with all antidepressants, l-dopa, coumadin, hormones, insulin, all cardiac medication, and many others. It also is a chemical hyper sensitization drug so that it interacts with vaccines, other toxins, other unsafe sweeteners like splenda which has a chlorinated base like ddt and can cause auto immune disease. It has a synergistic and additive effect with msg. Both being excitotoxins, the aspartic acid in aspartame, and msg, the glutamate people were found using aspartame as the placebo for msg studies, even before it was approved. The fda has known this for a quarter of a century and done nothing even though its against the law."