******** deterrents.

Got this Amazon.ca

Seems pretty good so far.
Alarms will advise the home owner of an issue but enough of them in metropolis makes them just a noise maker like car alarms. Who calls the police when they hear a car alarm anymore?

The violator holds the good cards. You can't touch them or allow your pit bull to attack. They get free legal aid if they make less than $40K, a home owner has to shell out for a lawyer. It make me understand but not condone the US "Stand your ground" laws.
Alarms will advise the home owner of an issue but enough of them in metropolis makes them just a noise maker like car alarms. Who calls the police when they hear a car alarm anymore?

The violator holds the good cards. You can't touch them or allow your pit bull to attack. They get free legal aid if they make less than $40K, a home owner has to shell out for a lawyer. It make me understand but not condone the US "Stand your ground" laws.

This is an alarm that rings inside the house. It’s heat activated so a bit more specific than the cameras we have and the beam seems focussed enough that animals won’t set it off as it’s placed high enough above the ground. My cameras get set off by raccoons, cats and sometimes odd light/shadow combinations. This alarm seems specific enough that I might be roused from my sleep to randomly go downstairs to play baseball in the early hours.
This is an alarm that rings inside the house. It’s heat activated so a bit more specific than the cameras we have and the beam seems focussed enough that animals won’t set it off as it’s placed high enough above the ground. My cameras get set off by raccoons, cats and sometimes odd light/shadow combinations. This alarm seems specific enough that I might be roused from my sleep to randomly go downstairs to play baseball in the early hours.
Can you buy remote control skunk robots with stink spray?

How about bird poop drones? Have you ever seen a blue heron crap?
Alarms will advise the home owner of an issue but enough of them in metropolis makes them just a noise maker like car alarms. Who calls the police when they hear a car alarm anymore?

The violator holds the good cards. You can't touch them or allow your pit bull to attack. They get free legal aid if they make less than $40K, a home owner has to shell out for a lawyer. It make me understand but not condone the US "Stand your ground" laws.

From the dog owners liability act..

Protection of persons or property​

(2) Where a person is on premises with the intention of committing, or in the commission of, a criminal act on the premises and incurs damage caused by being bitten or attacked by a dog, the owner is not liable under section 2 unless the keeping of the dog on the premises was unreasonable for the purpose of the protection of persons or property. R.S.O. 1990, c. D.16, s. 3 (2).
Had this happen twice (that I know off because my doors were unlocked).
If your doors are unlocked they just take what they can find.
We had one or two “campers” that showed up in the hood , the police helped them move on. We have decent policing here , large taxes help .

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I worried a bit as we back onto an urban part of the Rouge park system. There’s lots of campable spots, good tree canopy for shelter, trash containers, a deep and wide creek for bathing and a few acres of grassy land the city keeps nicely mowed.

A few have tried setting up tents, shuffled them off before getting pegs into the ground. I’m pretty sure York Region quickly dispatches a response / support team that moves homeless to emergency shelters.
Had this happen twice (that I know off because my doors were unlocked).
If your doors are unlocked they just take what they can find.
I assume charges differ from break and enter, unlawful entry and theft.
From the dog owners liability act..

Protection of persons or property​

(2) Where a person is on premises with the intention of committing, or in the commission of, a criminal act on the premises and incurs damage caused by being bitten or attacked by a dog, the owner is not liable under section 2 unless the keeping of the dog on the premises was unreasonable for the purpose of the protection of persons or property. R.S.O. 1990, c. D.16, s. 3 (2).
“ I was looking for my lost Frisby when your dog attacked me” Enter the lawyers. No intent.

Pay your lawyer and through your taxes pay for the scumball’s.
I'm seeing more more calls for vigilante justice as well someone's going to start shooting these meth heads soon

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It’s only a matter of time before people start forcefully pushing back.

A few crackheads will get hurt, a few people protecting their property will be charged, but once the general population realizes the cops won’t do anything…vigilante justice will increase.
My little street is home to 6 retired cops and a couple of friendly Tony Soprano types. They take pride in keeping the hood safe.
Some crackheads broke into a house in our area 2 years ago…turns out it was a cops house.

Arrested on the spot.
Probably just bluster but the cries for vigilante justice were increasing rapidly. Barrie is clearing out one encampment today. Of course the pro-supervised consumption and pro-unhoused people are planning to be there to impede the process as much as possible.
As expected, barrie bluffed and now has cemented that they are powerless and encampments have priority over all other uses. Barrie sent a 72 hour eviction notice on Wednesday. Nobody left. They sat around on Friday waiting for someone to force them out and nothing happened. Three more fires requiring firefighters in that encampment since Friday.
As expected, barrie bluffed and now has cemented that they are powerless and encampments have priority over all other uses. Barrie sent a 72 hour eviction notice on Wednesday. Nobody left. They sat around on Friday waiting for someone to force them out and nothing happened. Three more fires requiring firefighters in that encampment since Friday.
A few stink bombs thrown in on the regular could have a good effect…
Good luck with that.

Dogs can be.. or are.. covered in home owner's insurance policies. Some breeds cost extra.. some companies won't insure some dogs.
I pay extra for my current dog.. the last was included.
With Ridgebacks.. I'd talk to your company and make sure..
Insurance will cover the legal costs.. probably won't cover the judgment if you lose.

I said good luck to them.. because the "scumball" can't get legal aid to pay for the lawyer to sue me and it's unlikely they're going to find a lawyer to take the case on contingency.
Dogs can be.. or are.. covered in home owner's insurance policies. Some breeds cost extra.. some companies won't insure some dogs.
I pay extra for my current dog.. the last was included.

That's why my Vet always marked down Shepherd X on the VAX certificates on my last 2 dogs. (both were purebred). "Mutts" are just a dog to insurance companies.
That's why my Vet always marked down Shepherd X on the VAX certificates on my last 2 dogs. (both were purebred). "Mutts" are just a dog to insurance companies.
My brother has a letter from a vet confirming he has a bulldog. It is clearly not but for those without proper training, it is hard to win an argument that you are correct and the vet was wrong.
As expected, barrie bluffed and now has cemented that they are powerless and encampments have priority over all other uses. Barrie sent a 72 hour eviction notice on Wednesday. Nobody left. They sat around on Friday waiting for someone to force them out and nothing happened. Three more fires requiring firefighters in that encampment since Friday.

There was a court ruling previously that said they couldn't be removed.. I don't understand why barrie would issue those notices knowing they would get called on it.
There was a court ruling previously that said they couldn't be removed.. I don't understand why barrie would issue those notices knowing they would get called on it.
The court ruling said they couldn't be removed and given no place to go. Barrie opened up shelter beds for all of them. I think where things came off the rails is the ridiculous scope of the court ruling. Apparently, the place they are provided to go is required to offer them secure storage, allow addictions, allow significant others, allow 24h access and allow pets. Wtf. Show me in the charter where pets, secure storage, illegal drug use and living with a partner are protected activities. Courts have gone completely off the rails and no longer deal with reality.
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