******** deterrents.

There was an old guy in Niagara Falls that strung razor blades on string in his fruit trees to keep the neighbourhood kids from repeatedly stealing the fruit (apples IIRC). They were obvious, the kids saw them, and none of them got hurt.

Told their parents the old man they were stealing fruit from booby trapped the trees, parents called the cops, buddy was charged.
I feel the need to remind people that yes, setting traps is a federal crime
I have "heard" a garden rake carelessly left in the dark in the right place with the tines facing up can work very well.... stepping on it and getting hit in the face with the handle coming up at mach speed sucks.


We're planning on putting a chain link fence along the front of our property, we already have a gated driveway.
While we don't see any meth heads what has been happening around our area are random car loads of "citizens of Brampton" driving onto rural properties and start wandering around, looking in barns, shed etc. In one case they drove into a working farm, when the workers approached and asked what they wanted "No English, No English" and they continued to poke around until the owner showed up and in clearly in no mood to deal with Brampton, they piled back into the car and took off. Another time they opened a closed but not locked gate drove up the driveway and were approaching the home, until the owner and her dog walked around from the back of the house, they then jumped back in the car and left. While on the surface it appear somewhat harmless, there has also been a rash of barn break in's recently with tools, equipment and supplies stolen. My intolerant suspicion is that we have new Brampton farmers in the area looking to get supplies...
Check fence bylaws and then build away. It would suck to build a long fence and have to move it.
We're planning on putting a chain link fence along the front of our property, we already have a gated driveway.
While we don't see any meth heads what has been happening around our area are random car loads of "citizens of Brampton" driving onto rural properties and start wandering around, looking in barns, shed etc. In one case they drove into a working farm, when the workers approached and asked what they wanted "No English, No English" and they continued to poke around until the owner showed up and in clearly in no mood to deal with Brampton, they piled back into the car and took off. Another time they opened a closed but not locked gate drove up the driveway and were approaching the home, until the owner and her dog walked around from the back of the house, they then jumped back in the car and left. While on the surface it appear somewhat harmless, there has also been a rash of barn break in's recently with tools, equipment and supplies stolen. My intolerant suspicion is that we have new Brampton farmers in the area looking to get supplies...

Don't you have ridgebacks?
Couple of years back, took the clip of a person attempting to open the car door to the local division.
Did not see/hear of any follow up, it was time wasted.
Had a dog that attacked a trespasser, I got into trouble. Had a visit from the Animal Enforcement Officer, had to pay them $125 for "dangerous dog on premise" signs, as well as muzzle the dog.
The trespassers don't care.

Seems like the law-abiding do not win!
Check fence bylaws and then build away. It would suck to build a long fence and have to move it.
Yup, Many fences and walls in my area. At one time my property was completely fenced (for horses) taken down long ago. I just want 4 foot chain link that will eventually over grow with weeds, reeds etc.
Yup, Many fences and walls in my area. At one time my property was completely fenced (for horses) taken down long ago. I just want 4 foot chain link that will eventually over grow with weeds, reeds etc.
Horse fence is cheaper and quicker and looks more in place in rural setting

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Horse fence is cheaper and quicker and looks more in place in rural setting

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I see you've never tried to drive a post in Erin 95% rocks 5% dirt... I am however repairing all the declining horse fence along the side, back of our property..
I want the fence for (slightly) better security, most of it will be hidden during the warm months as it runs along a culvert that has heavy growth.
Winter months.. meh..
I see you've never tried to drive a post in Erin 95% rocks 5% dirt... I am however repairing all the declining horse fence along the side, back of our property..
I want the fence for (slightly) better security, most of it will be hidden during the warm months as it runs along a culvert that has heavy growth.
Winter months.. meh..
I grew up in Erin it is soft compared to the ground we have ours is all 4 foot boulders

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The city was kind enough to house stray ferals at a hotel near my business during covid. That led to a reduction of the quality of life for the area. I found that you need to be a little proactive when dealing with this problem. one of the first signs of them feeling at home in a area is they stash these caches of clothing or purloined loot out of casual sight behind a bush or such. A good way to give them the impression that moving on is a good idea is to seek out these caches and dumpster them immediately. By being a bit creative and a little aggressive you can create a no go bubble you just have to stay on it.
The city was kind enough to house stray ferals at a hotel near my business during covid. That led to a reduction of the quality of life for the area. I found that you need to be a little proactive when dealing with this problem. one of the first signs of them feeling at home in a area is they stash these caches of clothing or purloined loot out of casual sight behind a bush or such. A good way to give them the impression that moving on is a good idea is to seek out these caches and dumpster them immediately. By being a bit creative and a little aggressive you can create a no go bubble you just have to stay on it.

That’s happening. Collections of crap, shopping carts, broken down tents and quite often bikes.

Thinking of setting up a neighbourhood watch organisation but I wonder just how effective it will be.
That’s happening. Collections of crap, shopping carts, broken down tents and quite often bikes.

Thinking of setting up a neighbourhood watch organisation but I wonder just how effective it will be.
Following them around banging cymbals together works reasonably well to keep them moving and gives people a heads up as to their location. Not the safest for the follower though. The first neighbour past the arbitrary border won't be impressed.
Following them around banging cymbals together works reasonably well to keep them moving and gives people a heads up as to their location. Not the safest for the follower though. The first neighbour past the arbitrary border won't be impressed.

I’m worried that if I set up a neighbourhood watch all that will happen is the old Portuguese lady round the corner will just keep reporting any brown person she sees.
I’m worried that if I set up a neighbourhood watch all that will happen is the old Portuguese lady round the corner will just keep reporting any brown person she sees.
My little street is home to 6 retired cops and a couple of friendly Tony Soprano types. They take pride in keeping the hood safe.
My little street is home to 6 retired cops and a couple of friendly Tony Soprano types. They take pride in keeping the hood safe.

We have a cop that does that too but he’s just one guy and he’s still working too. This is the worst this neighbourhood has been (it’s still not that bad) but it could get even worse. Some roaches need stepped on.
The best fence I saw was around an apple orchard. It took years to build as the owner piled all his branch trimmings into an fence about six feet tall. The fine ends of the branches faced outwards so didn't provide footing but were firm enough to jab a lot.
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