December riders - careful out there...

Yay finally got to go out Tuesday for a few hours:) Sucks when I miss out on the nice days cause of my schedule.
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3 degrees - think I will slip out for a ride since staff is full up

meanwhile down under a tad warm


Hmmm blowing like crazy and a winter storm watch on .... :eek:

maybe discretion the better part of valour.

Yes that would be the correct decision....PacMac cometh

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I got out for a quick ride yesterday....wasn't bad at all.
Unfortunately, I think that may be it until spring. I filled up and added stabilizer on my way home.
I can't believe people are still riding when I can see all the salt and brine on the roads. Those of you still riding must have self-warming tires and heated undies. I even saw a rider at Wilson and the DVP yesterday morning. Brrrrrrrrrr!
It's not bad with decent gear and you simply don't push the envelope as any twists are inevitably in shade these days.
It's certainly not SS friendly out there ( too much torque not enough protection ) but I used to ride all year on the Honda 305 Hawk - even in snow levels enough to close the QEW ( THAT was a memorable ride through the back roads )

With heated grips or heated gear and some up front protection it's fine down to freezing and even below if it's dry.
I'm not even in maximum layers ..just shirt and ballistic jacket with a liner - long johns on the bottom with riding pants.

I just love to get out - but what bugs me is such short days and it wants to be foggy all the time.
That was tough the other night after dark in very dense fog. But cleared in a few KM and was a nice ride after that.
Well the salt they're using on Toronto roads are like a spray liquid salt. It's not as bad as before when they sprayed the rocks of salt.
If you're worried about salt rusting and all, give it a wash. I have a pressure washer and it's so helpful.

Longjons and jeans is enough for me, also a sweater and winter jacket. Snowmobile gloves and half lid. I never used heat gear, and not planning to.
I went for a ride today and when I stopped for gas, the snow started coming down. So I turned around and headed for home. Nothing like wiping the wet flakes off your face shield. Still got in a 30-45 min ride.
Little windy on the QEW, had a bit of a time keeping it straight but all was good.
Good for you - thought about it since it was sunny but too many clients at odd hours and wasn't keen on the wind - just cuz it mucks up the upfront protection from the cold. :(
I picked up the Duc yesterday from the dealer. I had planned on trailering it, either yesterday or Thursday or Friday this week. But when I woke up it was dry down by the QEW, the QEW looked dry so I decided riding was easier than getting the trailer out, putting the bike on it and hauling it home. A bit cold, but I've ridden in worse, both in terms of wind (100 kmph gusts), and cold. And as a bonus, no snow, sleet, hail or rain. Heated gloves help, and I had my insulated jeans on along with an extra sweater. This may be it for the year though.
Is the coffee shop at belfountain open today? Might head up there after taking care of some business work.
your on drugs!!! I live in orangeville and there is snow and ice on the roads. Im probly done for the year.
your on drugs!!! I live in orangeville and there is snow and ice on the roads. Im probly done for the year.

I'm not, that's the problem!

Cool, although some stuff came up today so I can't go out for a ride :(

Looks like i'll be heading up tomorrow.

Any recommendations on some good gloves? My pair ripped in the crash so they're about as useful as a bucket of pine cones. Great to throw at some random person on the street, but not much else.
It's certainly not SS friendly out there ( too much torque not enough protection ) but I used to ride all year on the Honda 305 Hawk - even in snow levels enough to close the QEW

Oh its not that bad with an ss. Or maybe the sport touring isnt anything like an ss. I dunno. Its deffinetly not like riding the 500 in winter but Its just a matter of not pushing it and not giving into any crazy drivers that rev around you. I just ride it nice and pokey and i have zero slips. As for salt who cares. The bike will get stolen long before i have to worry about salt being a problem with resale.

Im off to london right now and if i hadnt already bought train tickets id just ride. Foot in the mouth for all my freinds that said bikes were only good 3 months of the year.

Sent from my GT-I9100M using Tapatalk

Not bad. Hot chocolate really helped keep me warm.

No snow on the road (just to the side) and no ice, but damn there was a lot of salt/brine/whatever mixture once you got so far north. Nice little ride to the forks through the backroads and then slabbing it home on the 410.

Slightly random: saw 2 guys making out in a car at the belfountain store, gave them a thumbs up as I was leaving.
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