December riders - careful out there...

rode to work this morning.... forecast is flurries this evening....hope I beat them.
Sky is clear above Bay street. Looking forward to a nice ride home. Not quite as warm as yesterday though!
It rained off and on all day yesterday here in St. Catharines. Today we had some nice sun, but the wind sure did make it chilly though. This weather has been so back and forth, it doesn't know if it wants to be like last year, or the years previous!
Had a beauty of a 2hr ride today around the Niagara area. Sunny and dry. Fingers got a little cold near the end though.
little cold you say ;)

That's awesome!
Most motorcycle-automobile collisions occur between November to April. Why? Because no one would think anyone is stupid enough to go street riding in December..... and by the time April comes around, they forgot you even existed.

Do yourself a favour: sacrifice a little stubbornness and arrogance and put the bikes away for the sake of a little more guaranteed safety.
Most collisions occur between two cars. Do yourself a favour and don't drive for the sake of guaranteed safety.....

Most motorcycle-automobile collisions occur between November to April. Why? Because no one would think anyone is stupid enough to go street riding in December..... and by the time April comes around, they forgot you even existed.

Do yourself a favour: sacrifice a little stubbornness and arrogance and put the bikes away for the sake of a little more guaranteed safety.
Most motorcycle-automobile collisions occur between November to April. Why? Because no one would think anyone is stupid enough to go street riding in December..... and by the time April comes around, they forgot you even existed.

Do yourself a favour: sacrifice a little stubbornness and arrogance and put the bikes away for the sake of a little more guaranteed safety.

Seriously! I ride because I enjoy it. Preferring my bike to my car doesn't make me stubborn or arrogant just because it's gotten a little colder out. Yes, we have to be more vigilant because drivers aren't expecting bikes this time of year, but it's not like drivers are that much better in the summer. If I wanted guaranteed safety I wouldn't be riding. I probably shouldn't leave the house. Oh wait, the house could burn down. What to do? What to do?
Most motorcycle-automobile collisions occur between November to April. Why? Because no one would think anyone is stupid enough to go street riding in December..... and by the time April comes around, they forgot you even existed.

Do yourself a favour: sacrifice a little stubbornness and arrogance and put the bikes away for the sake of a little more guaranteed safety.
Azim, that's quite a statistic - but I can't find it supported in the Ontario Road Safety Report. I would have expected most motorcycle-automobile collisions occur when there are more bikes on the road. A little less scientific, to be sure, is the "Riders Down" thread on GTA. Not nearly as many posts in November and December.
With respect to treatment by other motorists, none of my commutes have been any better or worse in November and December than they were throughout the few months that some people call "the riding season". Most people don't actively look for us any time of year - they see us or they don't, period. I'm going to do myself a favour, and continue riding every day that I feel comfortable doing it. I'm not sure how that makes me stubborn or arrogant, but I am sure it doesn't matter.
Do yourself a favour: sacrifice a little stubbornness and arrogance and put the bikes away for the sake of a little more guaranteed safety.

Spare us the nonsense - you go your safe little life and let the rest of us get on with ours. :mad:

I ride because I enjoy it and I'm far better at risk assessment for me that you ever will or can be. So go preach to the kindergarten crowd.

Go round and round on a track at high speed for thrills - how stupid is that? and it says your a novice .......oh my. :rolleyes:
Tempted today but lot of rain around and Friday wind tho - hmmm
The ride in this morning was awesome - very light traffic. Looking forward to a similar ride home.
a bit of rain on the way home today. Rain means it's not cold enough to be ice/snow. I'm good to ride.

it washed off the brine to boot. :D
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