December riders - careful out there...

Everyday is nice ... I don't see why everyone is winterizing their bikes and losing riding time :(
While I agree on the winterizing...not EVERY day is nice....or safe. Cold not so bad. Cold and wet not so nice, freezing and wet not so safe.
But it feels good to get out there.
Had written today off due to freezing rain forecast but now maybe not so bad for a noon spin. No precipitation tho chilly.
Thursday evening I got called to the hospital, arrive the same time as the ER doc. Doesn't say anything until we are in the same room. He sees my helmet and jacket and asks me if I am the guy who just rode in on the motorcycle. I reply in the affirmative. After a bunch of questions on how do I think it is safe riding in December etc. I look at him and tell him I am okay - God keeps me on the straight and narrow. :D

Yesterday I went for a nice boot through the countryside and to Blue Streak Racing to pick up some accessories. More than once I had people do a double take or wave at me. Stopped for groceries and have 3 or 4 people stop me before I even got in the store, including a man who wanted advice on how to ride his bike in colder weather. His Harley sucked for non-summer riding and he was thinking of replacing it, we discussed options.

Gonna get out today as well :)
Yeah - think I will as well - can work from the Forks - prettier company and clear my head thoI detest Saturday traffic.
Will stay off the mud this time.
Using that spray washer when it's near zero = chilly hands on the ride home.
Yep was not bad tho wind from the east is very damp. It's foggy up at the forks - no other bikes but a couple of intrepid horse riders out for coffee.
Think U will put my hiviz rain jacket on for the ride home - nother layer and much more visible in the fog.
- 2 up here but roads are okay.

Fed and watered - time to head home before traffic and what ever that is sneaking up on the radar gets here.

Pretty foggy and dim out. HiViz for sure.
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Just got back in. Went to Toronto early morning for a party then visited my boyfriend in Brampton. I forgot how horrible drivers were in Toronto and Brampton... Just slabbed it on the qew/427/401/410 all around. When I went slow I felt pretty damn cold, but once I hit 120 my legs went pretty numb so was all okay.
It seemed to have rained a little while ago, road was a little slippery.
The QEW was doing 145-150km/hr (indicated) most of the way surprisingly enough.
Thursday evening I got called to the hospital, arrive the same time as the ER doc. Doesn't say anything until we are in the same room. He sees my helmet and jacket and asks me if I am the guy who just rode in on the motorcycle. I reply in the affirmative. After a bunch of questions on how do I think it is safe riding in December etc. I look at him and tell him I am okay - God keeps me on the straight and narrow. :D

Yesterday I went for a nice boot through the countryside and to Blue Streak Racing to pick up some accessories. More than once I had people do a double take or wave at me. Stopped for groceries and have 3 or 4 people stop me before I even got in the store, including a man who wanted advice on how to ride his bike in colder weather. His Harley sucked for non-summer riding and he was thinking of replacing it, we discussed options.

Gonna get out today as well :)

How are you liking the V?
Going to 9 tomorrow tho wet. Hopefully get out.

Looking for a solstice ride but gonna be cold.


Then the days get longer :clap:


Damn is it nice out and currently very light rain....hmmmmm - one patch still to come according to radar - maybe do banking and then see.
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I got a ride in Thursday after dinner, taking the Duc in for service (battery doesn't like holding a charge any more). Had one lady pull in front of me making a turn, one guy tailgating me, and a OPP cop start moving into my lane until I gassed it and he saw me. The cages definitely aren't looking for us. For what it's worth, this is my second December ride - last one was 1997. While I enjoyed it, it wasn't a must do at this time of year. March, now that's another issue.
Since cagers are not looking for us, better put on my orange safety vest before heading out to work tomorrow on my motorcycle.
I got a ride in Thursday after dinner, taking the Duc in for service (battery doesn't like holding a charge any more). Had one lady pull in front of me making a turn, one guy tailgating me, and a OPP cop start moving into my lane until I gassed it and he saw me. The cages definitely aren't looking for us. For what it's worth, this is my second December ride - last one was 1997. While I enjoyed it, it wasn't a must do at this time of year. March, now that's another issue.
They never "look" for us. Be visible, use the horn and most of all stay in as safe a location around cagers as possible....yeah yeah not always possible.

The days are so short and with fog and rain - hell did you see how many pedestrians got hit.???!!!!!

I'm lucky that in general I'm not riding in traffic tho had a stupid cager tailgating in really dense fog and not like I was going slow considering NO visibility. Finally got the message across with the brake lights....was pure stupid on the drivers part. It was just "convenient" to tailgate me in the fog....idjit.

But yeah hiViz is useful - put mine on on the way home as there was no viz for about 10 km coming south.

Looks decent tomorrow.
Nice day riding down Guelph Line, except for the part where my GoPro decided not to record any of it. 'Bout ready to chuck this thing off a bridge.

825km on the new Ninja now. I won't have any more time to ride now until after the Holiday hooplah, so that might be it for my season :(
Damn two days in a row and stuck inside.. 5 and sunny tomorrow - that'll do

One month to go and I'm here :D


start season TWO!!! can't wait - new seat and windscreen should me longer treks if the bones hold out.
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