Danforth shooting

Well, apparently people like you are going to get your wish. Trudeau is getting ready to ban all handguns this year with an amendment to C-71.


You're about to lose your freedom. Now watch as the shootings continue.

I've not lost diddly squat. The reaction from Trudeau maybe knejerk and pandering but it isn’t going to have an impact on the vast majority of people. I always wondered what the issue would be if guns (handguns) were kept at the range then you could have whatever you wanted.
RIP 10 yo girl and Reese Fallon (18 ).

Damned nut jobs. As much as people like to try to find a public institution to blame for not protecting them, identifying and stopping a single person from committing a terrible act is almost impossible. If the police identified him, the courts would let him go as he hadn't done anything worthy of perpetual incarceration. If somehow the courts decided to incarcerate due to the potential danger, people would be up in arms that an innocent man was being detained (and if they organized an appeal would be likely to win).
Your post reminds me of one of the sad truths we must endure living amongst majority zombified and docile people, who sip wine and distract themselves within the confinements of this glorified matrix we call North America.

To simplify, everyday people who have a limited level of awareness and who wholly reside within artificially induced (by institutions) politically correct bubbles are hopeless to solve or suggest corrective measures to combat crime.

Holding hands and waving signs denouncing gun violence has absolutely no impact and has nothing to do with the actual criminals who are thinking about their next "mission".
Same goes for politicians who the masses eagerly wait for to give a "politically correct response" (You know...the promise of protection deal).

Frankly, time and time again I stand in amazement at how formally educated people can listen to empty words that come out of their shephard's mouth err. ..I mean government's mouth piece just to make them feel better. Feel safe lol?

In all honesty, when one turns their gaze upon this situation who isn't institutionalized from birth by "schools" and "workplaces" can see with clarity that for any man or head of the family to give up his right to defend himself/herself and his family with the promise that another man/woman/group will do it for them must have came about through repeated cycles of conditioning; perhaps generational conditioning that has been passed down to offspring.

Although there are many anti-instinctual practices society currently subscribes to (some for good reason) within this matrix (perceived society) we live in, issues surrounding crime and the docile willingness to remove a right to protect oneself (and loved ones) with equal force against criminals while taking responsibility and accountability over one's own life has to be the most shocking.

Liking guns or not liking guns is irrelevant in the real world. When a gun goes off, the helpless cattle run in circles with no way of helping themselves (prayer?) Authorites show up and turn on all their lights to show "presence" after the crime has taken place (beyond the 60 seconds mark, which is more than enough time to claim countless lives) and "clean up" ensues. Shocking thing is that no matter how many times this occurs, long term conditions and psychological bubbles make sure the individual does not consider the option of protecting him or herself, but rather knock on the government's door and cry.

The harsh reality is that you can keep disarming and banning guns from the good guys who respect the law and that will have nothing to do with criminals who will have a field day on the disarmed cattle that's left.

Why would someone who has the intent and is willing to shoot someone else care about a ban? It makes no sense :/

Sadly, any suggestion that is not born within the matrix, but the real world that will impact crime for the better would be shot down and demonized in a heartbeat by majority people who have very little awareness of reality.

So, from an aerial perspective, those in the know are forced to watch this depressing and disturbing repeated cycle of violence over and over again while the potential victims line up again for the coming slaughter.

This is why throughout history, those who see a little bit too much succumb to madness.

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Your post reminds me of one of the sad truths we must endure living amongst majority zombified and docile people, who sip wine and distract themselves within the confinements of this glorified matrix we call North America.

To simplify, everyday people who have a limited level of awareness and who wholly reside within artificially induced (by institutions) politically correct bubbles are hopeless to solve or suggest corrective measures to combat crime.

Holding hands and waving signs denouncing gun violence has absolutely no impact and has nothing to do with the actual criminals who are thinking about their next "mission".
Same goes for politicians who the masses eagerly wait for to give a "politically correct response" (You know...the promise of protection deal).

Frankly, time and time again I stand in amazement at how formally educated people can listen to empty words that come out of their shephard's mouth err. ..I mean government's mouth piece just to make them feel better. Feel safe lol?

In all honesty, when one turns their gaze upon this situation who isn't institutionalized from birth by "schools" and "workplaces" can see with clarity that for any man or head of the family to give up his right to defend himself/herself and his family with the promise that another man/woman/group will do it for them must have came about through repeated cycles of conditioning; perhaps generational conditioning that has been passed down to offspring.

Although there are many anti-instinctual practices society currently subscribes to (some for good reason) within this matrix (perceived society) we live in, issues surrounding crime and the docile willingness to remove a right to protect oneself (and loved ones) with equal force against criminals while taking responsibility and accountability over one's own life has to be the most shocking.

Liking guns or not liking guns is irrelevant in the real world. When a gun goes off, the helpless cattle run in circles with no way of helping themselves (prayer?) Authorites show up and turn on all their lights to show "presence" after the crime has taken place (beyond the 60 seconds mark, which is more than enough time to claim countless lives) and "clean up" ensues. Shocking thing is that no matter how many times this occurs, long term conditions and psychological bubbles make sure the individual does not consider the option of protecting him or herself, but rather knock on the government's door and cry.

The harsh reality is that you can keep disarming and banning guns from the good guys who respect the law and that will have nothing to do with criminals who will have a field day on the disarmed cattle that's left.

Why would someone who has the intent and is willing to shoot someone else care about a ban? It makes no sense :/

Sadly, any suggestion that is not born within the matrix, but the real world that will impact crime for the better would be shot down and demonized in a heartbeat by majority people who have very little awareness of reality.

So, from an aerial perspective, those in the know are forced to watch this depressing and disturbing repeated cycle of violence over and over again while the potential victims line up again for the coming slaughter.

This is why throughout history, those who see a little bit too much succumb to madness.

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Sadly you’ve just regurgitated the warcry of the NRA that a simple search and understanding of crime figures and statistics from countries with strict gun control laws would show you is flawed at the very least. It may take a little formal education for that though so I wouldn’t dismiss the school system so swiftly. The situation is muddied by a culture in the US that isn’t easily replicated elsewhere, it’s also a interesting that practically no one else (those in the know) is in a rush to replicate that culture and that should tell you all you really need to know.

Be careful with the “only the enlightened see the true message” arguments. The reply often contains the word deluded once facts enter the arena.
Sadly you’ve just regurgitated the warcry of the NRA that a simple search and understanding of crime figures and statistics from countries with strict gun control laws would show you is flawed at the very least. It may take a little formal education for that though so I wouldn’t dismiss the school system so swiftly. The situation is muddied by a culture in the US that isn’t easily replicated elsewhere, it’s also a interesting that practically no one else (those in the know) is in a rush to replicate that culture and that should tell you all you really need to know.

Be careful with the “only the enlightened see the true message” arguments. The reply often contains the word deluded once facts enter the arena.
Lol...sigh...Did not mean to come across as one who speaks from a seat of ascendency above others seeing as I too play by the same rules as everyone else and can also be viewed as one of the cattle I deem others.
That said, I do believe I speak from a seat of awareness about uncomfortable bouts of reality while most I've encountered do not.

There are a myriad of factors that result in the statistics you see, as well as a myriad of solutions that may clash with your core beliefs. To explore such factors, we would have to take a tour down uncomfortable avenues without the comfort of political correctness which encompass everything the mainstream average joe will not talk about such as cultures tethered to race, subcultures, intelligence, belief systems, social compatibility between people, etc. The difference between me and you is that I don't have to wait until the results are in and then figure out how and why the results came to pass. I can take a step ahead and set into motion which brings about intended results.

The "He was just crazy" answer about various shooters are sloppy and lazy fill in the gap answers that are given to people who innocently swallow and regurgitate it to others due to their inability to fathom a clue as to what's going.

Sorry, it might hurt feelings but I am for "self-education" at a certain point beyond learning the basics and essentials. The day you ...sorry, if you ever realize the value of self education, you might not get any golden star stickers from a teacher, but you'll undoubtedly look me up and say "Thank you" :)

By the way, it's sad that we have to have a discussion about the tools being used instead of the people but here we are :/
Talk about people are "off-limits" in the matrix.

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Forgive any grammatical errors. As much as I am giving this attention, I have to speak with an air of discretion seeing as this might not be the best outlet to use to discuss political matters.

Also, in regards to what those "in the know" can or cannot do, I will say that there are many careers out there such as law enforcement, politics, etc which result in a degree of exposure (some more than others) to the real world. That said, the "hay" they feed you is done with deceiving intent. They undoubtedly KNOW the cow feed is bull. Being acquainted with certain matters as they are, there is no earthly way they believe they are being genuine with the public regarding several matters, but in this case in terms of solving crime. Yet, people believe that it is a honest attempt at crime prevention.

As for the people among us who have not suspended their critical thinking faculties and as a result have come into the know, there is little relatability between them and average people when discussing politics. The everyday people will be the subject of their observers until they shift perspectives.

Let me sum it up for you. There is a boiling pot bubbling underneath North America /Eastern Canada and if you think further banning of guns will turn off that pot then your level of awareness is apparent. Crime will find it's outlet and bypass such a ban. No different than how water flows around a stone.

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I've not lost diddly squat. The reaction from Trudeau maybe knejerk and pandering but it isn’t going to have an impact on the vast majority of people. I always wondered what the issue would be if guns (handguns) were kept at the range then you could have whatever you wanted.

The issue would be an added storage cost for nothing, and criminals can break into the range as easily as they can break into a private home. You don't have access to your own property, and you don't have the ability to defend your family against a home invasion. Your right to defend your personal security is lost, even if you never need to use it. You'll have cases like they have in authoritarian Britain, where homes are invaded, people are killed and home owners are thrown in jail for killing the robbers with a knife.

Genesis is right about confronting cruel realities. This whole handgun problem started with our liberal immigration system. In nearly every murder case you can find a recent immigrant family. So will end our free democracy, just as all the others have fallen into authoritarianism in a vein attempt to tame the savages.

BTW, the current crime situation may seem out of control, but it's not. Homicides are actually not at record levels in either Canada or the United States.

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The cruel reality is that gun control works to bring down gun related crime. Wriggling and pontificating, using the word “sheep”, correcting lingo to make sure it’s technically correct with respect to firearms, and suggesting that only you are enlightened and everyone else doesn’t understand won’t change the facts. Your personal freedoms are not infinite. When there’s a reasonable chance that those freedoms may have consequences that affect the whole then those freedoms are curtailed. In Canada I think there’s a reasonable balance right now. In the US I think there’s no balance and there’s no small number of people that just don’t care about the consequences as long as they are OK. The consequences are plain to see.
Here's a good article on homicides in Canada. The stats clearly indicate the trend over the last 20 years has been lower. While recent shootings are being portrayed as a crisis, the facts show that little has changed over the years. Indeed, it looks like the current clamor for more gun control is part of an anti-gun agenda.


I agree. I think this mass shooting was a blip. There’s still a lot of shootings in Canada (Toronto) though that aren't homicides. Canada in general is much safer than many other places in the world.
The cruel reality is that gun control works to bring down gun related crime. Wriggling and pontificating, using the word “sheep”, correcting lingo to make sure it’s technically correct with respect to firearms, and suggesting that only you are enlightened and everyone else doesn’t understand won’t change the facts. Your personal freedoms are not infinite. When there’s a reasonable chance that those freedoms may have consequences that affect the whole then those freedoms are curtailed. In Canada I think there’s a reasonable balance right now. In the US I think there’s no balance and there’s no small number of people that just don’t care about the consequences as long as they are OK. The consequences are plain to see.
Yes Increased supervision and control will undoubtedly get the desired results of the overseer, but that comes at a cost; freedom.

Numbers can be misleading at times because you don't get the whole story. A shot fired from a chamber in and of itself does not necessarily mean the act was "evil/bad" or "wrong" unless you believe that all life must be preserved and killing is never warranted; which I believe that to be naive. What I believe is more important is "who" is killing who and "why" (but that's a longer topic of discussion).

There are plenty of individuals today that get away with victimizing others because we live in a desensitized society when it comes to being victims. We are very unaccustomed to the good guys fighting back. The thought of fighting back makes our jaw drop. Sad...

We've been de-clawed and de-balled, trained to view ourselves as numbers in a report (numbers are up/down) like a group/herd while the big fish up top value themselves as individuals. We traded responsibility, traded accountability, privacy, and all that matters is a safe trip to work so that we can produce and make the owners a fortune while we make a "living".

Principles and values used to be common place. Sad that we sold off everything except for a ride to work. That is why today a "man" is worth no more than the size of his wallet.


Try not to worry too much about who's enlightened and who isn't. I was more so emphasizing awareness to certain things that I shouldn't really discuss here. You have reasonable points but you're very fixated on that lol.

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Here's a good article on homicides in Canada. The stats clearly indicate the trend over the last 20 years has been lower. While recent shootings are being portrayed as a crisis, the facts show that little has changed over the years. Indeed, it looks like the current clamor for more gun control is part of an anti-gun agenda.

Of course the goal is to disarm the people. Sad part is the people actually fell for it.

A simple read of the Art of War by Sun Tzu would do wonders for people who never pick up a book besides 50 Shades of Grey and Harry Potter.

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Of course the goal is to disarm the people. Sad part is the people actually fell for it.

A simple read of the Art of War by Sun Tzu would do wonders for people who never pick up a book besides 50 Shades of Grey and Harry Potter.

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If the aim was to disarm the people then the seatbelt law must have been put in place to restrain people in their vehicles so they could be detained by the authorities more easily yes? Helmet laws are to make sure riders can't see the government coming up from behind as easily?

Paranoia is a dangerous thing. Maybe the answer is much simpler....since people have not been disarmed here, maybe the intent was just to try to make sure that less weapons fall into the wrong hands and that instruments that are purposefully designed to kill have some kind of restrictions put on them.
House of sober second thought is gradually creeping into newspapers. Toronto has an ethnic gang problem that nobody wants to talk about.



Here's a novel idea. Looks like England has found a way to keep their horrible homicide rate lower. Like us, they refuse to address the real problem:

I believe that poverty is a big part of the problem.It has been suggested many times in the past that a Canadian Guaranteed Income for all would make a big difference to the poverty problem.people could sort themselves out,get trained and or educated,get out of the slum conditions that breeds the gangs and crime.
Canada is a wealthy nation.we could afford to give everyone $40k and be a better country.

Flame suit on!
I believe that poverty is a big part of the problem.It has been suggested many times in the past that a Canadian Guaranteed Income for all would make a big difference to the poverty problem.people could sort themselves out,get trained and or educated,get out of the slum conditions that breeds the gangs and crime.
Canada is a wealthy nation.we could afford to give everyone $40k and be a better country.

Flame suit on!

In theory, I am not completely opposed to this. In practice, there is a surprisingly large percentage of the population who is damned lazy. I would be shocked if such a system could survive as it would be a race to the bottom to see how little effort was required to get the money. Personally, I think time-limiting most social programs is the correct approach (eg. As EI is supposed to cover you while you look for work, have a lifetime EI entitlement of maybe 12 months. This fixes the landscapers collecting EI every winter while plowing under the table that makes a mockery of the whole system and redirects money from those that actually need the help.)
House of sober second thought is gradually creeping into newspapers. Toronto has an ethnic gang problem that nobody wants to talk about.



Here's a novel idea. Looks like England has found a way to keep their horrible homicide rate lower. Like us, they refuse to address the real problem:


If the aim was to disarm the people then the seatbelt law must have been put in place to restrain people in their vehicles so they could be detained by the authorities more easily yes? Helmet laws are to make sure riders can't see the government coming up from behind as easily?

Paranoia is a dangerous thing. Maybe the answer is much simpler....since people have not been disarmed here, maybe the intent was just to try to make sure that less weapons fall into the wrong hands and that instruments that are purposefully designed to kill have some kind of restrictions put on them.
I dont believe the examples you made are fitting for the occasion. You make such examples and pair my skepticism of the governments intent with them because you seem unable to see what is seen by others.
You pile it all into one column: Paranoia /Conspiracy.

Well...to each their own.

Personally I think it's less about paranoia and more about basic understandings of what would be in the best Interest of an organized entity whose main operation is the management of people. They may not teach this in school, but even for those who lack formal or self education, common sense and instincts would lead one to act with an air of caution, suspicion and skepticism when dealing with a self-appointed authority who oversees the distribution of power and freedoms.

As you mentioned before that formal education would serve me well, I'd also respond similarly and say that self-education may also serve you well, especially concerning matters of warfare.

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Then I'm not getting out of bed for less than $100K

What would you have to make to equal $40k tax free? At least about $60k? Probably more, cause you have to pay for gas/transport to go to work, more insurance if you use a vehicle to get to work, clothing, food outside the home, etc. etc. So closing in on needing to make at least $100k to just get ahead of sitting at home raking in $40k. I can survive on $40k tax free a year.

The gun used in the Danfort shootings was illegal. More gun bans won't change that. I think we are close to a good balance with our current gun laws. That said, I didn't have a problem with the long gun registry in principal. It just wasn't done right.
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I dont believe the examples you made are fitting for the occasion. You make such examples and pair my skepticism of the governments intent with them because you seem unable to see what is seen by others.
You pile it all into one column: Paranoia /Conspiracy.

Well...to each their own.

Personally I think it's less about paranoia and more about basic understandings of what would be in the best Interest of an organized entity whose main operation is the management of people. They may not teach this in school, but even for those who lack formal or self education, common sense and instincts would lead one to act with an air of caution, suspicion and skepticism when dealing with a self-appointed authority who oversees the distribution of power and freedoms.

As you mentioned before that formal education would serve me well, I'd also respond similarly and say that self-education may also serve you well, especially concerning matters of warfare.

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Ok. This is amusing, let’s say you’re correct and a government entity (ours) wishes to control us by force...do you think they are going to go house to house with handguns duking it out with everyone like Red Dawn style? Maybe it will be the fastest to draw when the village clock strikes 12? In what scenario are they going to do this? What is the intent? You seem to know it all ..... enlighten us.

One last question.......what do you think the result of a handgun fight with an armoured troop carrier would be out of interest?
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